
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs

One Month of being Married.

One Month later.

Xiotan woke up in the morning around 8am to go and make breakfast for herself and as usual Li Cheng was not by her side, he is always an early bird, sometimes he doesn't even eat breakfast before going to work.

Well, Xiotan on the other hand is enjoying her life, she looks more freshened and radiant than before, all she just has to do is to wake up, make breakfast, lunch and dinner then go back to sleep.

It is not like there are no maid to do those for her, but to her she finds it stupid, it's only an abnormal person she knows they make food for. Even she was surprised when she got here and she saw like four maids in her room the second day she arrived saying they wanted to bathe for her.

Like seriously..., is she a baby, no one has ever done that to her before and it will never happen, cause it looks weird and awkward. And when she told Jinxin about it, she said it because she is a princess and that is the way things are meant to be done.

But not for her, no one has ever treated her like a princess before, in fact she is more like a slave. So it will be really awkward.

And since when she has gotten here, she has never allowed anyone to make breakfast, lunch or dinner for her. But before she gets to the kitchen they would have prepared all what she needs and almost all the maids will be hanging around to check if she is alright all alone.

All the maids even the guards love her because of her jovial character.

If she wants to get water they will rush over to get it, if something falls from her hand they will also rush over to pick it up for her, if she's eating and want to pour water into her glass cup they will also rush over to help her, they even almost want to feed her her food to eat, she's just fed up with all this baby girl stuff they are doing to her, she has hand for Christ sake.

While her and Li Cheng on the other hand still act like strangers, he goes out as soon as 8am and comes back at 10pm. Like seriously, she even barely sees him, sometimes she would have sleep before he comes back and sometimes she will still be sleeping when he leaves, she is just fed up, it is just like he married her and dumped her at home

But she knows things will soon change, she hasn't just had his time.

Taking her bath, she puts on a beautiful knee blue gown. All the clothes available for her are all clothes for the outdoors, she really needs to go shopping for some house wear clothes she can wear around.

Even though it is already one month of her being married, she doesn't know why she hasn't gone shopping, maybe she is scared to go out, or hasn't seen the right time yet, or she doesn't have money and doesn't know how to ask Li Cheng. But she has actually made up her mind to ask him tonight if he gets back from work.

Going out of the room she walked down the stairs and as usual the maids were already waiting for her to come down and everything was ready for her to prepare her breakfast.