
Dropping A Dime (Part 2)

There was a time when communicating with others was more difficult.

People sent messages person to person, sent written letters, sent messages by telegraph.

Telephones made it easier, but not at first. They were expensive and not very common.

In big cities, important places had telephones (places like police stations). As time moved on, telephones might be found on the street. With a coin box to pay for the right to make the call.

For a long time, it took a dime to place a telephone call.

Going to a phone box and calling the police gained the term 'dropping a dime'. A derogatory term amongst the criminal community.

Laws were created with support from the majority (recycling laws, water cleanliness laws, and whistle blower laws).

Many of the laws are not much investigated. Is hazardous material being discarded with regular trash? Is industrial waste being washed down floor drains? Are recyclable items being simply sent to landfills or trash barges?

I think there is a need for a reporting system. Some web page, where people can 'drop a dime' and report these infractions. Sometimes bad things happen because it is easy to get 'lax'.

There is just too much trash being produced to be 'lax'.

We are making quite a big mess.