
Task System of the Incubus

Like every other reincarnation fanfic. anyways my grammar is bad English is not my first language, this is an experimental work it's wish fulfillment kind of fanfic I will update when I can, enjoy reading.

xRead · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Stick in the eye

The following morning Shizuka woke up while rubbing her eyes she felt a bit of pain and soreness in her lady parts but remembered what happened yesterday and got embarrassed for a bit and looked at her side where Demolus was looking at her with a tray in his hands' which contained some breakfast.

"Good morning Shizuka I brought you some breakfast to bead after all you must still be tired after last night," Demolus said with a smile while approaching her bed.

"Good morning Demo-Kun! and where's my morning kiss?" Shizuka Greetid him joyfully but pouted when she asked for a kiss.

Demolus just chuckled at her antics and gave her a kiss on the lips and some breakfast in bed.

And like this Demolus spends his morning cuddling with Shizuka and chatting with her most of the time after all he would feel bad if he just left after taking her first time.

Demolus after some more kisses and cuddles decided to go kill some more undead and taught about inviting Saeko with him and after bribing Shizuka with some more hugs to let him go he went out to search for Saeko.

While Demolus was going about the mansion he met Hirano and decided to ask him to protect Shizuka and Saya in his absence after all he was the only trustworthy guy in this place.

"Morning Hirano how are you this fine morning" Demolus called out to him while walking.

"Oh, good morning Demolus-san I'm doing great for now at least, and thank you for helping me out last time" Hirano grated him back while smiling after all Hirano looked up to Demolus he saw him as someone who jokes around but is serious when it's needed so he respected him and he didn't make fun of him but actually trusted him and treated him normally unlike others.

"Look, Kohta I have a mission for you, and it's really important" Demolus looked at the boy with a serious expression.

"You can trust me Demolus-san I'll do it no matter how difficult it is!" Hirano said while tinking and showing a serious expression. 'He called me by my first name he thinks of me as a friend I can't let him down'

"Kohta I need you to protect Shizuka and Saya while I'm away I'm not going to be out for long, only for a couple of hours after killing some more undead after all thinning them out is good for all of us"

After some more chatting and joking around with Kohta Demolus went to Saeko's room to find her and invite her to his morning crusade against the walking corpses.

Demolus reached her room and knocked on the door, he didn't have to wait long as the door was opened by Saeko who was dressed up for her morning exercises and was holding her bokken in her hand.

"Ara ara is the great demon her to do something to this sinful little me?" Saeko asked with amusement in her voice while looking at Demolus with a smile.

Demolus had no idea how to react to this so he decided to play along with her and act his part.

"Haha this demon is here to show you his love for you and to take you out for some fresh air," Demolus said while lifting her chin and giving her a short kiss on her lips.

"Demon-kun how could you, now I won't be able to marry anyone so must take responsibility," Saeko said with fake tears and a teasing smile.

Demolus was dumbfounded while thinking 'well that escalated quickly' He was not sure what to say but decided to play the demon part properly so he had to use his imagination how one actually acts well at least he tried.

"Hoho, but you already belong to me little one and no one will be able to take you away from the grasp of this one," Demolus said with confidence in his voice while smiling.

The two of them started giggling and chatting while having fun as they prepared and started leaving the Takagi estate when they passed Souichiro and while passing each other Demolus and them man locked eyes and continued walking in different directions while Seako shook her head and followed Demolus.

When the two left the premises of the estate Demolus noticed that there more zombies than yesterday and that seem weird for some reason but demolus didn't mind it much and decided to just enjoy his time with Saeko while killing the walking corpses.

they didn't need to go far to find more and more of them and surprisingly they encountered some more of those green skeleton-like undead but Demolus killed most of them as Saeko actually killed one too suprisingly their week point is the eyes and the one who found it was Saeko as she stabbed her bokken through its head when she targeted the eye of one of them.

Demolus tried it too and surprisingly it was easier to kill them if you hit the eye a child can kill it with a stick and Demolus was weirded out by them the green undead could withstand a fireball but not a stab to the eye with a stick it baffled him.

And so they continued killing the zombies culling their numbers one by one while having friendly competitions and having fun.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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