
Tapestry Of Lives: A Multifaceted Journey

"Tapestry of Lives" is a rich narrative that follows the interconnected lives of several characters from different walks of life. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the story weaves together themes of love, loss, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams. Through a series of intertwined vignettes, the characters navigate through their individual challenges and triumphs, ultimately discovering the profound ways in which their lives intersect and influence one another. As their stories unfold, you are drawn into a captivating tapestry of human experience, where each thread contributes to the intricate and beautiful fabric of life.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter Seven

Chapter 7

"Bummi?" My mother's voice and an additional slap on my back. Ouch. I felt it so bad. That it made me jolt out of my sleep.


Wait a minute... was I asleep? I mean, did I fell asleep when I…..

"Madame, sleeper on duty." She places her hands on her waist and I can't decipher her next reaction from her expression. "I thought you where dead on top the clothes you were washing."

No way! Just no fucking way! I know I left this house right this morning to get detergent and....


Why does it seem like.... Did I got it or I…..

Yes! I met someone on my way to the store and then…

Damn, that guy was too cute to be looked once. But we were talking….what were we talking about?

Names? Yes. I told him mine and he said his was….em..... but I haven't seen such person before in reality and that name is mainly not common amongst my friend's list, so...

"Bummi, Kini o jẹ aṣiṣe pẹlu rẹ?" Will my mom please allow me think straight?

I wipe my eyes once and blink twice. "Was that a dream?"

"A dream?" Mom arch an eyebrow, hands still on her waist. "The time you brought out these clothes to wash, I haven't think or planned of putting the pot on the gas stove, talk less of making breakfast and now….." She glance at her wrist, of which I know there's no watch and said, "I think the time is approaching noon."

Noon?! "Did I slept that long?"

"I think you should be asking yourself that question, not me." Will she stop adding 'think' to her words? It only makes me think she conceived me out of her thoughts.

I sat up straight and exhaled.

Internally, am famished. Externally am confused.

Same time, my belly is playing a siren.

"Finish up those clothes quickly before your food gets cold." I understand mom has her own laws in this house.

Rule number one: You dare not eat breakfast without showering first!

Rule number two: Always remember to brush your teeth morning and night.

Rule number three: House chores are likely to be done first thing in the morning before shoving your FUCKING self out that door.

In less than an hour, I was already done with the laundry and some minor house chores.

Talking about food, I already sneaked into the kitchen long ago before I even finish with the clothes.

Fuck the rules….. but if you'd be caught….. you're caught.

I finish up, had my bath for the first time in the day and forgot about every other things apart of my job.

Later in the evening...

Am sitting on the couch with my HTC laptop on my lap. A coffee mug right at my front, seated on the table.

I scroll through my saved documents where I have some drafts from yesterday's report.

I have to finish them up. I need to compose these ones before bed time.

I said these to myself before clicking on the sixtyninth document.

My middle finger moved slowly on the soft touch monitor –

Yes, I don't want to spoil this one. I got it in an already used model. If it was a new one, I'll still be mindful.

I got some hardcopies of some written ones that I haven't uploaded yet in the software. I began glancing through the both – on software and handouts.

Mom and Nifemi are in the bigger sitting room watching TV. Since we only have two parlors and three bedrooms, am using the small parlor for privacy – currently.

My phone beeps. Checking it, it was an email from Ojo. And it says…..

From: Ojo Folorunsho @ojofolomail.com

To: Bummi Ademola @Bummijournal.com

Date: Nov 14, 2023

Subject: Help!!!!

Dear bestie…..

Abeg (Abeg in my local English mean: Please.) Can you send me one of your reports to cover up for myself tomorrow? Up till now no one has called me or lure my attention for a scene, I haven't got a call and the areas are dry and I have to report to Mr. Williams Eghosa Ogiemwonyi the BOSS first thing tomorrow morning. Remember that I helped you last week with the scene at the Ovia river bridge. Please nah, save a friend's ass..


Ojo with much love.

I threw my head backwards, closed my eyes for a deep breath before piling into what he sent.

Of a truth, Mr. Williams Eghosa Ogiemwonyi, is not a friendly or informal man. He is very strict and punctual to work daily.

I didn't overlook things because there's a phrase that said; A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Ojo and Lola has helped me so much in so many ways.

I didn't have to waste any much time before composing the draft. I have up to seven reports to upload in the latest updates Tomorrow.

So, I gave Ojo one – forwarded it to his email and he appreciated with a big heart text.

Afterwards, I went back to my duties. I mean to say, pending journals.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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