
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 20: Jesus Christ Was An Adventurer?!

While Aiko was being bombarded with questions, Ryo and Larrisa were talking with each other and were trying to get some information of what kind of culture this place has but he was not making it obvious. Larrisa was wearing a black shirt and pants underneath the light iron armor breastplate, shin, and arms, her light blond hair was tied up into a ponytail.

Ryo P.O.V:

" I already introduced ourselves. Can I know what your name is? " Larrisa said and looked and waited for me to answer.

" Well, I'm Ryo Masashi but you can call me Ryo, that fox girl over there is Aiko and that horse is Axle. " I said while pointing at my back with my thumb, She looked towards my back with a confused look.

" Um, what horse? " I looked to my back and Axle was gone, I then heard two heavy horse breath and looked at a parked carriage that belonged to Larrisa and her group, there with Axle, I saw the whitest horse I have ever seen, and Axle seems to be making a move with that horse, that little bastard.

" Is that horse female? " Larrisa looked and saw their horses with each other, Larrisa giggled and finally knew why my horse disappeared, she then nodded.

" Yup, her name is Maia, she's a wind horse breed, they usually have a greenish streak in their skin but her mother was a white horse. " I nodded, then looked at Larissa to ask another question.

" Larrisa, can I ask you some questions, you don't have to answer it if it's a secret. " She looked at me and waited for my questions.

" You're an adventurer, right? " When I asked this, Cleo's ears perked up to listen. He was wearing a green shirt, a bow and quiver strapped on his back full of arrows, brown fingerless gloves that almost reached his elbow, brown tight pants, boots that reached his middle shin.

" Mhm. "

" So, you guys are going on a mission? " Cleo was now side glaring at me with suspicion, what is this guy's problem anyway?

" Yup! And I'm also kind of excited too. " Larrisa was giggling happily.

" What kind of mission are you doing? " Now the whole area was silent, Larrisa was thinking hard on something, Cleo was now fully suspicious of me and stepped in the middle of our conversation with a harsh voice.

" Our mission that we are doing doesn't concern you. " Cleo said but quickly gawked at Larrisa after answering my question.

" Oh, how can I forget, we are doing a dungeon raid, a dungeon appeared here nearby about a month ago, they said that this Dungeon is around D+, and we accepted this mission. " A Dungeon nearby? Wait a minute. Don't tell me they were going to that dungeon.

" Wha- Larrisa?! Why are you telling him our mission, first our name, now our mission, what next, our secrets?! " Cleo was so frustrated that his face almost matched his red hair, Larrisa was backing up.

" Calm down Cleo, what made you so angry anyway, our mission isn't a secret, plus, it's only a low level Quest anyway. " Cleo opened his mouth to tell her something but I interrupted him.

" Is this Dungeon, located in a cave that was on a cliff face a couple meters high? " I asked and Larrisa was surprised, I think I hit the bullseye, oh how she's going to be disappointed.

" Yes! How'd you know, are you some kind of mind reader too, or a fortune teller? " I inhaled a sharp breath and told her the bad news.

" I'm sorry to tell you this, but the Dungeon you're about to go to, has already been cleared, by us. " Aiko was walking back towards me and must have overheard me and asked.

" Dungeon? You mean the dungeon we already cleared that was in the cave, Master Ryo? " I tensed up when she called me Master Ryo, I leaned down and whispered to her.

" Why are you calling me Master Ryo? I have already told you to just call me Ryo. "

" Heheh, don't worry master, I have a cover up for it, and calling you by your name is just kinda weird. " Aiko whispered back, I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask.

" EHHH?! You already cleared it?! " Larrisa exclaimed with surprise and also in disbelief.

" Heh, You're lying. " Cleo arrogantly said, okay his attitude is getting on my nerves, I stood up with a blank face, hiding my irritation.

" Lying? Why would I lie? "

" Don't even try that shit with us, you just wanted the loot of the new Dungeon. " Cleo said while pointing an accusing finger at me.

" Why would I want the dungeon loot if I already took it? Or you're just sore to swallow the fact that we can complete it on our own even with just the two of us, while you, having a team full of Adventurers can't even get past a couple of weak bandits because you're too afraid to take a life. " I stood my ground and looked at Larrisa with an apologetic face for bringing her team with this petty argument. She was a bit hurt but she understood that Cleo was being rude now.

" Wha-! Grrr, why you killer! " Cleo said that and his whole team gasped in shock, they didn't know Cleo could be this kind of person.

