
Targaryen Who Turned Dragon (Against The Gods X Game Of Thrones)

Aerion, son of Rhaegar Targaryen, was living the life of a beggar until he changed his destiny. He became a pirate. After raiding countless merchant galleys, King Robert had enough. He summoned the royal navy. Hearing this news Aerion gathered a large fleet of pirates. In the end, The Dragon came out victorious. Unfortunately, a great storm struck Aerion's navy months later. The storm sent him to a new world, Blue Pole Star, where his life changed forever.

SovereignOfHeaven · Book&Literature
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195 Chs

Dragon Rising

I woke up in the darkness of the Hall. How much time has passed? No time to think about such things... I'm hungry. Walking up the stairs was worse a thousand times worse than walking down... it was painful, long and tiring. Somehow, my body persevered and I got to the top. I immediately went to the kitchen and wolfed the food down. After stuffing myself with food, I went to my chambers to get some proper sleep. That Dragon God affair was unexpected, to say the least, I need time to think over it.


The Crimson Dragon was back in my dreams... and as quiet and powerful as ever. It looks bigger... and its flames are hotter than before. I wonder if the Dragon can speak? It would be interesting to communicate with a Dragon in my dreams. As always, the Dragon vanishes and my status is shown.


Aerion Targaryen

Level 8 Valyrian Lord

Titles: Exiled Prince, Pirate Lord of Bloodstone

Traits: Dragon Blood (+1), Attractive, Genius, Strong, Tall, Groomed, Patient, Diligent, Proud, Ambitious


Strength: 1.2 (2.4)

Endurance: 1.1 (2.3)

Dexterity: 1.1 (2.3)

Intelligence: 1.1 (4.1)

Charisma: 1.3 (2.8)

Magic: 1 (1.5)


Duelling skill: Skilled Fighter ☆☆☆

Martial: Tough Soldier ☆☆

Diplomacy: Underhand Rogue ☆☆

Stewardship: Thrifty Clerk ☆☆

Intrigue: Amateurish Plotter ☆

Learning: Detached Priest ☆


Magic, I have magic!


I am a wizard... without any spells. I hear someone knocking on my door.

"Captain, we have returned!"

It's Robb. I get quickly dressed and open the door. How come a week has passed already?

"Well, how was it?"

"A great success, Captain. We have twice as many ships men... in addition, a mountain full of gold!"

Twice? Isn't that a bit much? If it's all true, Duncan is working miracles. I would make him my second in command... if he isn't already.

"Lead me to him."

"As you wish, Captain."

Duncan was waiting for me in the throne room. I sat down on the throne and spoke.

"I heard it was a success?"

"Yes, My Lord, a great success. All in your name... all the merchants in Storm's End fear even leaving the port. The patrols became larger and tougher, but we defeated them with ease. I fear Lord Stannis Baratheon doesn't have any more ships."

"Hahaha, Duncan, you are a good man. What of King's Landing, have they heard of our exploits?"

"I fear they have, Lord. I hear that King Robert Baratheon himself is gathering a navy to eradicate all pirates in the Narrow Sea."

"That is very troubling news, Duncan. What shall we do about it?"

He thought for a while and so did I. Lying low would be a good idea but the Usurper would eventually come to Stepstones if he truly wants to eradicate pirates...

"How much time do we have?" I break the silence

"Four months to Nine, My Lord."

I smile.

"Long enough. We shall make King Robert regret gathering his navy."


"My Lord, gathering every pirate in Stepstones will be difficult."

"The pirates of Stepstones are not stupid. They know that Robert will attack these lands, and that, it would be better to unite as one force and fight back than to die one by one. We will unite all of the pirates in Stepstones and crush Robert's Navy."

"That would make you the King Aerion of House Targaryen, the First of his name, King of Andals, First Men and Pirates. The protector of the Islands."

Duncan joked.

"King of Stepstones... doesn't sound great."

We sailed from island to island, gathering pirates. Surprisingly, none rejected our offers. After 2 months, we gathered around thirty-two galleys, fifty smaller ships and 2400 men. Making a grand total of Fifty Galleys, Fifty smaller ships and three thousand men!

