
Chapter 13 This is not where you should be, go back early.


The side room was a kitchen, and after entering, Zhang Fenglan first lit the oil lamp and soaked the pork offal in a wooden tub.

Lin Anning stood awkwardly at the doorway, surveying the room.

In front, there was a clay stove, and behind, a straw curtain partitioned off the space, behind which faintly stood a bed.

The earthen walls were blackened with soot, and the white paper pasted over the windows had also turned smoky in color.

The room contained only a cupboard for bowls, a small table, and three stools.

It was clear that the household was not affluent.

How long would it take for Mom to save that little bit of money in her previous life?

Lin Anning felt a warmth at the edges of her eyes and quickly looked away, fearing that her emotions might be detected.

Zhang Fenglan stuffed some dry straw into the stove to light a fire, then washed her hands and took a small piece of meat from the cupboard, chopping it up.

Lin Anning was not one to just wait for a meal, so, carrying her luggage, she approached the stove, ready to help with the fire.

The chopping noise stopped, and Zhang Fenglan frowned, pointing to the small table behind her.

"Sit there, don't touch anything!"

Did she find her a bother? Lin Anning felt a bit embarrassed but obediently walked over with her luggage and sat down.

Once the meat was chopped and the pot was hot,

Zhang Fenglan went to the back and pulled out a clay jar from under the bed.

She scooped a spoonful of lard into the pot to heat it up, then poured in a bowl of water to boil.

She pinched the chopped meat into meatballs and dropped them into the water; the meatballs floated up, followed by a poached egg.

After taking the pot off the fire, she drizzled a few drops of sesame oil and sprinkled a handful of chopped scallions, then placed it casually in front of Lin Anning.

She put the jar of lard back and took the wooden tub outside to wash the pork offal.

From beginning to end, she didn't exchange many words with Lin Anning.

Lin Anning had heard from the village chief and knew her mother had a bit of a temper.

Looking at the plump poached egg in the bowl and the greasy meatballs,

she couldn't help but swallow, first sipping some of the broth.

Rich with lard and sesame oil, it was unbelievably savory.

She alternated bites between the meatball and the poached egg, her mouth slick with oil.

The hunger in her belly was greatly soothed.

In the blink of an eye, she had finished even the soup.

Lin Anning wiped her mouth, thought for a moment, and then left five dollars under the bowl.

Carrying her luggage, she walked out the door and saw Zhang Fenglan with her back to her, washing things by the well.

Lin Anning opened her mouth, but ultimately she couldn't muster the voice to call out.

"Thank you, it was very delicious. I'm going back now!"

The way back seemed unnoticeable before, but now, it was surrounded by darkness.

The shadows of the trees along the road looked like monsters with bared teeth and claws; Lin Anning grew a little scared and quickened her pace.

Before long, she heard footsteps catching up from behind.

Zhang Fenglan caught up with swift steps and stuffed the five dollars back into Lin Anning's hand, bluntly.

"Take it back."

Before Lin Anning could refuse, Zhang Fenglan frowned with impatience on her face.

"This isn't where you belong. Go back to where you came from!"

After speaking, she turned and walked away quickly.

Lin Anning looked at the money in her hand and gave a helpless, wry smile.

It seemed that her mother didn't like her very much, which made it even harder to reveal her identity.

On her way back, she couldn't help but feel as if someone was following her.

It wasn't until the lights of the educated youth commune came into view that the sensation dissipated.

By this time, everyone at the commune had returned.

Male and female comrades were lining up by the well to the west to fetch water, and though Lin Anning didn't particularly like joining groups, she braced herself and stepped forward to greet them.

"Hello, I'm a new educated youth who arrived today. My name is Lin Anning!"

Her voice was soft and delicate, causing a tingle in the hearts of some male comrades who heard her.

They turned to look at her, eyes filled with amazement.

The men stopped fetching water and crowded around Lin Anning, vying to shake her hand.

"Oh, Comrade Lin Anning, hello, hello."

"The village chief told us about you. If you need any help, just let us know."

