
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 22: Adventurers Guild

The Next Day.

Aiko's P.O.V:

I started to stir in my sleep but I resisted to wake up, my sleeping position was too comfortable, I then hugged something tighter and snuggled on it. I didn't want to wake up but I had to because that something also hugged back, I slightly backed away and blinked my tardiness until I could see clearly, l swear that my whole body turned red from embarrassment after seeing the something I was cuddling and also cuddling back, it was master Ryo! His face was close to mine so I could hear his peaceful breathing.

' oh my god! Why is the master here?! Wait. " I then started to remember why he was here, we were sharing one single bed. Now that I experience this, I think it was either a bad idea or good idea to force the master to rent one big room. Mmmm, what am I going to do?

3rd P.O.V:

Ryo started to wake up after feeling his hugging 'pillow' move on its own, he sat up and stretched his arms and then blinked his eyes a couple of times.

' Mmmh, that was a good night's rest right there, waking up with no back pain from sleeping on the ground, *sigh* This is life. ' Ryo then looked to his side and saw an awakened Aiko with a red face, he wondered why, he noticed the close distance between them and he blushed a bit after piecing it together, he was actually hugging Aiko.

" Eh, hehe, sorry Aiko, I thought you were a soft and comfortable pillow. " Ryo apologizes to a beet red Aiko.

" Ah, n-no worries, M-master. " Feeling that it was now getting a bit awkward, Ryo was lightly crying anime tears in his mind because this is why he wanted to rent two rooms, he then got out of bed and wore his boots.

" Let's go down now, we didn't get the chance to eat yesterday and you must be hungry now. " After Ryo mentioned that, Aiko's stomach growled and now she was feeling hungry, with an embarrassed blush on her face, Aiko got out of bed and wore her Spider Silk Boots.

After finishing wearing their boots, Ryo and Aiko get out of the room and then closing it, they took the stair near them to get down to the ground floor and they saw a lot of people eating their meals, they saw at least three food servers going around the place either to serve or take orders from people.

" Ah,good morning Ryo and Aiko. " They turned around and saw Larissa wearing her Adventurers Armor.

" Good morning big sis! " Aiko said cheerfully and Larissa smiled at her. Ryo looked at Aiko surprised.

' She can say big sis no problem but when she says big bro she'll make it sound like she's being harassed, huhuhu. ' Ryo then quickly got rid of his jealous attitude and greeted Larissa back.

" Good morning to you too Larissa, why are you wearing your armor already in the early morning? "

" Huh? Oh right, my team managed to find a new D rank mission to get us promoted, hopefully, so I came here to grab a quick breakfast and then go out. " Ryo scratched his head and said sorry to Larissa for delaying their promotion but she just said it was okay.

Ryo, Larissa, and Aiko found a free table with four chairs, they took the three chairs and ordered their food, when it was served they prayed then ate. They all finished relatively fast and now they were resting and letting their food digest while drinking their juice.

" So, Larissa. " Ryo said, bringing her attention to him.

" Hm? "

" I was thinking of joining the Adventurers Guild and I don't really know the procedure and what to do, so can you help us. " Larissa perked up after hearing him, she stood up excitedly.

" Sure! How about we go now while it's still early?! " Ryo then looked at Aiko, she nodded, then they stood up to go to the Adventurers Guild.

" Mom! I'm heading off to the Guild! And I'm bringing Ryo and Aiko with me! " Larissa shouted to her mom.

" Sure! Be careful of your mission dear! " Lorelei shouted back.

Now they were heading off to the guild, while heading towards there, Ryo noticed that today was very busy, merchants were going in and out of the different stores, kids wear playing tag with each other, some of them were also looking at them or mostly at Aiko, maybe this was their first time seeing a fox beastmen with two tails.

They then arrived at a large building with a sword, axe, bow, daggers, staff, and finally a shield logo on top, they then entered through the large double doors and when they were inside, they could see multiple long tables and long chairs row by row.

Larissa and Ryo were walking just fine but Aiko was a bit nervous to see a lot of people here, Ryo noticed this and his hand went to grab hers.

" Are you okay, Aiko? "

" Yeah, I'm just nervous, that's all. " Ryo nodded and they continued to walk, unbeknown to them, Larissa was watching them and now she was feeling single. They reached the front desk and a man and woman could be seen behind it.

" Hey Juniper! Hey Eddie! " Larissa greeted in a happy tone, both of them greeted back before looking at us, Juniper then giggled.

" You must be Ryo and Aiko correct? " juniper said.

" Ah yes, how'd you know? " Ryo said.

" Well, River reported the outcome of their mission and he also mentioned you and the girl. We were surprised but happy nonetheless, but I don't think Cleo was happy about you though. " Juniper said, Ryo shrugged his shoulders not really caring for that grumpy puss's opinions. Juniper then looked at Larissa.

" So, what might I help you with, Larissa? "

" Oh. It's actually not me but my friends here, they wanted to join the Guild, so could you help them? " Larissa asked Juniper and she put her hands on her chin in a thinking position.

" Hmm, sure. " After she said that, she looked at her partner and asked him to get something, he nodded then went inside a room and then came back with an item that looked like a crystal ball with a light blue and light green color that was trying to mix with each other but couldn't, the ball itself was on a wooden box that had two openings, one opening had like a container full of what seems to be small metallic looking cards. Eddie set up the item near us while Juniper got a couple of papers and a large log book.

