
Taric's adventure in the multiverse

Taric was summoned in a divine place... A Truly, Truly, Truly Divine place.

ChaoticHappiness · Action
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12 Chs

Are you serious?

It was the middle of the night, I woke up and went to get a cup of water. Behind me I sensed energy

When I turned around I saw a teleportation circle and out of it the maid appeared

"You are invited to their engagement party." She said as she handed me a piece of paper with a circle in it

"But didn't we won?" I asked confused

"Your victory seems to bother Riser, And he didn't hesitate to complain so the wedding continues." She said

In response I stood there and thought what to do. "If you wish you can try to help her." She suggested

"Ok thanks." I said as she went back into the circle and left

After a bit I finally fully woke up and transformed witj my aspect clothes. I touched the circle in the paper and it teleported me before a big gate with two guards. They pointed their spears toward me and asked me what I am doing here. I answered "I have been invited." I grabbed the piece of paper and show it to them. They opened the gate for me and I walked in, They closed it behind

(Weird, They let me pass with these clothes. Oh well I still got in.)

"Now. I am here to stop this nonsense." I yelled as I took everyone's attention

"Who do you think you are? Guards." Riser said with an angry tone

Out came five men who tried to stab me with their spears, But I blocked them and hit them

"This Love does not belong to you." I said as I quickly knocked out the guards

"So the entertainment has arrived." A Long red-haired man said with the main on his side

"What do you mean entertainment?" Riser asked angrily

"It's the great devil Lucifer." some from the crowd said

"It will be a simple battle. Though I am quite disappointed ofyour performance in the rating game. Getting beaten so much just by one person." Lucifer said

"I am up." I said

"Fine then. I will get my revenge on you bastard." Riser said angrily still

Then we were teleported to an arena

"Also If you win i shall grant you a wish by my power." Lucifer's voice was heard

"Ok then." I replied

Phenex charged at me with his wings of fire "I will incinerate you, You fucking worms. You are nothing compared to Riser. Nothing."

I quickly changed my position on the arena and was behind Riser "You are a little too cocky. That is the downfall of many. You still can find salvation, You just don't have the will to do so. All those fallen angels, They aren't truly trying to redeem themselves."

"What does that have to do with the battle?" Riser asked confused

"Nothing. I just want people to hear my words, So they can help others." I said

The arena was with a dark red sky and chess figures on each side for Decoration. The sky turned white face with a galaxy and stars behind it

"How ironic, You are trying to help to those lower than you?" The face asked

It was.. It was... It is Aurelion Sol "Also what are you doing here Tah-ric?" Aurelion asked

"I am here to help others and improve myself." I answered

He started laughing and said after that "It is fun, How little lizards with wings think they are worth the title a Dragon. Aren't you drake?" He asked as Issei was summoned with his arm stretching toward aurelion

"Hey why can't I move my hand?" He asked as he continued trying

"Oh, Mortals. You think this thing is powerful. Or are you all just so weak that you can't see that?" Aurelion said as he used his hand to break the arena into pieces sending pieces of stone and other materials falling down at the guests

I used my magic to protect them. "You are still protecting them? Shake it off Taric, Not everyone will be grateful for your kindness." Aurelion said at me "Also I am wondering, How did you got to this universe? Did Bard open a portal and you entered?"

Everyone were looking at me as the truth about my origin was revealed

"..." I was silent i didn't had the heart to tell him that the one that created him sent me here. "Oh come on Taric, Just tell me. Not like I can't bring you back to Runeterra." Aurelion said at me

While I was vulnerable and in the palm of Aurelion Sol. Riser flew at me and tried to hit me. Just to be interrupted by a star which send him flying.

"Get off you little fly." Aurelion said looking down on Riser

"Ok then Taric, If you are not going to tell, Ok."

Issei has been hold in the air by his gauntlet

"What did i took all of your breaths or something?" Aurelian asked looking down to the crowd

Most of them have fallen down on the floor because of the pressure Aurelion's power made those stars were crushing them, Even the strongest of them all had problems keeping them selves on their feet

"My, How they stare." Aurelion said as his stars started coming together and created a portal. He with me in hand went into the portal and we were on Runeterra.

"..." I was silent, I didn't know what to say

"Take it as a friendly Ride home." Aurelion said as he flew away.

The world in my eyes was now different, Was I not meant to learn all of that i did

God, Another universes. I just looked at the world before me, From Targon's peak

The Arbiter was there protecting it, From the unworthy

I used the peak as a portal to the celestial realm, There I searched for The Traveler/Tyari

Upon entering the Celestial realm I was A creature created of Galaxy fragments and materials, The stars of the protector shine upon me, I had an armor created of a Cristal, My Mace and a long hair

I flew away in a search for The Traveler