I was silently declared King of Stepstones as most pirates follow me. Six months... six months have passed since I first sailed the Mad King. Time sure flies.

"What will we do now, Captain?"

"King Robert is still gathering his navy... what do you think we should do?"

Robb thought for a few seconds.

"Attack him while he's still weak!"

"Exactly what I had in mind. Robb, tell the other captains to get ready."

A hundred ships... the Usurper won't be expecting such a large force. I want to crush him... like he crushed my father at the Trident.


Robb finally returned, I closed the book I was reading (I went to the library a few times before).

"Everyone is ready to go at your command, Captain."

"Then let's go."

And so, a hundred ships set off to the Narrow Sea.


"The...the pirate fleet is just a day away from us."

Robert, in his armour, didn't look fazed at all. What can some pirates do to the King of the Seven Kingdoms? Answer: not that much.

"Why do you fear these pirates? Gather the men and we will deal with this small threat in a day."

"The threat is not small, Your Grace. The pirate fleet consists of three thousand men and a hundred ships."

"Three thousand, how?"

"A very charismatic Pirate Lord, pirates simply flock to his cause. Reports say that the Pirate Lord is just a young man of fifteen years. Some even say that the boy is the eldest son of Rhaegar Targaryen..."

"Reports are mere stories. When the Pirate Lord comes, we shall see who he is."

"It is as you say, Your Grace."


We were getting closer to King's Landing, closer to the royal navy, by the hour. I was mentally and physically preparing myself in my quarters. The up-and-coming battle will be long, bloody and tiring. Maybe, if I win, I will storm King's Landing and perhaps sit on the Iron Throne (probably not). The highest priority is the destruction of the royal navy, everything else comes second.

What if I lose... what if Robert captures me? My death would be a certainty, The Usurper hates Targaryens with a burning passion. Perhaps I will wash up on some beach... which happens to have an abundance of beautiful women (probably won't happen). There are many possibilities... only one truth. All I know is, I will fight with my heart and soul. If I am to die, then so be it.


The two fleets faced each other. The Mad King navy was slightly larger than the Royal Navy. The battle was about to begin. Aerion took off his mask. This is it... the Battle.

I hope Viserys and Dany are doing fine... I also hope that I will live long enough to see them again. I draw my sword. Point it to the sky and three thousand arrows fly.

The Battle between the Rising Dragon and The Mature Stag has begun.

Thousands of arrows flew into the sky. After the first volley, the fleets got closer and fired another volley. Then after the third volley of arrows, dozens of ships boarded each other.

I drew my cutlass sword and grabbed a new shield as my previous shield didn't look too good, it was impaled by twenty arrows! My first opponent looked nothing special, just a man at arms.

He charged at me and I stepped to my right. Then I slice off his sword arm and bash his head with my shield. I penetrated his heart and threw him off my ship.

My next opponent was someone more formidable, a knight. I stare at him, waiting for his move. Then words appeared on his body... I can see another's status?


Strength: 1.1

Endurance: 1.1

Dexterity: 1.4

Intelligence: 1.2

Charisma: 1.2


I'm superior in every way apart from, maybe, skill. I should still be on my guard, he can still kill me... I am no God.

He's still not attacking me... very well, I shall strike first. I go for a stab in his right arm, which he blocks. Not bad. Then I, with all my strength, bash his head with my shield. He walks back, stunned. Then I slash at his head.

He... he blocked my slash!?

He pushed me back and went for a vertical slash. I dodge to the side and stab him in his chest. It's over!

I got arrogant and didn't pay attention to the soldier. He stabbed me back. I escaped from most of the damage, but he managed to make a pretty damn big cut on my chest. I end his miserable life by dropping him into the sea with no head.

Damn it. That cut... hurts, it will surely weaken me in duels to come. Then I looked closely at it... the cut... it's... it's closing! It's being closed by Crimson scales...the wound is turning into dragon scales! A few seconds later, the scales disappear to reveal my cut free chest. All traces of the wound are gone.

The Dragon God did not lie... I am a Dragon... a true Dragon.