
Trip to Naples

The ruins of Rome stretched out like a vast cemetery under a leaden sky. Lucia, clutching little Quintino, advanced through the ruins, looking for a way out. The child, still too young to fully understand the gravity of the situation, soon fell asleep, lulled by the slow rhythm of his mother's footsteps.

The streets, once crowded and noisy, were now desolate and silent. The echo of their footsteps resounded darkly among the rubble, amplified by the muffled silence. Lucia felt like a ghost in a dead world. Fear gripped her heart, but the determination to protect her son pushed her forward.

After days of walking, exhausted by hunger and thirst, they came across a group of farmers who were gathering firewood. With a trembling voice, Lucia asked them for help. The farmers, rough men and tanned by the sun, looked at her with pity.

"Poor woman," one of them said, shaking his head. "Rome has fallen. But do not fear, we will help you."

With their guide, they reached a small village hidden in the hills. The inhabitants, simple and hospitable, offered her a roof under which to shelter and a fireplace around which to warm themselves. Lucia and Quintino finally felt safe.

But the tranquility did not last long. One night, while they were sleeping, a noise jolted them awake. A man, his face covered by a hood, burst into their hut. Lucia jumped up, clutching Quintino to her. The man, brandishing a knife with a shiny blade, approached her with stealthy steps.

"Shut up!" he hissed, his eyes glittering with sick lust.

Lucia tried to scream, but the man covered her mouth with one hand. With the other, he tried to grab her. But Lucia, driven by an instinct for survival, reacted with unexpected violence. With a lightning-fast movement, she grabbed a piece of wood and drove it into the attacker's chest. The man fell to the ground, lifeless.

Lucia was shaking from head to toe. She had killed a man. A sense of guilt and fear invaded her. But she was soon overwhelmed by another emotion: anger. She had defended herself and her son, and she was not ashamed of it.

The next morning, the villagers buried the man and decided to help Lucia and Quintino continue their journey. They gave her provisions, a donkey and a cart to carry their few belongings.

"Naples is far away," said the village elder, "but don't be afraid. Follow the coast and sooner or later you will reach your destination."

Lucia and Quintino thanked the farmers and set off. The journey was long and tiring. They passed through cultivated fields, thick woods and small villages. Every day, the fear of being attacked accompanied them, but the hope of reaching a safe place pushed them forward.

During the journey, Lucia told Quintino stories of heroes and adventures, trying to distract him from the fatigue and fear. The child, listening to his mother's voice, fell asleep peacefully, lulled by her words.

One evening, while they were camping on the beach, they saw the lights of a large city on the horizon. It was Naples. Lucia, holding Quintino close, looked towards the future with a new hope. They had faced many trials together, but they had survived. And now, a new life awaited them.