
Targaryen Who Turned Dragon (Against The Gods X Game Of Thrones)

Aerion, son of Rhaegar Targaryen, was living the life of a beggar until he changed his destiny. He became a pirate. After raiding countless merchant galleys, King Robert had enough. He summoned the royal navy. Hearing this news Aerion gathered a large fleet of pirates. In the end, The Dragon came out victorious. Unfortunately, a great storm struck Aerion's navy months later. The storm sent him to a new world, Blue Pole Star, where his life changed forever.

SovereignOfHeaven · Book&Literature
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195 Chs

The Burning Of The Sun Moon Divine Hall

This place hasn't changed much, it seems.

Truly, the Dragon's Palace remained the same since Aerion last saw it. Oldtown, however, looked far from the same. Oldtown had been a relatively small city, until most recently. It had hundreds of new buildings, thousands of merchants came and went, and the Noble Rogue Sect expanded further. The Fortress covered the whole hill so a brand new branch was built below, in Oldtown. In the very center of Oldtown stood a giant statue of a young man. A colossal halberd rested on his right shoulder and a beautifully crafted blade stood by his left. His head was held high with a smirk that created an aura of confidence, which could often be seen as arrogance. This mere statue put many people into a state of complete awe upon first glance. The young man it had tried to interpret was the well-known and legendary Jun Long.

Aerion turned and saw the statue.


"That Grandmaster of yours spared no expense, it seems." Izanami stated.

Aerion nodded. "It's grander than I imagined it would be."

Aerion turned once more and opened the gates of the Dragon's Palace. He was greeted with a group of guards who almost jumped when he entered. They were young and quite talented, probably disciples. They seemed quite started by his appearance.

I do not remember recruiting any disciples apart from the seven. Perhaps the Heavenly Fire Demon required a few services, which is understandable.

"Jun Long... It's Jun Long! We must inform the Mistress immediately!"

Aerion waved his hand. "That won't b-"

The young disciple had already ran run, his companions did the same. Aerion sighed and decided that he would simply wait. Soon enough, they returned.

"Master Jun..."

"Is my wife unwell?"

"Yes, unfortunately..."

"Then I must see her, go inform my disciples of my presence."

"It will be done!" The disciple announced with great enthusiasm.

Aerion swiftly made his way to his bedchamber, where he saw Tai Cia in a terrible state. He understood why she couldn't make her way to him. Her eyes were only slightly opened.


"Shhh, sleep well."

She did so, but with some hesitation. Aerion realised that something had been added to the room, a crib. It seemed to be luxuriously crafted with the finest materials and most magical hands to put it all together. Inside of it laid a small thing with the tiniest trace of silver hair and large violet eyes. The Blood of the Dragon... the child's eyes were wide open now, though they couldn't see much. Aerion raised the child, his child from its crib. After further investigation, the child was most definitely a boy. A son, the Gods are truly kind! Aerion beamed with sheer joy. The boy was strong for his age, moving his hands with ease. Once, he even tried to punch his father. But he missed, Aerion laughed in response to the attempt.

"You will grow into a Dragon, one more than worthy of the House Targaryen, I'm sure of it."

Aerion rested the child back to its crib, the boy seemed quite sad as a result.

What will I name him, if Tai Xia hasn't already done so? Aegon was used too many times... hmm, I must think carefully about this one.



A name worthy of a ruler!

The boy seemed quite content, happy even, with his name. He was quite composed for his age, not once did he cry. Aerion left the bedchamber and found a maid standing at the door.

"Another new face, it seems."

"I am his wet nurse... Master Jun."

"Then you may enter."

Aerion walked away from the room. He wanted to be by Tai Xia's side but he needed to see the progress of his disciples first. They were easy to find, Aerion heard the sound of a clash and followed it. He found himself in one of the pavilions meant for sparing. It was a very competitive battle between two of his most talented disciples. Both were heavily wounded, but this didn't stop them from fighting... no, it made them even more determined to win. The Heavenly Fire Demon was observing from the side.

"Ah, disciple, you've returned!"

"Disciple... hahaha."

Aerion was used to being a addressed as 'Your Grace' and so, it was quite unusual to be called disciple. Alas, the Heavenly Fire Demon had gained Aerion's respect. He was loyal, powerful and wise. His knowledge had made him a very formidable and deadly fighter. Aerion was quite eager to test his skill against other cultivators, especially those around his level of strength. But finding such beings won't be easy.

"So, did you accomplish everything you set out to do?"

"Of course. They call me King now."

"King Jun Long?"

"No, King Aerion."

"That is your true name?"

Aerion nodded. Perhaps I shall hide no more, the only reason I used the name Jun Long was to fit in... but I do not have to do that anymore. Soon, I shall rise as the one true ruler of the Profound Sky Continent. I am no disciple, nor am I some young master, I am a King and all shall learn this truth! The people of this world will adjust to me, as the people of Westeros had to adjust to Aegon The Conqueror.

But, two matters must be concluded before then. The Seven Nation Ranking Tournament and the death of Rotias.

