
Tartaros Hunter

Takamiya Karia is an ordinary teenager who is in his final year at the Sorai Academy Mixed Academy for Supernatural Creatures. One day he discovers something very shocking, Otome Hikari -a exchange girl- planned to kill him at the time of departure, but his act was interrupted by Karia's younger brother: Sieg Hart -who is part of the most wanted group of Bayview- Red Night. Right now Karia is on a Russian roulette wheel from which she cannot escape. What do the chains of fate hold for this poor young man?

SilverStratos · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Time to put the plan to the test

There was only one day left before they prepared to rescue Airi before the ship sailed in the direction of Scandinavia, for their part they all devised a plan thanks to both witches and not only that but they also decided to take some magical objects to put things in your favor if necessary.

Right now they were all at school, each making all their preparations for tomorrow, meanwhile Karia was again in the club's training room having another training session that was not going well enough for him.

For normal people, it could be said that he was simply sitting on the ground with the sword between his two hands, but the reality was different, this type of mental training is so real that the pain they experience in that mental space becomes as real as if what you see in your dreams came true.

- Again!

- Yes sir! Arghhhh!

The speed at which the two clashed swords was almost insane, but clearly Karia was at a very bad advantage due to Ashura's experience in combat thanks to the years and wielders she has had.

But I gave him some praise, he was the second carrier he has had after so many years to keep up with him in this way, in a way he could see the reflection of that boy who sacrificed himself for many people without thinking about himself.

- I have you!

- You're slow again!

- Gahhh!

Again his target missed again, the demon of the sword made a turn without the boy noticing, giving him three blows, one in the stomach, another in the neck and the last one made him hit his feet making him fall to the ground to Finalize.

He stared at how the boy tried to stand once more on the ground, but it was impossible, within this space time runs differently from the outside world here inside his own mind the boy has been more than 15 hours without being able to give a blow to the sword, but still refused to take a short break.

- We finish for today I do not want a single complaint, I hope you understand for good.

- I can still go on...

- You can not...

Ashura put the sword near the boy's neck ready to nail, obviously he saw that the boy's face turned pale but even so he had his face determined to everything, the demon only sighed at his attitude, making the stay of crossed arms disappear looking at him for a few moments.

- You are incorrigible you know?

- They tell me often...Haaa I feel very tired.

- Just wait to see the pain you will have with your physical body, at least here you feel lighter.

Ashura turned his back on him while Karia stayed on his back trying to catch the breath that he lost all the time they spent fighting, although right now the boy was worrying about the fact of exceeding in this place because although he had understood the time here It is different from the real world, which means that this pain will pass to his physical body once he wakes up.

He gave a huge sigh before getting up while still sitting on the ground looking at the demon who seemed to lose himself in his own thoughts staring into space, something that made him curious since the sword was presented is the fact that he mentioned that it reminded him of someone, maybe this was a bad time to ask but it was not bad to try.

- Tell me Shu-chan...

- Mm? What's up?

- Sorry to ask this but...Did you have another carrier before me?

That question that his current carrier asked made the demon think for a few moments, when years have passed since then was what he asked himself, but he simply did not want to reflect much in the past after all there is a today and now for things like that boy mentioned years ago.

He turned to see the boy with a certain somewhat bitter smile looking into his eyes, really these two were almost the same reflection, but a wall divided them by the difference in personality and past or rather perhaps it was because Karia still lacked a lot for walking that was the first thing he thought when he remembered something about his former carrier.

- What can I say, that happened a long time ago, I doubt that I have time to tell you about all the young masters, but one thing that is clear to me is that you two are just as stupid going around without thinking about your own well-being.

- Hahaha sorry for that, and how else are we alike?

- Their pasts maybe...But there is a quite big difference with you...You should be grateful that you still have a family member with you and also not trust much in the power of this sword.

- Eh?...What are you...

- He killed them, he killed his entire family and an entire town with his own hands.

Karia was stunned by what he just heard come out of the demon's mouth, he couldn't believe it, how it was possible that someone in his holy judgment could kill an entire town and his entire family. The boy did not know what to answer to the demon after all he did not expect him to drop a bomb in this way as suddenly as he did just now.

- I'm not asking you to answer that, after all that was thousands of years ago, but everyone who does something bad in this life has the right to have a second chance, right?

- Yes...But one more thing.

- Mm?

- What was his name?

Ashura closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them again, when he saw the boy in front of him he could see a certain silhouette that he had not seen in years, the silhouette of that other boy who begged the devil to become his weapon until his life was extinguished, he let out a certain smile when he remembered that.

