
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Mr lover boy.

In Li Cheng office.

" Liu, I think my wife's angry with me, she has been acting strange lately and I don't know why" Li Cheng complained to Liu Chen who was sitting on a couch eating chips in Li office.

" Hahahahahahaha, really!, Like seriously!, When do you start caring about people who are angry with you, I only know it your mother you can't withstand being angry with you, come on man you really amaze me" Lui Chen said laughing as he crossed his leg and continue eating.

" What do you mean, I get what you are saying.... but... but she's my wife man and I don't think I can withstand her being angry with me at all"

" Oh!, Mr lover boy, when do you accept her as your wife, I thought you said you just want revenge or something like that do you even ever care about ladies before?" He asked standing up and walk to where Li Cheng is seated.

" See, it a normal thing for couples to fight or your wife to get angry at you, so you are the one who will ask her or just think back to what you did that might make her angry" Lui Chen advised

" Yeah, I didn't that but I can't remember doing anything to make her angry everything was fine until she came back from the shopping mall yesterday, I even asked her and she said nothing's wrong,... like what the fuck is that"

" That's why you have to calm down and think, you know girls are really creepy, they won't tell you anything till they kill you, Li Cheng this is up to you of you want to know what went wrong you will have to use your brain" he said walking back to where he was sitting before.

" I have to use my brain?"

"Yes your brain, think of all possible things that might have happened. It could be at the shopping mall, or someone might call and give her false information about you or maybe she caught you with a girl one out of all is what might happen" he suggested

" No, no that third one's not true, I haven't touched any other lady ever since I've married her, so it surely won't be that"

" Oh really!, You haven't touched any lady for the past how many months now?, And you are still alive? Wow she really has a good impact on you, I'm surprised, amazed, fascinated, shocked to hear this from you. If I actually heard this from any other person I won't believe, like wow, you need a round of applause" he praised clapping for him.

" Come on, what do you take me for, so far I have a wife know why would I cheat, it not proper. "

" But you told me you've not have sex with each other, so how are you still sane?"

" I actually don't know, it like she cast a spell on me or something" he said him not even sure of what really happened.

" And you are sure you didn't try to ra*e her? "

" Come on why would I ra*e my wife, I've never done that and I will never do that"

". Okay, the lord is by your side, go solve your problem yourself, my brain is already in pain by just thinking too much" Lui said picking up his phone to chat.

" That all you will say?"

" Yes of course, what else do you want me to say, I've tried go figure the rest out yourself"

" You are a bad friend, a very bad friend. Don't ever talk to me again. "

" Sure I will happily do that, I even have to go somewhere and it almost time. Bye I will see you later" he said standing up to dress properly wave at him and head out

" I will see you later"

" Are you really going to go, which kind of friend are you, you can't even help me out, LUI CHEN GET THE FUCK BACK!" He talk and yelled but he didn't come back.

" Argh, God why are people in my life like this, especially this brat, when will he change.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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