"Yes, Dae Chun, it is."


"You don't have the ability, fire boy."

"I am no boy, I am a MAN!"

Fen Juecheng's flames exploded forth, rapidly growing in size... almost as fast as his anger. His blade was engulfed in it. He slashed down and the flames left the blade, flying down to Tai Shu. He gritted his teeth and created a massive tornado to absorb the flames and counter attack. Unfortunately, for Shu, the two profound skills cancelled each other out. Tai Shu spit out some blood and Fen Juecheng made sure not to waste this opportunity, he flew down and swiftly slashed at Shu. He managed to block the attack.

"Damn YOU!!!"

They ended up trading blows again, and again... and once more. The fight didn't seem to be going anywhere, Aerion intervened before any of them died. He knocked them both out at the same time.

"Heal them."

The Heavenly Fire Demon nodded and quickly healed the most vicious wounds. Then two servants came in and took them both away.

"What was that for?"

"A few baths were built and I decided to add an exceptional mixture with to it. After an intense spar, I would simply throw them into the water. Not only do they recover, but also can a boost in cultivation strength. It's a very effective method of recovery as far as I have observed."

"I see that you've been investing my money wisely."

That Fen Juecheng... he seems quite the fit with the Heavenly Fire Demon's style. Obviously, he hasn't mastered it. The Heavenly Demon is calm on the outside while Juecheng seems to be a mad dog. But, he does meet the basic requirement; anger. The style feeds off anger and so, the angrier one is, the stronger they become. There are limits to how much stronger can one become, of course.

"Where are the others?"

"Busy meditating and recovering."

"Then I won't disturb them."

Aerion left for the Fortress, a short walk away from the Dragon's Palace. The journey took longer than expected. His silver hair and tall figure had attracted many eyes. He was quite famous in these parts... well, he was quite famous in the Blue Wind Empire as a whole. Aerion was easily distinguished from the rest, being the only person with the Blood of the Dragon.

"Master Jun, can you improve my sword? I really need it, I'm willing to pay extra!"

Aerion ignored the rest of the crowd. "Give me your blade."

*Here... I want it to have an ice element to it, if possible."

Aerion caught it and put it into his dungeon ring. Then he dumped it into the forge and covered it in his ice, soon enough an elegant blade emerged. Its blade was cold and sharp... perfect for killing men and beast alike. Aerion put it back into the ring and opened his eyes.

"Here you go."

"Woahh... you truly are the best in your field!"

He gave him a storage ring which had a couple thousand purple profound coins, a lot more than he would usually charge for a spirit profound weapon. Aerion swiftly made his way up the hill, which was a restricted area for most. Then, as he won longer had a crowd around him, he flew to the Library.


Aerion noticed the young man before him. "Quin, it is good to see you again. Where's the Grandmaster?'

"Ah, Father locked himself in and hasn't left in months. He put me in charge of running the Sect, it's far harder than I expected. I thought it would be more exciting, as well..."

Closed-door cultivation, it seems that everyone is focusing on their cultivation. Maybe I should as well...

"Yes, sometimes people do have a naive view of certain positions of power. It is understandable."

Many boys aspire to be valiant knights when they grow up... but it isn't all about winning tourneys. When the tiI of war comes, they must fight and participate in the blood bathes that come with war. Death is quite common in such events. Aerion himself had a naive view on Kingship until he became the Pirate King of the Stepstones and Narrow Sea.

Aerion spent the rest of the day reading books since he wasn't bothered to do anything else. There wasn't much to do anyway. Later that day, Aerion found out that Tai Xia was bedridden and that she wouldn't be able to walk for a week, a small price to pay.


Blood spoiled the beautiful buildings as a heartless demon slaughtered the sheep who dared oppose him. These were the proud and very powerful disciples of the Sun Moon Divine Hall... but, before the demon they were nothing. He killed all who didn't now to him. The so-called Saint Emperor of the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary was a different man, a more powerful man. This power came at a cost, he was cruel and heartless. Alas, no one knew that their Saint Emperor was killed a long time ago. In his place laid Rotias.

Step by step, he made his way to the main hall. So many had died by his blade and he didn't mind increasing the number further. Those weakling disciples and masters were of no use to him, it was the elders who he desired. The Heavenly Monarch would be a good addition to his forces... Rotias was willing to spend some time 'convincing' him.



He soon found the Heavenly Monarch and faced him in battle, it was a swift and decisive victory for Rotias.

"Bend to me... join my army, an army of loyal men who strive to serve even if it means death."

"No... I will no"

"Damn trash, you don't have a choice in the matter."

He grabbed his face and made him bend, eventually turning him into one of his followers. Then, once the most powerful were converted, the Sun Moon Divine Hall was set on fire. Rotias also made sure to loot the place beforehand. He marched his forces back to the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary.

Two converted, only another two remain..

Then he received news of Aerion's return to the Profound Sky Continent. He was pleased but had other matters to settle, he was in no rush.

The boy can wait, my conquest is more important.