
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Be strong princess.

The next day.

Li-Cheng is already dressed and ready to go to work but Xiotan is still asleep.

Walking over to her, he peck her forehead and pat her hair to say goodbye.

" Tan, I will be back soon" he said before walking out of the room.

And as soon as he step out she open her eyes which has sadness written in it before closing it back.


It already noon and Xiotan was having a little walk in the yard when Jinxin came to meet her.

" Xiotan what's wrong?, You've been acting strange ever since we came back from the mall yesterday, hope all's well?" She asked walking along side with her

" Even your husband asked me last night if anything happened at the shopping mall cause he was curious about the way you were acting, I just told him all's fine that nothing went wrong cause I actually don't know if anything happened. Come on tell me what going on I'm Jinxin so talk to me I might be able to help" she said but Xiotan didn't reply she just kept on walking.

" Xiotaaan, come on, what the hell is wrong" she asked and all of a sudden Xiotan starts crying.

" Come on don't so that, don't you cry, who the hell make you cry" she asked but Xiotan just face palm her face crying

" I'm so hurt Jinxin, just so hurt. Actually I never want to let it hurt me this much and I never wanted to tell you, but I can't... I just can't. He hurt my trust Jinxin, my pride, my feeling... Everything, everything Jinxin. He's a cheat, despicable and a liar... a dirty liar" she cursed crying.

" Calm down baby, just calm down and don't cry, what actually happened that made you this angry" Jinxin asked hugging Xiotan trying to calm her down

After telling Jinxin about what she heard yesterday, she was also shocked, she didn't expect to hear that and actually don't know what to do.

" Oh boy, that's bad. But you still have to calm down, it might not be true, you know how girls are she might just formed that up to make you jealous or want to create a fight so you would leave him.

" THAT'S A LIE!, When he came home yesterday he was reeking for a ladies smells, it actually disgust me so much, just thinking about it hurt me a lot" she told her as she sat in an available bench in the yard which is under an apple tree.

" But still you have to be sure, why don't you confront him, like ask him about it face to face I'm sure he will tell you the truth, you need to be sure first before accusing him cause I can see how sad and worried he's when you ignored him yesterday. If he actually don't care he won't ask if anything happened yesterday at the mall. " She advised sitting beside her.

" That impossible Jinxin, I can't ask him that kind of question, I will just let everything be the way it was before, cause actually he married me cause he needs an house warmer, someone he will just use whenever he feels bored or want to satisfy his needs that actually who I'm to him, I actually shouldn't expect much... not at all" she said wiping off her tears.

" Don't think that way Xiotan, you might be mistaken-"

" No Jin, I'm not, don't let us decive ourselves, everybody actually knows what I am, so don't let me lie to myself, he will never ever treat me like his wife." She said and that made Jinxin give her a warm hug cause she can feel how sad she's.

" You can do it Xiotan, it what I know, you just have to live your life and enjoy this little chance you have, you have to be a strong princess dear" she encourage as she pat he shoulder to be strong.