
chapter 36

" My lady, are you alright?? " quickly run towards me in worried when my body swayed in disbelief by my own view. Daisy held my arms to keep me maintains my balance from falling over to the ground.

" ...uh. "

My eyes didn't even dare to look at other things besides something that currently existed in my own sight right now, blocked my usual way to the garden, firmly built with full of mighty for my sake. In goosebumps with a new building in front of me, my whole body shuddering in dumbfounded.

" Oh gosh. If people were to look at this, They might think that his grace has fallen over heels to you, my lady." In fascinated by her own view too, Daisy look at it with an amazing look, without a blink, her eyes keep on looking at the whole building in stunned with how much the Lord has wasted on these things too.

" ..... "

Now. In front of herself, was a new castle as a place to stored her whole jewelry that she got before. Just only in a day, the mighty Palace of Stella that was named after Claire was built for her jewelry under a single command from Adam after he gifted me those jewelry sets yesterday and found out that there's no space to store them in Allardis.

" Seriously insane.. " mumbled my mouth unconsciously while my eyes stared at it without a blink. Daisy slowly pats my back to make my frustration get calmed again.

" Do you like this castle, Claire? " suddenly step in from behind, Adam takes a glance at Daisy to make her retreat from getting near me and after he chases Daisy away from me, Adam stands beside me with his usual cold stoic face.

" If you really like it, I should fill these castle's garden with tulips since you've taken a liking to it, right? " slowly held my waist to pulls my body into his right arm, Adam smirked just like he does yesterday and looks at me with proud on his own presents.

" Yo-you really shouldn't..! " felt goosebumps by Adam's crazy words about his own thoughts while looking at the castle in front of us with a big grin on his face, my body rapidly reflexes to push his body away from me in shock. Are you really insane??

" ....uh. "

Begin to scratch my left arm in hesitation after step backward from his body, my mouth seems to shake in frightening by his menacing gaze that was directly for me." um... Pardon me your grace but, if you keep on doing these unnecessary things for me, it might make me kind of uncomfortable with your attitude... " Avert my gaze from him in guilty after telling the truth, my face bend to looks at the ground in silence.

" ..... "

" But I thought you would like it, Claire.. " looks so dumbfounded by my reaction towards his gifts, Adam frowns in doubtful and quickly turns his body to face myself, who was looking at the ground in guilt and without a word between us after a while, Adam slowly extends his hand to touches my index finger in gentleness.

" Do you really not like it, Claire..? Edith says that girls usually like something as expensive as this, aren't you too? " his cold face suddenly begin to look very hurts by my words and with puppy eyes in his shining red eyes, he blinks his eyes with an upset expression.

" ...Uh..! It-it's not that I don't like it... Ugh. Why though that Edith said something like that to you... "

' My Claire.'

Hm? I think I heard something just now...

' My Claire. it's me. '

Wh-what? Who..? Whose voices is this?

" ...? "

" ....! "

" Clair-Claire! "

" Are you alright?! " quickly held my shoulder in a sudden worried, Adam lowered his head to looks at Claire, who was suddenly scratching her head so crazily.

" ....! "

" ..Ugh! Ahh..! " Strangely enough, my head suddenly begin to felt dizzy all of the sudden and with a sudden headache that growing more and more aches, a groans came out from my mouth unconsciously in trying to bear the pains I'm currently feeling.

" Claire! What's wrong?!! "

" Ugh! It-it's hurts..! please..!! " continue to pinch her head with the sudden pains she felt, Claire's eyes suddenly darken like a soulless person. She eventually stops her actions and raises her head to looks at Adam with her heartless expression on her pale face.

"? Claire? " puzzled with her changed attitude all of the sudden, Adam slowly backward a little from Claire and with a big frown, he looks at her in stunned.

" Your grace, I hate you when you acted like this for me. Stop it. " with her annoyed face, Claire glares at Adam with a cynical smile, she says. " ..you make me sick. "

" Wh-what..? " Shocked by Claire's fierce face towards himself, Adam frowns in doubt and quickly trying to hold Claire's arm that begins to trembling strangely.

" .....!! Claire! "

Lose her balance in exhaustion, Claire suddenly passed out, and before her body could collapse to the ground, Adam rapidly catches her body that was slumping backward unconsciously.

" Called the high priest this instant! " shout in a shaken voices, Adam pulled Claire's body into his embrace and quickly run while carried Claire towards her chamber in hurried.

" Ah... You're are really going overboard this time, master... That guy looks so hurts by her words. How pathetic."

At the same time, two mysterious figures, who were looking at Adam and Claire silently from afar, sitting on the roof of the palace while get covered in the shadows, slowly talking in a low voice with each other.

" ...Tsk. "

" I'm pissed off when I saw that bastard get so close to her. "

" But it might cost the lady to lose consciousness for a few days because of your hypnotic spell, master. This time, you brainwashed her a bit too much! aren't she's your precious person..? "

" Well, it's worth it. That should be enough to make him stop getting near her. I just need my Claire to be more firm to make that guy hates her and then, I can easily snatch her away from him. " In smirks, the guy in a black cloak quickly gets up from his seat and stand on the roof with a proud smile.

" Why? " The other guy then frowns in dumbfounded, he looks at his master, who smiled in a suspicious way towards him.

" Because the banquet is around the corner.." with a big grin, the mysterious guy slowly opens his cloak and faces his servant, who was looking at him in doubt by his words.

" Pardon?"