Ashura said the name in a whisper that Karia barely heard, he still blinked a little at the last name he carried, his vision suddenly feeling heavy, which meant that his time in this mental realm had reached its limit. He fixed his gaze on the demon who disappeared in a certain dim white light, another thing that caught his attention was the smile that did not come out of his face.

- Wow!....Haaa!?...I'm back!...Ouch!

The boy tried to get up from where he was lying but he simply returned to where he was due to the extreme pain he was feeling right now, perhaps this was the karma the demon was talking about when recommending that he rest for a few moments.

- Haaa...This is the worst, I won't be able to walk for a few minutes until I recover.

- You're good?! I-ahem!....Karia-kun?

- Mm?

He turned to see who exactly it was the voice that just spoke to him right now, he ran into the other girl who hugged him when he arrived at the club.

If his memory was not bad, Rinne mentioned that some members used to do missions and that they had permission from the school to miss some days, and this girl was one of those three members who were not in school for that very reason.

- Ah, you are the girl from that day...Well...What was your name?

- Certainly I forgot to introduce myself that day, a pleasure to meet Karia-kun again, my name is Matsumoto Aria.

- The pleasure is mine Aria, I understand that you and two others are out of school due to some missions.

Aria was pouring some tea to the boy who right now was trying to sit as best he could on the couch, the pain in his body still not diminishing but he was doing his best to stand at least for a few moments.

The two took a small sip of the tea before continuing with the talk they just started, the girl put the cup on a small plate that was in front of the table in front of the two.

- Yes, although my mission is really over, the other two remaining members will return tomorrow night.

- Wow, it's a shame, I liked having more support...Ah! I think you are still not aware of what ..

- In fact I am aware of everything.

- Oh...

Her sudden response stunned him, she just arrived today and was already aware of what was happening with her missing groupmate.

But hey he was nobody to tell him otherwise according to what Rinne told him, he had three members in the club who are masters in the art of information and camouflage, if he was not bad he remembered that one of them was an armed detective, another was a high-level magician and last was.

- Tell me Aria-san...

- What is it, Karia-kun?

- It's just curiosity...But what exactly is your species?

- Mm~

Somehow that sly smile that the girl was showing made him nervous, he saw how the girl put aside her cup of tea putting it on the table and by the time he realized she was already on him looking at him face to face invading his space personal.

And not only was it that he had her entire body on his, not to mention the fact that not taking away the fact that the scent of perfume he was wearing was intoxicating him, a certain blonde would definitely be quite jealous right now.

- A-Aria-san!? Th-this is a bit awkward you know?

- I know, that's why I do it Fuu~

- Ohhh!

The boy could only be more tense and nervous that before he did not expect her to blow in his ear in this sudden way, even more he was hitting his body enough to the boy to the point of not wanting to let go, this really was dangerous in many senses.

Worse still what would happen if someone found them in this position, he wouldn't want to imagine the faces that Rinne and Rina could just see right now, he would probably take another hit from the blonde elf.

- Well, this gives you some idea, although I'm sure you're asking me on purpose, I'm half a succubus.

- T-That explains some things hahaha...

- Mm? Could it be that you were expecting something else~

- No, no, not as you think...Wait!

The girl ignored what the boy was saying simply to untie the tie from her neck a bit and remove some buttons from her shirt to show her collarbone.

Karia did not even know what she was up to right now but he was in an internal struggle in his leaving her or not, he was a man he had needs but now was not the time to take advantage of that.

Without being able to process what just happened, he felt a certain stabbing pain in his neck, when he looked a little to the right he saw that the girl had bitten him, leaving a small bite mark on his neck.

- But what!?, Ouch that hurts a bit.

- Hmm?...You seem to be normal still.

- Eh?

He just stayed confused looking at the girl who licked her lips a bit, in a way he didn't understand why she bit him that way rather why she did it.

The boy began to fix his uniform so that no one would think anything bad, although according to what I heard from a certain girl who was about to seduce him, she was a succubus so she was an expert in that kind of thing.

- Ouch!...Why did you do that? Besides, aren't you ashamed of being seen?

- Not really, is that a problem?

- Guh! This girl has no shame at all...

- Just like a certain person who doesn't even capture the auras of others.

The boy did nothing but stay dry turning to see the third person who entered their conversation only to find Hikari who was standing idly by and with her eyes closed, it really had to be her of all the girls, the things would have been easier for him if he was Musashi.

- Well although I do not see anything wrong with doing some checkups.

- Checks? What are you talking about Hikari?

- You may not be conscious yet Karia-kun, but using the Dainsleif is not something that anyone can do.

Karia remembered Rinne's words at that time, it was true that almost no person could use those weapons and those who used them were restricted by some consequences, in a way the boy was somewhat curious about what both girls wanted to tell him so he decided to break the silence before that doubt of hers.