" Okay, Mr. Ryo, please put your hand on the crystal ball and channel your Mana into it. This item here will print your name, face and level if you want, on this card, every time you've finished a mission, hand over your card to me or him and we'll stamp the card, got it? " Juniper explained, Ryo and Aiko nodded.

" This item sure is Handy for registration, but please just call me Ryo, calling me Mr Ryo. I feel like I'm an old married man. " Juniper giggled and nodded, Ryo placed his hand on the crystal ball and channeled his Mana into it.

" What's with the log book and papers anyway? " Ryo asked after noticing the stacks of paper with a log book.

" Well, the log book is where we keep the names of the Adventurers that registered here and for the papers, it's for your birth certificates, since you don't have one we'll just make one for you, but it will cost 50 Silver coins for the both of you, you can delay the payment until you have enough money to pay it. " Juniper explained, when she was done explaining, Ryo's Adventurer card was done and Eddie took it to check.

" Ohh, hohoho, you don't need to wait for him to pay, Juniper. " Juniper raised her eyebrow after hearing her friend say that, Ryo summoned his coin pouch and took 100 silver coins. Juniper was slightly surprised but accepted the coins with a thank you. Aiko was now the one on the crystal ball and they only waited for a minute and it was done, Eddie also took that and checked it. Juniper then gave them the stacks of papers and a pen.

" Fill up this paper while you guys wait. " Ryo took the papers and sat on the nearest bench, Aiko nervously took hers because this was the first time writing for a while now.

Ryo and Aiko were signing their papers while Aiko asked for help from time to time. Ryo was doing fine since he already applied for similar certificates like this from his past life and he was happy to help Aiko sign hers. Ryo was doing just fine until he reached the origin part, like parents, date and place of birth, obviously.

' shit, I still don't have a place in mind, I could just say I couldn't remember it but I'll be suspicious and it will lead to multiple problems, like some government investigating me. Arya, can you please help me on this one? Arya? ' Ryo asked but he didn't receive any answers so that means he'll need to do this one on his own.

" Oi Ryo, are you okay?! " Larissa asked worriedly.

" Master Ryo?! " Aiko also noticed this. When Ryo heard their worried voice, he was confused on why they were worried, when he snapped his head to look at them, something wet drop on his right hand, he looked down and saw his right hand tightly gripping the pen and a small pool of what seems to be water was beside the stack of papers, now that he was noticing this, he also feel his cheeks were wet, he put down his pen and raised his hand towards his cheek and lightly touch it, his felt a stream of tears? Was he crying? And why was he crying anyway?

" Ummm, what happened? " Ryo asked, confused.

" That's what we're asking about, you suddenly started crying. " Larissa said while she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped his tears away, after she was done, Ryo thanked her and looked at the part where his pen was and he was surprised that the place of his birth was already written in a shaky way.

" I don't know what happened but I didn't remember writing this part. " Ryo said while pointing at the place of birth, all of them leaned slightly down to read it, it was a bit shaky but they could still read it, when they managed to read his writing they then looked at it with pity and deep sorrow, Aiko on the other hand looked at it with shock, sorrow, and then guilt.

" Umm, do you guy's know this place and why did I react like this? " Ryo was confused at their expressions and decided to just ask them.

" Hmmm, you might have lost your memory and forgotten your origins but I think you body remembered it, but I think it's best if you don't know. '' Juniper said and Larissa nodded, Ryo decided not to push further on this topic but he'll maybe investigate this later, to know what happened to the place called hogsfeet. After Ryo and Aiko finished writing the papers, they gave it to Juniper who then gave it to Eddie, he walked towards a flight of stairs and went up to the second floor.

" Okay, your birth certificate will be given to you after a few months, but congratulations on becoming a full Adventurer Guild member, here are your cards. " Ryo and Aiko looked at their cards and they're very much impressed, but Ryo was much more impressed about his card because the print was really welded in there. He had already seen some tech that can print your image on metal but it wasn't as highly detailed as this. When they were enjoying their new ID card, the haughty voice of Cleo sounded.

" Hmp! Can you newbies get out of our way, some of us are getting real work here. " Ryo and Aiko looked back, Cleo then scowled after he recognized them.

" Oh you. " Ryo and Cleo were having a stare down and the others could feel the tension between them so Larissa stepped in before it got hectic.

" Okay let's not fight with each other since we're all friends here and we should also go now and get our promotion, okay? " Cleo released a huff.

" Hmp, sure, I don't want to teach some basic things for these newbies. "

" I wouldn't even wish for you to teach us, you might even get us lost in your bullshit. " Cleo was about to fire back another insult but Larissa quickly dragged him out of here.

" Okay let us go now, the others might be waiting for us now! " Larissa said while dragging Cleo with him against his will.

" Oi! Let go of me! I'll show that newbies not to mess with us seniors! " Ryo and some of the people here rolled their eyes. When they were out of the Guild hall, Ryo's hair shadowed his eyes, making Aiko nervous.

" Aiko. " Ryo said in an almost threatening tone.

" Ye-yes?! "

" Let's get promoted fast and surpass that asshole!! Are you with me?! " Ryo shouted with determination and a slight mix of furry.

" Yes master Ryo! We'll wipe him on the floor!! "

" Good! Hahaha, Juniper, show us where to choose our mission. " Ryo said, making her a bit nervous but she pointed her finger to the side.

" T-there, you can choose your mission there but you can only choose a Rank F or E missions for now. " Ryo nodded, understanding why. They walked towards a large board that had a letter F and E on top of it, they were very determined to get promoted in record time, this wasn't any simple challenge, it was fucking war.


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