" Len. "

" Yes, master. "

" I'll get her for myself on that day and it should be going smoothly with that guy growing some hatred on my Claire. Do you understand what I meant, Len? " begin to glare at his servant, the mysterious guy menaces Len with his murders aura.

" ....! "

Rapidly approaching his master in fear, the guy named Len quickly kneels in front of his master and obediently lowered his face.

"I understand, master. "



" Oh my! " pushed back in shock, her whole body fell to the ground after bumped into someone while she was currently borrowings so many blankets in her arms. Daisy turned speechless when she looks at all the blankets she just picked up, scattered all over the floor.

" Oh god! Please forgive me! I didn't see you when I was taking a walk. Are you alright, miss? " Extends his hand in guilty to help Daisy get up from the floor, the guy keeps on waiting for her to grabs his hand after Daisy begins to lose a word in her current position.

" Ugh. why.. " mumbled in annoyance, Daisy quickly sits on her knees. I just picked up these blankets just now! now it gets dirty again because of my carelessness..!

" ..miss..? "

" .... "

While ignoring the person she bumped into, Daisy instantly busy picking up the blankets that fell on the ground in a flash.

' sigh.. '

After Daisy making sure there was no more blanket on the floor anymore, she got up from her knees while lowered her head in exhaustion. No time to looks at the person in front of her, she bends her head in a manner and head from there with a deep sighed.

' Why is this happening to me..? when did the lady will wake up, it's been 2 days already... '

" Oh! Miss Daisy, can you help the chefs too? since Elle is absent today due to her health, they don't have enough workers at the kitchen." Lenny who was standing before Daisy with a smile instantly took the blankets from Daisy's arms and without waiting for her reply, immediately Lenny head towards the main palace in hurried.

" Ah... yes, madam Lenny. "

Because the princess has lost consciousness for two days now, Daisy had no work to do and had to help the Allardis Palace's servants with their labor since the lady couldn't be served yet.

" Oh, can you wash the dishes at the back, Daisy? we'll need it soon for the young master's dinner. "

" Ah.. yes."

Clang. Clang.

" Ugh! Why is it sooo difficult! " can't stop nagging with her small lips, Daisy scrubs a whole plate in her hand with a brush so roughly. Upset when she looks at the amount of the plates in front of her, she sighed again in annoyed.

" My, why is it so difficult to scrub off the grease.. my hand hurts alrea.."

" Can I help you, Miss Daisy? "

" Hm? " Turns her face to looks at the person that offered her some help out of nowhere, Daisy quickly frown in doubtful when she looks at him, who was standing before of her with his stunning face.

" Sir Cullen? "

" I come here to help you, Miss Daisy. "

Immediately smile when Daisy called out his name when she first takes a glance at him, Edward slowly standing beside Daisy and take a plate from the sink with a grin on his bright face. Without waiting for Daisy to respond, his hand gently scrubs the plate with a brush.

" Don't you have any work right now, sir Cullen? The knights might come here to look for you since you're extremely busy as their leader, right? " Although she said that, Daisy does not prevent Edward from doing her work, well, because Edward does it according to his own will though. She should be grateful since there helpful hands to help her now.

" Well, since the lady has lost consciousness, I'm kind of had no work to do? hm, something like that? "

" Ah.. you're the same as me then. Sigh, I hope the lady will wake up soon. "

" Me too. Anyway, how was your condition? you fell quite hard back then. "

" Yes? Fell..? "

Looking at his face that suddenly smiles suspiciously towards herself, Daisy reflexively clasps her mouth in shock.

" Ah! "

His eyes that were looking at Daisy's immediate reactions towards his words, make him stunned in speechless before his mouth unconsciously let go a big chuckle. His heart feels a bit interested in her beautiful red face, Edward was fascinated for a while there.

" Was it's you who I bumped into, sir Cullen? Please pardon me for my rudeness back then.. " flushes in embarrassment, Daisy accidentally touches her hair while she was trying to cover up her burning cheeks that redden in ashamed.

" Well, that's alright. It's quite admirable to look at you when you're trying so hard for the sake of the lady, just like now, miss Daisy. "

" Ye-yes...? me? trying so hard? "

" Pfft. Yes, Miss Daisy. Heh. There's even soap on your hair right now. " Chuckles with her clumsy mistakes, Edward slowly extends his arm towards Daisy reflexively.

" Wh-what... " Doubtful when Edward suddenly get his elbow close to herself, Daisy step backward from him a little in frightened.

" Your hair. You couldn't possibly wipe it since both of your hands has already covered by the soap. "

" So? "

" Pfft! " Unconsciously let go a little chuckle from his mouth again, Edward leans his arm more towards Daisy, who looked so dumbfounded by his actions right now.

" Come. Lower your head. Wipe it off on my shirt, miss Daisy. "

" Ah.! That's what you mean.. "

Quickly lowered her face on Edward's big arm, Daisy begins to flushed a little while doing as he says in a silent awkwardness.

" ..... " He actually got a tough muscle, maybe because he's the head of the knights..?

" Ah-um. Than-thank you, sir Cullen." hesitates to talks with him after those shameful thoughts were going around in her simple mind, Daisy quickly retreats herself from him while offering to take the whole set of plates to the front by herself.

" Wait, miss Daisy. "


" Yes..? " turns her face to looks at Edward again, Daisy was rapidly stunned and stiffened up when Edward suddenly get near her and slowly touches her braids brown hair. With his tender gaze, he looks at Daisy while smiles using his stunning face.

" Can I have your permission..?"

" For-for what? "

" Just now, I think I wanted to get to know you better, miss Daisy. "

" .....? "

" Ye-yes...?? "

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