
Taming The wild Billionaire

A nerd he was. Most of the time, People Told him he was a mistake. Even his own parents abandoned him after been assured that he was an ill luck. His name was Jack. With Literally no one by his side, Jack managed to cater for his life. He finished schooling and was in search of a job. About fifteen Interviews he went for, He got rejected in all. Jack had given up on life and considered committing suicide until an Opportunity suddenly came up. He overhead about a job offer in a Rich woman's House. This woman was exceptionally a devil. She was the most ferocious woman in the city. Her name was Miss Red. Jack decided to try his luck of he could get a place in Miss Red life despite knowing he will probably get rejected. Jack got a place in Miss Red house and this changed his life for good. All he has to do now is survive in the most ferocious woman's house!.

Daizy_Dee · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Episode 3

"Hi, my name's Chris. " the dude said. "Nice to meet you Chris. Am Jack by the way.." Jack replied. They shook hands.

"Did you say you're new?" Chris asked. "I actually just got the job " Jack replied. "of course. sorry if this sounds rude but you surely won't be working with My boss looking like that!" Chris said.

"Well, thank you for whatever that was... " Jack said and turned to walk away. "Nice meeting you, I'll see you around!" Chris said. "i hope not.. " Jack mumbled. The cars had already left. Jack walked back to the gate.

The guards saw Jack walking to them. "Hey, I bet you 10 dollars he got rejected!" Max said to his mate. "Duh, it's very obvious he would get rejected. If Deane accepts someone like this, he's gonna end up loosing his job!" Max's Mate replied. They all laughed it off

Jack walked up to them with a Moody face. "Oh, sorry pal. We tried to help you avoid this but you won't just give up easily! " Max said and giggled.

"What?" Jack asked in confusion. "You got rejected, Quite depressed huh?" Max asked. "Wait no, I didn't get rejected!" Jack replied. "You didn't what!?" Max asked in total disbelief.

"I got the job!" Jack replied. "What the heck!?" The guards exclaimed. "What, no, that's not possible! " Max said in disdain. "Why, you don't think I deserve a job!?" Jack asked angrily. "I do not believe this shit. I gotta call Deane! " Max said.

He grabbed his phone and dialed The managers line. "Wow, what sought of phone is this?" Jack asked. "it's a phone that was specially designed for us by a telecommunication company. You would never find a replica of this" A guard replied.

"I can't believe this!" Max said and kept the phone back in his pants. "what, did he truly get the job?" His mates asked eagerly. "Yeah, he did!" Max replied.

"Well, you have your answer now. Bye!" Jack said and walked away. Max and the guards watched in disdain as Jack swayed left and right walking away from the mansion.

"How in the world did he get the job!? " A guard asked. "i have no fucking idea!" Max replied. "Maybe, he gave him a blow job? " a guard said. They all stared at him in confusion. "What, how then did a Retarded scum like him get a job here!?" He asked..

Jack got home and took a shower. He left for a Boutique. He boarded a Cab to the the boutique and purchased a new black suit and a pair of shoes.

Later in the day, He was all alone in his room laying on his bed completely lost in thought. "I'm gonna focus on this job and make a lot of money. Then I'll go back home to my parents and show them they made a big mistake Abandoning me!" Jack thought.

"I need to get some sleep now. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day!" He said to himself...

"It's a Saturday, Check my schedule first.." Miss Red said to Deane. "I've checked for today mam, you don't have any meeting and the company is completely under the manger's care for today! " He replied.

"great, I'll just watch TV all day with Charlie!" Miss Red said. "i should head back to my office now..." Deane said. "What's it you do in that office every time. It's kinda sus.." Miss Red said.

"What..no...I'm.. I'm just doing my job.." Deane stammered. "Just kidding, get lost!" Miss Red said. Deane sighed and turned to leave. "Wait..." She suddenly said. Deane paused.

"I think I'm forgetting something.. " Miss Red said. "I've checked everything mam, You are completely free for a today" Deane said. "No, I think I gave you an assignment. Oh, the vacancy!. Has anyone showed up yet?" She asked.

"Oh, that!. Someone showed up yesterday.." Deane replied. "Did you give it to him?" Miss Red asked. "Yes, He met our standards.. " Deane said smiling awkwardly. "Well, great then. You can go now.." Miss Red replied.

Deane bowed slightly and exited the room. He was heading back to his office when he saw someone come in through the main gate. "It's him. Already!? " He exclaimed.

He waited as Jack approached him slowly. "Will you just walk faster!?" He asked furiously. Jack walked faster and soon got to him. "morning sir.." Jack said.

"You came Early, too early! " Deane said. "You told me to come today, you didn't say what time!" Jack fired back. "You made a mistake coming here now. You should have showed up by 12 fucking A.M!" Deane said furiously.

"Sorry, I thought showing up at work earlier would be impressive.." Jack said. "Whatever, follow me. I'll show you around a bit" Deane said. Jack followed Deane and they walked around the Mansion.

They went in and walked around for a bit. Deane showed him the room he would be staying. Alongside six other guards!. "Here's your phone and your Id..." Deane said and handed some stuffs to Him.

"wow, you made this overnight!?" Jack asked staring at the ID. "yeah. That would be all for now. You'll meet with the boss later. Make sure you exchange pleasantries as sensible as possible else you'll get your ass fired and I'll be able to do literally nothing about it!" Deane said.

"Okay, got it!" Jack replied. "Good, I'll be heading back to my office now. I have a lot to do.." Deane said and walked away leaving Jack at his room's doorstep. He stared around for a while and decided to move around.

Jack was about leaving the spot when he felt a hand touch him. He jumped up in fear. "You!" He said to the person. "What was your name again, oh Jack. Hey Jack! " the dude said.

"And you're Chris if I'm correct.. " Jack said. "Yeah, it's nice seeing you. You've finally resumed work!" Chris said. "Yeah, was just about taking a walk around. Perhaps I can go say hi to the boss?" Jack said.

"What the heck are you thinking. You can't just go see the boss!" Chris said. "Oh, I can't?" Jack asked.