
Taming The wild Billionaire

A nerd he was. Most of the time, People Told him he was a mistake. Even his own parents abandoned him after been assured that he was an ill luck. His name was Jack. With Literally no one by his side, Jack managed to cater for his life. He finished schooling and was in search of a job. About fifteen Interviews he went for, He got rejected in all. Jack had given up on life and considered committing suicide until an Opportunity suddenly came up. He overhead about a job offer in a Rich woman's House. This woman was exceptionally a devil. She was the most ferocious woman in the city. Her name was Miss Red. Jack decided to try his luck of he could get a place in Miss Red life despite knowing he will probably get rejected. Jack got a place in Miss Red house and this changed his life for good. All he has to do now is survive in the most ferocious woman's house!.

Daizy_Dee · Urban
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14 Chs

Episode 10

Matt and Brian had a Hard time transferring the weapons to their SUV. They finished and Carried The unconscious Jack back into the car. "The dude's a Chicken!" Brian said and chuckled.

"He's not used to this stuff yet, I was just like him when i started working for The Boss's Dad.." Matt replied. "How long have you been working with them?" Brian asked. "About ten years.." He replied.

"Wow, that's a pretty long time ago. But Why haven't you quitted ever since?" Brian asked. "You're asking too many questions! " Matt said. "Just answer this last one please.." Brian said.

"I actually wanted to quit when her dad was In coma and was surely gonna die. But he somehow made me promise to look after his daughter after his demise. I had no option than to do it!" Matt said.

"Wow. So you're just gonna serve them for the rest of your life. No family or something?" Brian asked. "I have a family, they come visiting Every month. Two children to be precise! " Matt replied.

"oh, never knew you had a family. We used to think you were.." Brian said and paused. "I was what?" Matt asked. "Never mind. We should leave now, Cops are still nearby.." Brian said and walked to the car.

"How's your arm?" He asked Matt. "I said no more question! " Matt replied. "You literally answered two other question after saying that the first time!" Brian said. "Whatever, my arm's good. Let's go, you drive!" Matt said and got in the passenger seat.

Brian got in the car and drove them off..

It was noon when they got back home. Jack woke up when he heard a honk. "what happened, Where the heck are we? " He asked staring around in confusion.

"We're home Cinderella! " Brian replied. "Home?" Jack asked. He turned around and saw the shattered glass. Jack instantly remembered they were in the middle of a chase when he woke up earlier. "Where are the men, did we loose them?" He asked.

"No they're still after us. Get down!" Matt replied. Jack quickly crouched. Brian giggled. "You're gonna make him collapse, again!" He said. Matt giggled slightly.

"Wait, there's no one after us?" Jack asked. "Did you hear me say we're home dude. We're literally at home now. No one is chasing after us!" Brian replied.

Jack sighed. "You really scared me!" He said and sat back. Brian drove into the mansion. "How did it go. Did we get back the money?" Jack asked. "And the weapons too!" Brian replied.

"Great, we did a great job!" Jack said. Matt and Brian stared at him in disdain. "What?, I wasn't completely useless. I emm..I..I tried talking him out of it. That was something! " Jack said.

"Yeah, you really helped!" Matt said. "A lot!" Brian added. "Fuck it!" Jack said.They all alighted from the vehicle. "Hand over your weapons.. " Matt said to them.

"Shit, I forgot mine at the site!" Jack said. "Don't worry, I picked it up.." Brian said and handed the both guns to Matt. "You did a good job. You can go in and have a rest now.." He said to them.

"Both of us, right?" Jack asked. "No, I was talking to him!" Matt said pointing at Brian. "oh.." Jack said. "Take him in before he passes out again! " Matt said to Brian.

Matt walked away. Brian giggled and walked in leaving Jack outside. "Assholes!" Jack said and slowly walked in. "my back kinda hurts though... " He said as he walked in..

Later in the day, at dinner. There was silence in the room as Miss Red had her dinner slowly. She finished and sipped some wine. Miss Red cleared Her throat and adjusted Her seats. "Three of My brave men today met with an unfortunate incident. Luckily, no one was seriously injured. But...I was informed one of them was acting like a chicken when it all happened! " Miss Red said and chuckled.

The guards all held their laughter. Some were chuckling hard. "He even fainted Four times!" Miss Red said and laughed harder. "What!, it was just twice!" Jack mumbled. the guards couldn't hold it anymore, They all bursted into laughter!.

The noise went down. "We have been skipping training since we were banned from using weapons but thanks to a friend who's a lawyer, we would be back on track in two days time!" Miss Red said.

They all applauded. "Get ready cause that's Tuesday. And also, do not faint!" Miss Red said and chuckled. She stood up to leave. "Matt would be taking car of everything. He might have some other things to discuss about with you all. I don't know.." She said and walked away.

Matt followed her up. The guards all paused and waited as the footsteps faded away. Brian finally let out the laughter he had been withholding since. The guards all joined him In laughing.

"Yeah, laugh it off!" Jack said and took his seat. He grabbed a chicken lap and took a bite. The guards all took turn in sitting down. "How was the Exchange Jack?" Billy teased.

"Do not fucking talk to me!" Jack said angrily. They all laughed again. "i can't believe someone would pass out four times in a single day!" Chris exclaimed. "It was Twice. common Brian, say something! " Jack said.

"Alright guys, Jack only fainted twice...Then he later fainted twice again!!" Brian said and laughed. The guards joined him in laughing.

"Fuck it am out of here! " Jack said and stood up. He walked away angrily. "Careful sweetheart, you might trip and pass out again!" Billy teased. They all laughed harder.

"Punks!" Jack mumbles as he trampled upstairs angrily. He headed for his room. Jack reached his doorstep and suddenly paused. He was hearing some voices. "Brian?, Billy?, guys.. is that you?" Jack asked.

There was no response. Jack stared around for a second. Everywhere seemed pretty empty. All the guards were downstairs eating. He decided to check for himself what was making the noise.

Jack walked down the hallway. The noise turned into voices. He had never reached this part of the house before and had no idea where he was actually heading to.