" Killer? Heh, kid, you can't survive this world if you don't know how life can be unfair for everyone. " I think that did it, Cleo had enough of my bullshit and was ready to pull his sword, I placed my hand on my Electric Dagger so that when he'll swing that sword at me I'll just parry it and slightly touch him with the blade and electrocute him enough to just pass out. Their tank, which was wearing full body armor, stepped in to stop us.

" Okay, let's calm down, Cleo you're being rude now for accusing him as a thief and a killer, that's not very acceptable behavior. And Ryo was it? " I nodded at him to confirm that was my name.

" Can you show us the loot you got from the dungeon so you can prove that you did complete it, so that it can calm Cleo down. " I highly doubt that showing the loot can calm him down, it more likely hurt his pride and ego more and we'll lash out, but I followed his orders and laid all of the loot I got from the dungeon, I lined them up and River was inspecting them, his gaze landed on the Twin Scimitar Fangs, he picked-up one of the blade and unsheathed it, Aiko then poke me and bring my attention to her.

" Master Ryo, should I also put my boots there too? "

" Oh right, your spider silk boots are also a loot from there. " Everyone looked at her boots and she stiffed there, I chuckled at her and pat her head, she calmed down she closed her eyes and slightly lift her chin up, her tails were wagging happily, Larrisa and Fay were silently squealing to themselves when they saw this.

" How about you show them what those boots can do? " My hand departed from her head and she was disappointed a bit but she quickly switch to smiling, she nodded and run towards a tree, when she was about to hit the tree, she jumped and attached herself to the trunk of the tree and started to run on a branch and stood upside down, Fay was clapping, impressed at her. With acrobatic accuracy she flipped from the branch to stand up right then flip again to land on ground with one leg bent and her other leg was stretch straight, her one arm was touching the ground and her other was stretch upwards, Larissa and Fay were very impressed and started to clap while she stood up and bow while sending some arrogant smile in Cleo's direction.

" That was very impressive, I already inspected the items and they were all brand-new and they also came from a cave themed Dungeon. Mr. Ryo, I apologize on behalf of Cleo's rudeness. " After River said that all besides an angry and humiliated Cleo, apologized to me.

" Hey, it's okay, it was just a petty little argument and just call me Ryo please. " All that apologized to me felt relieved that I wasn't offended, but Larrisa then realized something.

" Wait, if Ryo, already cleared the dungeon without our help, does that mean we won't get our promotion? " Larrisa said and looked at River.

" Mhm, it looks like it, but don't worry, we'll try again next time, for now let us return to the guild. " River said, making Larrisa sigh in defeat, I stored all of the items when I heard him.

" Promotion? What promotion? "

" Huh? You're not an adventurer? " River asked and I nodded, surprising him and everyone else.

" I see, I'll tell you later what the promotion is, but first, let's clean this bloody place before heading back, we don't want any travelers or merchants stopping and delaying their time because of being worried of getting jumped by bandits. " After River said this, I looked around and remembered that we are surrounded by corpses, and it looks like Larissa's group also noticed this and had a gloomy face, it looks like they got distracted by our presence.

' Damn, this place sure got blooded. Arya, are there any earth skills that can help here, I don't want to delay anymore time cleaning this place. ' I asked and Arya replied.

[ There are, master, do you want to purchase and learn it? ]

' yeah sure. '

[ You have purchased and learned, Sinkhole skill. ]

{ Sinkhole lvl: 1

Cost: 5 Mp per second

This skill can loosen the earth underneath the user's target, making the ground unable to support any weight and draw any unfortunate souls in the center of the skills radius and swallow them. This skill is still weak so people or monsters can still escape. }

After gaining the knowledge of the skill, I walked towards a dead body nearby and knelt down on one knee, River saw me and was curious what I was doing so he watched, I put one hand on the ground and said the skills name, a brown magic circle appeared and was much bigger than the body, now I got everyone's attention and watch me in surprise, the earth started to slowly swallow the body like a dry sand, and I pumped more Mana into the skill and it got faster, everybody, except a scowling Cleo, watch in aw as the body along with the blood disappeared, and earth started to fill up the cone shaped sinkhole.

" Yes! That worked, okay now, can you guys help me gather the other bodies and put them side to side or piling them up, if you don't mind ofcourse? " I asked but Cleo answered first with an angry voice.

