
Task System of the Incubus

Like every other reincarnation fanfic. anyways my grammar is bad English is not my first language, this is an experimental work it's wish fulfillment kind of fanfic I will update when I can, enjoy reading.

xRead · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Like Trash

"Is that it, jeez at least put up a fight if you're going to start one" Demolus commented offhandedly.

"Clap clap clap Bravo!" Shido commented while clapping "You are really strong but a conflict like this only proves my point, we need a leader" He continued.

"And you're nominating, I presume?" Demolus asked.

"But of course I'm a teacher and all of you are students that alone makes it clear who's more qualified." Shido looked at the girls with lecherous eyes while licking his lips. And continued his speech.

Demolus noticing how he looked at the girls frowned "You know I didn't plan to kill you with my own hands but you forced my hand and you know, I'm a very protective demon and you looked at someone with bad intent which isn't yours" Demolus smiled and "Crack" Broke Shido's leg with a light kick to the knee.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Shido screamed and fell, looking up at Demolus from the floor.

This action surprised everyone but Rei for some reason looked at Demolus like he was some sort of saint while Saeko was smiling a bit looking at what will Demolus do next.

Demolus looked down and smiled at Shido "You will be an example after all this world has changed and its laws have changed" "Crack" Demolus stepped on his other leg breaking it while smiling.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Shido Screamed again "w...w...w...why" Shido stammered

"Well because you're trash" Demolus didn't feel like doing anything more so he lifted him by his neck and approached the window and opened it.

"N...n…..no p..p...pl..plea...please" Shido managed to barely talk.

"Nop now you go" And Demolus threw him out the window like a bag of trash he was and the blond joined him soon after.

Demolus, done with Shido, looked at students that belonged to Shido's group and smirked. The student were terrified of him they had no idea what to do now.

"Listen up everyone who wants to leave can leave I won't stop you and even give you some food and water but you will be on your own" Demolus said loudly.

Seeing no reaction he nodded and went to sit down to calm himself he didn't need useless people after all. While sitting he started conversing with the main group.

"Why did you do that, there was no need to be so cruel," Takashi asked him.

"Why you ask, simple he was a useless snake, and keeping such things isn't necessary he would eat our food but do nothing productive what's he good for?"

"I agree it's better like this" Rei agreed before Takashi could answer.

"But that was cruel we could have left him somewhere and given him some food" Hisashi commented.

"There's no need to wase food on trash like him he had it coming a long time ago" Hirano refused him.

"You don't understand do you, this world has changed, and killing is merely one way to survive, in the wild animal kill all the time, humans kill them for food or for sport there are wars where humans kill each other for the smallest things and you are saying I did something bad well for your information I already told you I'm a demon"

Komuro and Hisashi had nothing to say afterward and everyone started relaxing and chatting.

"Alright let's eat something while we can, Shizuka I'll drive for now so let's change you can go eat something with everyone else while I drive," Demolus said.

"But what about you, you need to eat too after all you worked hard today," Shizuka asked with concern.

"I'm alright I can eat later" Demolus answered while sitting down in the driver's seat.

"Then I'll feed you while you drive or we can stop the bus for a while," Shizuka said sternly.

"Well alright you can feed me, but look for some bentos there should be enough for everyone" Demolus gave in.

Shizuka nodded and walked to where the students were picking what to eat and picked up two bentos one had karaage rice and some side dishes while the other had a hamburger steak. When she picked the Bentos she returned to Demolus who was driving and started feeding him and showing him where to go.

Until they finally arrived at Rika's place, it was already dark outside.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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