
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Pulled up in Lambo is Li Cheng who just arrived home at 9:30 pm. And as usual the guard and maids lined up in a straight line side by side the stairs as they bowed to greet him.

Walking in two of the maids helped him take off his shoe and socks then replaced it with home slippers. And after that was done he walked up the stairs and up to his room.

Arriving at the door of his room, he opened the door and entered and was shocked when he saw Xiotan awake.

Like seriously....., why is she still awake by this time of the day. Normally as soon as 8pm she's asleep, he has never come home at night and meets her awake.

She was not even about to sleep, she was laying in bed with her back facing the ceiling and her leg moving around playfully and was busy playing games on her phone. And that really surprised him.

Xiotan on the other hand wasn't even aware when Li Cheng entered the room cause she was too carried away with the game she's playing on her phone 'Smolsies' but as soon as he spend few minutes standing at the door, his scents filled the room and that made her stop what she's doing and look around then saw him standing at the front of the door a little shocked. Even though they don't really communicate, she knows his scents without any doubt.

" Oh you are back!" her voice sounds a little happy as she stands up and walks over to him with a smile on her face. And that got him even more surprised cause her reaction towards him was unexpected.

" Why are you standing there, come sit" she suggested as she held his hand and walked him to the bed.

" How was work today ?, hope it's not that stressful?" she asked as she took off his suit and started unbuttoning his shirt. And that shocked him again that made his mouth a little ajar.

" Why are you still awake ?" was his reply holding her hand to stop her from unbuttoning his shirt.

" We will talk about that later, first go take a shower" she said removing his hand and continue to unbutton his shirt, and when his torso came to view she couldn't help but drool. Why is it so damn perfect?.

When she was done she straightened up and gave him that cute look, and that when his eye drifted to the clothing she had on.

Say Ummm....., she is hot.

He didn't know why but he subconsciously gulped when he looked at her.

The clothing was barely covering anything, it was so damn provocative that Li Cheng couldn't think straight. He has never seen her in such clothing before and being the first time seeing her like this he was holding back with all his might not to do something stupid. In his life he has never seen a body that is so well shaped as hers, it is even impossible to compare her body to other girls cause she actually killed it all.

And Xiotan on the other hand smiled when she saw his reaction, Jinxin was right wearing this kind of cloth is the best thing to do.

She actually thinks he won't feel anything because she is very sure he has had sex with probably a lot of girls so seeing her body won't be something new to him. But it looks like she is wrong, she can actually sense all what he is feeling even without him saying anything.

" Yeah...., I think I will go take a shower" he suggested as he stood up and excused himself to the bathroom.

And as soon as he entered the bathroom she couldn't help but smile like a baby to her self. Does she really look that good ?.