
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The one in 'POWER'.

After a few minutes

Li Cheng was back from the bathroom and Xiotan was helping him dry his hair.

It was actually Xiotan who suggested that she should help him dry his hair, even though he doesn't like people touching his hair he just couldn't say no to her.

But as soon as she touched his hair he felt like he was in heaven, the touch was so soft and sweet that he didn't even want her to stop. He has never felt as calm and relaxed as this before.

Where did she get those hands from?.

She was actually kneeing between his legs while drying his hair, that his head is almost resting on her boobs and he so badly wanted to rest his head on her boobs, but he didn't know why he was scared to do it.

Cheng is actually surprised by himself, the reason why he's scared he doesn't know, he has never felt this way with a lady before, he just do whatever he wants and don't give a fuck. But she... is a different case.

Helping his pathetic state, Xiotan knew what he actually wanted so helping matters she gently placed his head on her chest, which has those two fresh, round, soft milky boobs there, and he really tried not to groan out in pleasure.

If not for what she wants she won't be doing all this shitty stuff, and she knows if she asks him now he won't think twice before giving her. But she doesn't know all this little shitty act of hers is turning him on.

While Li Cheng on the other hand knows there is something behind all these 'I care' acts of hers.

So deciding to cut to the chase and not making himself too happy. he asked

" What do you want?" his questions made her smile as she looked at him and rub his hair gently.

" Now you are talking, so you know I want something all this while, why didn't you ask me straight away when you see all I was doing and you make me do all those silly stuff." she complained, dropping the towel and sitting at his front. And that made Li Cheng shake his head as if he knew there was something behind all these acts of hers

" As you can see, since we've been married I haven't asked anything from you"

" Yeah, I know so what is it you want or need"

" I need to go shopping, you see all those clothes In that wardrobe are all outing clothes, I feel very uncomfortable wearing them around, so I need to go shopping to buy some clothes for myself but I don't have the money...."

" That's not a big deal, but those clothes are clothes I think ladies like to wear either outi-"

" See I am not like other girls, I love something simple and cool, not those choking or whatsoever clothes, I hate them" she cut him off.

This girl will be the first person to cut Li Cheng off while he is talking, if he talks everyone shut up and listen but for her it's the other way round, when she talks he is the one to listen he just don't know why he is like this with her, he just always do whatever she wants and do whatever she says.

She is actually the one in POWER.

" So that's all you want? " he asked actually surprised, so that was what she wants that she had to do all of this to ask, he will be really happy if this is her way of asking for something It is really fantastic.

But actually Li Cheng is really surprised by her, he is shocked the way she never ask for anything apart for what she asked now. He is 100% sure that if it was other girls he got married to his room would be filled with clothes, perfume, lipstick, jewelry and so on like they will be spending billions of money. It's not like she doesn't use any of that stuff but hers is different, everything about her is totally different from other girls.