" And why should we, you're the one who killed them. " Cleo said, but he was shocked when the others agreed and started to walk towards the body and waited for me to tell them where to put it.

I knelt down and activated the skill, the same but this time a larger magic circle appeared, the earth began to form a cone shaped sink hole. They then dragged the body with an uncomfortable face, well, besides River since he's a professional and also Cleo because he was grumbling something.

Some minutes past and all the body were finally swallowed by the earth, the only thing that was left was the blood on the floor where the dragged the body from, I then asked Aiko to burn it with her fireball, she did do it but the area now was filled with a putrid smell so we hastenly get out of there, they rode their carriage, Aiko and me rode Axle.

" *Inhales**exhale* mmmm, finally fresh air. " Larrisa said while stretching her arms and legs.

" Mhm, River, what was this mission about? " I asked and also took a glance at Cleo, waiting for his mocking remarks, and I didn't have to wait.

" Hmp! You might not be an adventurer but people were given a general idea of what the Adventurers system is and its rankings, have you been living under a rock? " He had a satisfied look but I didn't respond. I only gave him a blank look like I'm asking him. River was about to scold Cleo but I cut him off.

" Living under a rock? Hmm, I could be, because of my hazy memory. " I said and River looked at me confused.

" Hazy memory? " I then nodded and continued.

" Yes, one day, I woke up on a bloody ground right beside a dead scaly monster and a broken arm, thank goodness I still remember some, like my name and how to open this Goddamn space ring, even how hard I think, I couldn't remember anything from my past life, my parents, if I had one. The past weeks were hellish, I couldn't control my Mana, monsters haunted me because I was an easy prey, heh, but it's a miracle that I was still alive and kicking. " I said in my sad expression, everyone, except Cleo, felt pity for me and looked at Cleo with a hint of disappointment.

" Bru, we know that your pride and ego got hurt multiple times now, but at least don't mock someone to feel better without knowing their backstory. " The Healer said and everyone agreed with him, Cleo shut his mouth and fumed to himself.

Hahaha, great! That shit worked, I've been planning about my backstory so I wouldn't get suspicious from people I'll meet, I pulled all of this with my years worth of undercover spy experience and acting parts, now, the only thing is the place of my origin, I couldn't just said I don't know because of my memory loss, but I'll think about this later because River began speaking.

" You see Ryo, the Adventurer rankings consist of a Warrior 10-1 and Elite 20-1, these two rank titles are the most common to get. Then Master 30-1 and Grandmaster 40-1 are the rare titles to get. Each title required a certain amount of missions to get promoted, warrior ranks need at least over 100 F or E missions then one D rank mission as a test if your ready for the next title, but other towns or cities can just bypass the warrior title and straight to Elite, if you have enough strength or Mana to pass. But our guild mostly concentrates on an individual's ability to complete tasks, so that it's fair for new comers and adventurers that have been in guild for years now. Then there are these three ranks that were thought to be impossible to achieve, Epic 50-1, Legend 60-1, Mythic 70-1. But there was one person that achieved Mythical Glory. "

" One person? Who was this one person? And, is he still alive? "

" No, he's not anymore, this one person was 2000 years ago. "

" 2000 years ago? "

" Yes, his name was Jesus Christ. " After River said that, I choked to a literal air, I couldn't believe what I heard, Jesus Christ was an Adventurer?! Well, he did go around and help people, but still!

" Are you okay? " River asked after I calmed down.

" Yeah, I just accidentally swallowed a fly. " I then shuddered to make it look real, and everyone had a grossed look.

" But, this Jesus Christ person, how strong was this person. "

" Oh, he was very strong, he was the very first hero of the humans. *Sigh* apparently humans from 2000 years ago, weren't that strong and they were prone to becoming slaves to the other races, specially to the Beastmen Race. " River sighed again in guilt, not really liking what his ancestors did, Larissa and Fay were trying to cheer him up.

" The past is already behind us, so let's learn from it. The future is just ahead, so let's prepare for it. But the present is here, let's live the best of it. No? " I said sagely, Larissa and Fay were a bit confused but still got the hint of it and River smiled knowing what the words meant.

" Thank you. "


I hope that you liked this chapter and possibly enjoyed it, if you did please leave a star or put this in your library please and thank you.


Blue: You didn't just bring Jesus Christ here.

Author: Bitch, I just did.

Jesus: Hello my child.

Blue: Oh my God.

Jesus: no, that would be my Father.
