

 It was close to 10:am and Liam was still on the bed, unwillingly to move an inch and not ready to start his day.

 For the third time since the day started, Nathaniel walked into the room to check on Liam.

 "The meeting starts in almost an hour. You are yet to get prepared. Have you even gone through the details of the meeting? I mean, everyone present would be ready to hear what plans you have in mind", Nathaniel said with a persuasive voice, hoping that Liam would listen and get off the bed.

 Liam remained rooted on the spot. He neither replied, neither did he act as though his servant just mentioned something to him.

 Nathaniel sighed in frustration and walked out of the room.

 After another ten minutes, Liam finally got off the bed and strolled to have a bath. He spent a long time in the bath tub, rummaging through his mind and hoping that Alyssa would show up with a wide smile on her face.