- Rinne told me they were dangerous, but he didn't tell me exactly why they were.

Hearing that question from the boy the two girls looked at each other as if they were giving a message through their own eyes, on the other hand Karia was more and more curious, if it was they would be this way with him at this rate would have to ask Ashura.

- If you don't tell him, I'll have to.

Karia's sword speaking interrupting the conversation between the three teenagers, this in turn caused the two girls to be a bit surprised as it was the first time they had seen a Dainsleif speak to someone other than his owner.

- Listen to me well Karia because I am not going to repeat it twice, do you remember the first time you and I spoke?

- Yes, I still remember her...What did that come to so suddenly?

- I suppose you still remember the marks that were appearing on your body.

Suddenly that memory came to his mind when the demon mentioned those words, not only did he remember those marks but he remembered some silhouettes that appeared behind the demon, there is a connection between all that but he still cannot really see it.

- It is said that ordinary people cannot have more than one Dainsleif because they are in danger of dying from black blood syndrome.

- Black blood syndrome? What is that Shu-chan?

- It is said that it is the most lethal poison that exists in the entire world Bakamiya, not only is it the greatest poison that exists in this world, it is also the basis for creating the Dainsleif.

Hikari's words made Karia open her eyes wide while listening to the last thing, now he understood why almost no one can use one of these swords, but now there was another question that happens to people who can use, they are still exposed to that danger of dying.

- So, these people who can use them are still in danger of death?

- If they still are, but with Dainsleif users it's different, maybe I'll keep telling you about it another day.

The sword left the teenagers alone forming a huge silence in the room leaving the two girls who were looking at the only boy in the room, Karia on the other hand was confused and at the same time scared, what is he supposed to do right now now that he had this information about the Dainsleif.

The boy took a little air before exhaling it softly feeling a little calmer than before, both girls calmed down when he saw what he was doing, he must really have been scared when he heard that, well rather, anyone would do it if his life were in danger at any moment of his life.

- I can not back down, I made a decision and made a promise, I will save Airi and bring my brother back with me even if it costs me my life.

The break ended by giving the students to understand that they should return to their classes, the classes for Karia's group passed normally and slowly at least from the point where the boy saw, he had many things on his mind right now so I was not very aware of the class that is said. At the end of the day, they all decided to skip the club for today to make preparations for tomorrow so that nothing would go wrong.

Right now the boy was walking alone while looking at the sky, in a way seeing the sky when the sun was setting was one of his favorite things since he was a child, clearly not only his but also his brother's. The reason why he was not with Rinne and the others was because he needed to consult something with a certain person and for that he would need a little privacy, once he was close to the house he rang the bell waiting for a few moments for them to give him the Excuse me.

- Ahead!

- With permission then...

- Hmm? Well, apparently I'm not the only one who arrives early.

The one who greeted him was an attractive woman with a body that any man could wish for, clearly the boy was not blind to see it, this woman was his other guardian apart from Toujou Jin, she is his wife, Toujou Chisame or Hasegawa Chisame so that no one in the school will suspect nothing of the love affair of these two.

- How long Chisame-san.

- It doesn't even happen that much, we barely saw each other at the academy today.

- Hahaha you're right.

- Anyway, come in, I'm sure you want to tell me something.

Karia did nothing but laugh a little nervous, women were really that intuitive, he paid attention to the words that the older woman gave him, going into the room, once he was inside he sat in one of the armchairs waiting for it to finish to do what he was doing in the kitchen.

Once the older woman finished preparing some drinks with some sweets, she went to where the boy was looking at one or another part of the room, Chisame smiled at this unlike other students who came to ask people for consultations at home the boy was not at all nervous about having problems with her husband.

- Sorry for the delay, here you go.

- Thanks, I'm really sorry to bother at this time.

- It is not a problem, you know that you are almost like a son to me and Jin.

A smile formed on the boy's face when he heard those words from the woman in front of him, since he can remember he does not remember anything about his biological parents and the only clue he has about his father is a torn photo that Jin gave, but despite this he cannot intuit anything from seeing the photo because you only see some of the clothes he wears.

Besides that, the only family member he had left and who was always by his side since they were little, his own brother, wants to murder him in cold blood, the boy was not stupid to see that among these things there is something that his guardians do not have said yet.

- Chisame-san I'm sure you know but...

- If it's because of your brother, I'm really sorry I realized that a long time ago.

Chisame just confirmed the obvious to the boy, maybe Hikari was right about him, he was too clueless not to realize he really felt so stupid right now that he couldn't forgive himself for letting Sieg Hart go.

- Thanks for being honest with me Chisame-san.

- If that was only what you wanted to know then I think I can be more calm.

- Not really, I wanted to ask you about black blood syndrome.

