
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Beautiful things.


Their car made a halt at the front of a golden large gate with two huge body guards guiding it.

The gate was opened and the car drove into a very big compound, which has trees shaped grasses and beautiful flowers Side by side the path way with beautiful lights around and a OASIS designer large water fountain at the middle that creates a round about and inside the water fountain there's beautiful waterproof light built in it .

The wind blowing and the trees dancing to it under the dark sky gave the compound some interesting vibe. The mansion is a little bit away from the entrance so the car has to drive into the entrance of the mansion.

Xiotan and Li Cheng emerge from the car as soon as the guard opens the door for them and all heads bow down when the two of them step down and Xiotan couldn't help but drop her jaw when she sees the surroundings and how beautiful the mansion is. It is large, huge, long and magnificent.

The mansion's grand entrance with its sweeping staircase, high ceilings, and intricate details gave a sense of majesty and splendor that was fit for royalty.

While Li Cheng on the other hand smirks in satisfaction and is proud of himself when he sees her reaction. At least he can make her drop her jaw when she sees what he built with his own money.

Moving close to her, he stood at her back and bent to her level and whispered

" Is it beautiful?" he asked and she couldn't help but nod yes

" This is just little, there are many more to see that will make you speechless and I am willing to show you if you want me too" he said majestically with his head high up cause he knows his money is speaking.

Jinxin and two other hand maids from Li Cheng came forward and bowed down to both of them before going to help Xiotan hold up her gown so she would be able to walk through the stairs case that leads to the entrance of the mansion.

And as soon as the large metali door was pushed open Xiotan jaw dropped again at how beautiful and unique this place is, she has never seen a house like this in her entire life before.

The grand mansion's intricate architecture, elegant chandeliers, and ornate furnishings exuded an air of sophistication that left Xiotan in awe.

Walking in Xiotan can't help but get hypnotized by the beauty of the house the charisma and status of the house is really top notch, any one who enter will really know it belongs to a mafia/price without no doubt.

The maid leads Xiotan and jinxin along the grand stairs in the mansion and straight to Li Cheng room, when they got there they couldn't help but stare on awe.

The bedroom is spacious, with a large, comfortable bed and luxurious furnishings. The room is filled with natural light, and the windows offer a stunning view. The color palette is regal and elegant, with rich jewel tones and luxurious fabrics and red rose spread across the bed and form a love symbol on the floor.

And Xiotan didn't know why a smile was plastered on her face, she probably have seen too many beautiful things today, she just couldn't help but smile as she walk in the room with a bright smile on her face, she felt safe and comfortable even if this is the first time of her being here.