
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Xiotan's heart raced as she turned to see Li Cheng staring down at her, his expression unreadable as he continued to cleanse her wounds.

"W-w-when did you get here?" she stammered, trying to sit up. But before she could, Li Cheng's hand pressed firmly on her back, pinning her to the bed.

He leaned in so close that she could feel his hot breath on her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

'Damn it, this isn't good,' she thought frantically. 'How did it turn out that he's here instead of Jinxin? Did she set this up? She's so dead for this.'

Li Cheng remained silent, his grip unyielding as he held her down. The tension in the room was suffocating.

"Do you know how much those words hurt me? Am I really that bad?" he asked, his voice low and laced with hurt. Xiotan bit her lip, knowing there was no easy way out of this.

"What did those girls say? How bad did they make me out to be? Was it so terrible that I deserve what you just said?" His grip tightened slightly, preventing her from escaping.

"Let me go! Leave me!" Xiotan demanded, wriggling beneath him, but he refused to release her.

"You haven't answered my question. What did they tell you?" he asked again, his voice dangerously calm. But Xiotan was stubborn, her pride refusing to let her give in.

"I said let me go! Leave me!" she shouted, yanking her hand away. But Li Cheng forcefully grabbed it again before she could act further.

"Do you think this is a joke? Do you think I'm going to be lenient with you? Don't push me, Xiotan. I can really be that bad guy you think I am," he whispered into her ear, his voice a chilling contrast to the fury simmering beneath the surface. His words made her shiver as she looked back at him, fear creeping into her mind.

'God, what have I gotten myself into? Why is he acting so scary now? Does he really think I'm going to tell him everything? That's impossible. And to make things worse, I'm half-naked. This is bad, really bad,' she thought, her mind racing for a way out.

"Come on, answer me. I'm not leaving until you tell me what those girls said at the mall that made you think I'm cheating on you," Li Cheng insisted, his patience wearing thin.

"I said leave me! I'm not going to tell you anything. But I know you know deep down that everything I said is true. You're nothing but a liar, a cheat, a—a… uncaring bi… Argh! I'm so annoyed right now. Get off me! If you actually don't know what happened, then you don't need to know!" she cursed, trying to push him away.

"Do you think I'm joking? It seems like you don't know how bad I can be," he said, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper as he flipped her onto her back. The sudden movement made her wince in pain.

"Ah, that hurts! My back… Let me go," she commanded, but he pinned her down, her body arching as she struggled against him. The movement caused her breasts to bounce, catching Li Cheng's attention.

His gaze darkened as he leaned down, capturing her lips in a forceful kiss. Xiotan's stomach churned with disgust, and she bit down hard on his lip, drawing blood.

"Yuck, you disgust me," she spat, glaring at him as he touched his bleeding lip, his patience thinning.

"You're really testing me, Xiotan. Don't make me do something you'll regret," he warned, his tone icy.

"And what will you do? Huh? What will you do, you pervert?" she taunted, the venom in her voice sparking a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Li Cheng's response was swift and brutal. He yanked the towel from her lower body, leaving her exposed.

"Pervert, huh? I'll show you what a pervert does. And you know what I hate? People who curse," he hissed, spreading her legs and positioning himself between them. His kisses were aggressive, his hands roaming her body with possessive force. Xiotan tried to push him away, but the pain in her back intensified with every movement.

"Ngh… Stop it… Ahn… Cheng'er…" she moaned, her voice betraying her as Li Cheng's mouth latched onto her breast.

"Why should I stop? I'm just giving you what you said I am—a pervert and an uncaring bastard," he said, his voice filled with cold fury. He silenced her protests with another harsh kiss, his fingers finding her slit and entering roughly, uncaring of her discomfort.

"Hngh… Ah! Cheng'er, you—you bastard! Leave me!" she yelled, the pain and humiliation blending into a fiery rage. Summoning all her strength, she pushed him back and delivered a stinging slap across his face.

PWAH! The sound echoed through the room, both of them frozen in the aftermath of the violent act.

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