That question made the older woman stop taking a small sip on the tea, she stared at the boy seriously before putting the cup on the table, they again invaded the boy's space, only this time Chisame placed a of his hands on the boy's chest.

- C-Chisame-san?

- Shhh silence.

The boy remained still while the woman tried to listen to the heartbeat of the young man in front of her, even having his hand on the boy's chest, he placed a certain magic circle without the boy noticing, once he finished with that he detached himself from the boy letting out a sigh in relief.

- Is something wrong with me Chisame-san?

- Well, I'm sure that Rinne and Ashura have told you but if you want answers I'll give them to you.

Karia swallowed he had never seen the woman this serious in front of him, he could even swear that he was wishing her the worst right now, he should not think more positively about this.

- Black blood syndrome is almost the same as a mental illness, only that unlike mental illness this syndrome directly attacks both the mind and the body.

- I understand, and what are the main symptoms of this syndrome then?

- First of all I want you to understand something, I'm sure Otome Hikari must have mentioned it, but black blood is very well known for being one of the greatest poisons that exist in this world.

The boy could only nod at what the older woman reminded him of right now, if it really was so lethal and is also the way to create the Dainsleif then with purpose or reason he would have done it.

Chisame let out another heavy sigh choosing the words with which he would say the following to the boy, she knew him better than anyone and she knows that he would not back down with his decisions, but still that he would think about the next thing to tell him.

- I'm sure you already signed the contract with Ashura, am I correct?

- Yes, I still remember that feeling of pain when I took her hand and not to mention those black marks on my body.

The woman feared the worst now that she heard that come out of the boy's mouth but now there is no going back is now or never.

- One of the symptoms of this syndrome is "madness", it usually occurs when the user is under large amounts of strong emotions, mostly anger.

- Madness? It's not like when people are doing things on impulse.

- Not exactly, this type of "madness" as I said is produced by anger, depending on which of the two states the user is in could get out of control and see how everything around him is his enemy.

Karia was stunned to hear that last, so it means that Dainsleif users could not be under strong emotions or could even attack their own loved ones without realizing it. Actually, the power of the Dainsleif was to be feared every day but he was surprised the more they told him about them.

- Well, although that is only the base, the other two states are more fatal, they even lead to the same death.

- That sounds pretty scary.

- It is, in all these times no one would want to see one of those, however times change and people do too.

The boy noticed how the words of the woman in front of him made him somehow sound as if he were talking to someone who is over eighty years old, but perhaps it was only his own imagination that played a bit with his mind.

- Don't you think it's a bit late? Should you go home or could your girls worry a bit about you?

-My girls?! Chisame-san you make it sound a little bad you know?

Chisame only managed to laugh at the protest of the boy who began to finish the sweets quickly, once he finished with them he got up taking his study bag going to the door, being in the place he sat on the floor putting on his shoes sports having the sight of the older woman on him.

- You can come whenever you want, lately I don't have young boys to talk to about love matters.

- If I did I would have problems with Jin-san.

The oldest laughed a little again, knowing that the reason she did not have more consultations with boys was because of her husband, although Karia had more freedom to come to her house because they were both her guardians, which gave her privileges to some way to the boy.

- Well then I will take your offer and I will come to say hello.

- I like it that way, be careful on the way home Karia!

- I will do it!

The boy left while waving in the distance with his hand, the woman continued to wave her hand in a farewell manner with a smile, once she no longer saw him in her range of vision, her expression changed to a serious one and turned to look to his guest who was turning some letters from one side to the other.

The person who was sitting at the entrance of the woman was a small blond boy who was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt next to a black coat, the boy had a smile from ear to ear moving the cards that he had in his hands before taking one out without opening his eyes yet.

- With him being a son to you, how cute that sounds.

- You need something from me, Tsuyuno Yuri.

- Wow as cutting as always, I just came to see my friend, Any problem with it?

The boy's face was somehow beginning to annoy Chisame who could only sigh deeply, on the other hand the boy's smiling expression changed immediately he saw the letter he had in his hands.

The woman already had an idea just by seeing the expression that the child had on his face, although the word "child" does not fit either him or his accomplice Tsuyuno Yara, their job is to observe the destiny of people but They can also even see what will happen if they do not follow their fixed future.

- I haven't seen this letter come out for a long time, the hangman letter.

. An arcane? What does that mean?

- The worst awaits that child, he will face a war from which he will lose a lot even his own humanity.

Yuri's words made the woman open her eyes wide while she was thinking about the possible things that would happen to the poor boy, not to mention that if the arcanum of the tarot that he just mentioned was that of the "hanged man" it would bring a lot of trouble not only for her but for the people of this entire island.

- Another story that will make another monster appear? It doesn't sound so bad to me.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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