
Tangled Threads

Zazzu, a 200 year old vampire, takes over an entire wolf park after killing the Alpha and his children. Unknowing to him Alpha's daughter, Diane was still alive. Unleashing her legendary moon princess powers that she still could not control, Ryan, Zazzu's son, emerged as her fated mate but rejects her at first. After suffering the pain of rejection, Zazzu decides to make her his mate, but is stopped when Ryan marks her at the mating ceremony. Will their bond be the key to defeating the vampire king or will it completely destroy her?

Nimatullah_6067 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

 "How do you know me?" 

"I work in the palace, goodbye." She took the ring and ran away before I could say another word.

"Why did she… uhmm nevermind I'll still get to see her around since she stays at the palace." I thought to myself smiling.

I was about leaving when the old woman insisted "Take the second pair of ring with you, I don't need it anyway."

"Second pair?" I asked.

"This ring is for couples, she took the first pair, you can take the second pair." She said.

I took the ring from her and placed it on my finger. It fitted exactly and it wouldn't come off. "Ahh fuck! It won't come off" I yelled.

"You wore it without checking,now face the consequences." Aiden replied.

"Just let it go, we're already late as it is." He added.

"Let's go." We entered a taxi and it took us to the front gates if the palace.

"I hate to say this, but it feels good to be home again." I said rolling my eyes.

"You think?" Aiden chuckled.

"Let's head inside." I insisted.

The palace door opened and rose petals flew from the air as we entered graciously into the palace. As usual, Maidservant Suzan, prepared a welcome feast for me, I walked up to her and gave her a tight hug.

"It's been ages, dear prince." She said with a voice that always soothes my ears.

"I've been well. How have you been?" I asked. "I'm better now that you've arrived." She said cupping my face in her hands.

"Seems you have forgotten that you have a father." My father interrupted.

"He always interrupts my good moments." I whispered.

"Greetings dad." I brought out my hands for a handshake and he pulled me in for a hug. "Have you been well?" He asked.

"Did I just hear straight? What happened to him? Why's he suddenly being nice to me?" I thought to myself.

"Had it been you cared about me, you would never have sent me over there." I released myself from his grip and headed upstairs. "I did it for your own sake." He said looking at me with a weird smile.

I was so irritated by his words and gestures that I quickly ran to my room. I took of the clothes I was wearing, had a quick bath and changed into a tracksuit and a jersey. I layed on my bed and fell asleep without realizing it.

Zazzu's pov

"Are the arrangements ready?" I whispered to Mr Sha.

"Yes everything will happen exactly as you planned it." He replied.


" But don't you think you should let Ryan know about your plans." 

"He doesn't need to know anything, the only thing he has to do is obey my instruction." I said before I left the room.

Diane's pov

I ran to the palace after meeting with the prince, he actually is handsome just as the rumors stated. People don't know who he actually is because they've never met him, they only care about his looks. Apparently, looks are the only thing he had.

"Quit murmuring and get to work, the prince has already arrived and the guests will be arriving soon." The head chef said.

"Yikes! He's already here, what if we run into each other?" I whispered.

"What! Have you met the prince?" A maid standing beside me curiously asked.

"No!" I said immediately. "What will someone like me be doing around the prince?" I added.

"Quit the chitchat and get to work, will you?" The head chef instructed.

"The guests are arriving." A maid ran into the kitchen to inform us.

"Okay, we'll serve drinks for the main time." She said and handed the drink tray over to me. "Me?" I gulped.

"Yes you. Go and serve drinks to the guests." She said with a stern face.

"Okay ma'am." I gasped.

I never thought I would be able to enter the palace, I was only entitled to serving dishes at the dining room. Now, I'll be entering into the palace. Guests had already arrived and I was serving drinks to everyone there.

I was walking around admiring the beauty of the well decorated palace, when I bumped into a tall man and mistakenly spilled liquor on his robe. 

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see you there, please spare my life, I'll take your robe and wash it for you, please spare me." My heart pounded in fear.

"How dare you!" He pulled me up to see my face and was stuttered and immediately let go of his grip.

I looked at him and saw something strange, one minute I'm seeing blue and red eyes, the next minute I'm seeing blue eyes. I had this feeling that I'd seen him somewhere before but I couldn't remember where. 

"Get out!" He ordered.

I immediately ran as from the hall and back to the kitchen.

Zazzu's pov

"How's this possible?" I whispered. "She looks exactly like her."

"She looks like who?" Ryan asked curiously.

"No one." I smiled.

"Your Majesty, shall I bring out another robe for you?" A servant asked.

"It's fine. I'll just wash up." I responded.

I went to wash up in the bathroom but the thoughts of her were still lingering in my head. "Who's she?" Who does she look like her?" 

A call came through which distracted me from my thoughts, "Are you ready?" The caller asked. "Everything's set, you may come in."

Diane's pov

"What have I done? Do I really have to be clumsy today as well? Shit! I messed up bad." I yelled.

"Yup, you did." Ryan said as he came into the kitchen and shut the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Checking up on you." He came closer.

"You're not supposed to be here." I gulped.

"You spilt liquor on my dad's robe and you asked me not to be here." He leaned close to me.

He came so close that I could feel his hot breath of my face. "Please, stay away." I tried to push him away but he pulled me close.

He tried to press his lips against mine when I grabbed a knife and injured his arm.

"Shit!" He yelled. "I told you to stay away."

"I can't, I'm keep getting drawn towards you." He said staring into my eyes.

"Just because you are a prince, doesn't mean you have the right to toy with me." I angrily said.

He left without saying a word and slammed the door on his way. "Asshole!" I shouted as he left.

Ryan's pov

"What the fuck is wrong with you man?" I yelled at myself. "Why did I do that?" "Arrggh! Seems like I lose control whenever I'm around her." I murmured.

I went back to the hall and was stunned to see the Beta and a girl who I pressumed was his daughter with my father. Seeing how he was smiling from ear to ear, he has definitely done something.

"Come here my son." My father called.

 This is Eleanor, the Beta's daughter.

"I know that." I said not minding how my father would react. 

"My son-in-law looks like a man now." The Beta said.

"Son-in-law? What do you mean?" I asked i

n confusion.

"You and Eleanor are getting married." My father revealed.

"What!" I screamed.