"By the way, my name is Zhang Yong."


"I'm Li Erniu!"

"I'm Zhou Jianshe!"

Lin Anning squeezed out a smile, hurried back to the eastern room, and twisted around to close the door.

The male comrades were relentless and chased to the door.

"Lin Anning, you haven't fetched water yet? We can boil some hot water and bring it over to you."

"Yes, yes, yes, the Chairman said that city youths sent to the countryside should help and support each other."

The enthusiastic persistence of these young men from the city soon aroused the dissatisfaction of the nearby female youths.

"That's some talk. When we all came down to the countryside together, I didn't see you offering us any help or support? You're just eyeing up a pretty girl and harboring ulterior motives!"

"Exactly, as if she'd even spare you a glance!"

At that moment, a young female comrade walked out from the room next door to the eastern room, pushing through the group of male youths with impatience.

"Move aside, move aside, don't block the way."

"She came to the countryside in good faith, thinking she came here to find a match?"

Turning her head, she locked eyes with Lin Anning, and both were taken aback.

"Little Anning?"

"Sister Tiantian?"

Huo Tiantian quickly stepped forward, grabbed Lin Anning's hand, and looked her over carefully.

"Is it really you? Why are you here? No, with your health, why would you come to the countryside like this, isn't it just tormenting yourself?"

Lin Anning forced a smile, glanced at the onlookers, and pulled Huo Tiantian into the room.

"It's a long story, let's talk about it slowly…"

Huo Tiantian was the granddaughter of Old Master Huo, forthright in nature, two years older than her, and had always considered herself a sister to Anning. She was one of the few from the Huo family who got along well with her.

As they grew up, each had their own affairs, and the chances to meet became infrequent.

Unexpectedly, they had ended up meeting here again, after all the twists and turns.

Lin Anning didn't hide anything from Huo Tiantian and told her everything about the Lin Family.

Hearing everything, Huo Tiantian nearly jumped up in anger.

"Are your parents out of their minds? Even if they want to recognize their own daughter, why ruin your reputation?"

"They thought that my grandfather was approving of the marriage between the two families? Pah, my grandfather was recognizing you as a person."

"And that Huo Wenchang, I never liked him from childhood. He's just like his mother, deceitful and two-faced."

"It's good that you're not marrying him. Our family has other..."

"Sister Tiantian!"

Under the dim light, Lin Anning looked up slightly at Huo Tiantian.

Her eyes appeared to hold a pool of mountain springs, shimmering with light.

With a serious face, she said, word by word,

"I've already severed ties with the Lin Family, and I don't plan on forming a marital bond with the Huo Family."

"From now on, I'll still consider you as my sister, but let's not bring up that topic again."

Huo Tiantian had always thought Lin Anning was beautiful, had a good temperament, and everything about her was admirable.

Thinking about her own brothers at home, pah, they truly weren't a match for Anning at all.

She nodded her head, patted Lin Anning on the shoulder, and said,

"Alright, I understand. From now on here, I'll take care of you and absolutely won't let anyone bully you."

After a simple wash up, Lin Anning donned thick clothing, lay down on the narrow wooden bed, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.


It was already midnight, and the Lin Family home was still brightly lit.

They had been searching for two or three days, with no news of Lin Anning.

Old Master Huo refused to leave the Lin Family home, and Lin Anning's parents were so frightened that they dared not even go to work.

In the middle of the night, Old Master Huo himself refused to rest, and also insisted that Lin Anning's parents and Ren Jing and Huo Wenchang not go to sleep either.

They all sat in the living room, thinking of what they could do.

After keeping vigil for two days, they were almost out of strength.

In those two days, they had turned Jiangcheng's streets and alleys inside out, to no avail; there was no sign of Lin Anning.

They had even reported it to the police station, but the response was just to wait for news.

If they continued like this, Old Master Huo would be fine, but they wouldn't be able to hold on.

The door creaked open, and Huo Shen walked in.

Upon seeing this, Old Master Huo quickly asked,

"You little rascal, you didn't find her in White Crane Village either?"