
An Apology

The Old Street. 

A once busy street has now become a desolate place. 

Only limited people rarely visit this street nowadays, making it look deserted on normal days. 

But with the gradual changes in the city and the appearance of the city center, it has now been forgotten by most of the people.

Despite the situation being like that, it can't be denied that the Old Street has a rich history and is also home for some rich people.

Alex and Kris got out of the car. 

Because of its rich heritage, the Old Street gives off a feeling of antiquity. 

Alex looked around and asked, "So, where are we going now?"

"Wait, let me message a friend of mine first."

Saying that, Kris messed around with her phone for a bit before beckoning Alex. 

"Alex, come on. Let's go."


The two started moving with Kris on the lead.