

"You got it all wrong redhead" Drake said in a deep husky voice, taking slow steps towards Raven until she was pinned between him and the wall. He leaned closer to her and placed his large palms on the wall, on both sides of her head, trapping her in his close proximity. His hazel eyes burned with smouldering intensity and his lips were just a few inches away from her ears. His hot breathe made her shiver as he whispered, "I don't do love. I devour women" Raven looked up at him defiantly, green eyes flashing with rebellion. "Go on then",she said boldly. "Devour me" ... Raven Donovan has always been a rebel and an independent woman. Smart and sassy, bitingly sarcastic and classy, breathtakingly beautiful with a body men craved for, she has all her life planned out and would not stop until she reaches the highest peak of success. She is swept off her feet when she meets the talk of the town. Alpha Drake Jordan. ... Raven shuddered and a pleased sigh escaped her lips as Drake's expert hands skimmed over her exposed skin, arousing hidden pleasures she never knew existed. She gasped softly when his hard palms gripped her hips and yanked her firmly against his sinful body. "Why do you resist me Raven?",Drake whispered against the shell of her ear, causing a riot of goosebumps to appear on her skin. Raven gulped slowly and moistened her lips. "You are sin... sin I shouldn't commit...",she rasped out and bit back a moan when she felt Drake gently nip her earlobe. "Why...?",Drake whispered again and dipped his hot lips into the sweet spot in her neck. "I... I should hate you",Raven said slowly and her heart thudded as Drake's lips moved closer to hers. "But I just can't resist you" ... Ruthless and cold-hearted, Drake believes in only three things. Dominance. Power. Wealth. He has no time for anything else, and absolutely no time for women. To him, love is weakness. When he meets Raven, a flame of desire and attraction is ignited within him and for the first time, he is totally intrigued. Her rebellious attitude and boldness rears up his interest and releases strange feelings he never thought he was capable of having. Drake will stop at nothing to dominate Raven until she melts in his arms. Raven who has lived a perfect life all along is thrown into a sea of the supernatural, discovering things she never knew existed. Drake isn't what she thinks he is; he's a creature of the night. A werewolf who is able to take the form of a terrifying beast. Even with this knowledge, she can't resist the irresistible charm of the arrogant alpha and soon, a hot sizzling passion springs forth between them and Raven is determined to tame the cold-hearted beast. Suddenly things are changing. Raven is killed and brought back to life not as a human, but as a supernatural creature. Dark secrets about Drake are unveiled and when someone framed him for the murder of a sacred creature, Raven knows she's the only one that can save him. Because in the midst of the darkness surrounding him, she is his light. Warning:This book contains mature content and is rated 18. Leave a review of what you think and encourage me by voting. Xoxo BellaCupid.

BellaCupid · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Pompous Bastard

"I thought you wanted all your schedules to be cancelled for today",Perry said as he navigated the sleek car towards the company.

Staring outside the tinted windows, Drake observed the crowd of reporters that raced after the moving car, trying to get a picture of him with their numerous cameras, recorders and microphones. His eyes were vacant, lost in thought. Last night hadn't gone smoothly for him with his dreams filled images of the redhead woman. It made him furious because he couldn't figure out why she remained in his memories. She was like a drug in his system and he couldn't get her out.

"Just drive to the company Perry",he said. "It's time the workers know they have not only a new director, but a new CEO".

"I'm still surprised you bought the company",Perry said. "You didn't have to do that".

"Well, since we will be spending a lot of time in the human world, why not?",Drake said and leaned his head back on the headrest. He was silent until they got to the company and the array of cars made a semicircle right in front of the large building.

Reporters scrambled in front of the Rolls Royce, eager to get a glimpse of the talk of the town. The man who single handedly bought the largest Loan Firm in the city. The current youngest CEO, or so they thought.

"It's time to meet the people",Perry said as armed bodyguards surrounded the cars, preventing the press and paparazzi from getting closer.

The minute the door was open, there was an uproar. Cameras clicked, questions were thrown and microphones were pushed forward as Drake stepped down from the car. Dressed to kill in a silver tuxedo, he scanned the crowd with a face devoid of emotion. His eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses and his entire appearance exuded power and authority.

Even with the guards surrounding him, the reporters clamoured to get a word from him.

"Master Jordan Drake, what do you have to say as the new owner of one of the largest Loan Firm in the world?", a short woman wearing rimless glasses asked sharply, her recorder poised and ready to receive Drake's answer.

"No comments Miss",Perry said and pushed her aside.

"But Master Jordan..."

"No comments Miss"

"Would you at least tell us what this company would be called now?",a man wearing headphones asked.

Drake stopped abruptly and turned to the crowd. His lips lifted in a sardonic grin and reporters fought to take pictures of that million dollar smile.

"JD Loan Firm",he said, his smooth deep voice a deep contrast with his cold expression. "That's your answer".

As he turned to walk away, the press clamoured closer, throwing more questions at him while the guards held them back.

"You just came up with that name right?",Perry asked as they got closer to the entrance door of the office.

"Not really",Drake said as Perry pushed the door open. "It's been on my mind for a while".


"Everyone remember",Raven said for the hundredth time. "Be on your best behaviour. We don't want the new director thinking we're a bunch of lazy bones".

"Calm down already Ray",Stacy said and held her shoulders in a gentle grip. "Everything is going to be fine".

"Here he comes",Brian whispered just as the doors burst open.

A series of armed guards marched in and formed a semicircle at the entrance. Raven straightened her blazer and squared her shoulders, putting on her best professional smile. The moment she saw him, she felt her breathe catch in her throat.

He was just as she remembered. Dressed in a tailored tux that fitted like a second skin. Dark wavy hair tousled by the wind. A diamond watch that probably cost thousands of dollars. And there was just something about those dark shades he had on. It gave him a dominant aura and she began to feel the tingles down in her stomach.

Raven shook her head and snapped out of her daydream. This wasn't the time to fantasize. She had a new director to welcome.

The atmosphere Drake created was one of intimidation and coldness. The workers all stood back, unable to look him in the eye as he stared hard at them behind his sunshades.

His eyes landed on Raven and stopped. He ripped off his sunshades and stared at her in surprise. What was she doing here?

Raven cleared her throat and tried not to fidget under his intense stare.

"Welcome Master Jordan Drake..."

"Who's the assistant director here?",Drake cut her short abruptly. Some of the workers had their eyes opened in shock, astonished at how the ice princess was interrupted so rudely. A few snickered and was quickly silenced by Drake's hard look.

Raven was dumbfounded for a full minute. She closed her mouth and opened them again, unable to form a coherent word.

"Have you all gone deaf?",Drake snapped when they remained quiet. "I said who's the..."

"You're looking at her!",Raven said sharply. If he wanted to play the serious card, she would do it.

Drake turned and stared at her with a poker face expression. Raven stared back defiantly, refusing to cower under his cold glare. The lobby went totally quiet. Someone forced out a dry cough and another stifled a laughter.

Drake finally looked away from her and turned away.

"Assemble at the conference room everyone. Immediately!",he said and marched out with Perry following behind him.

Raven scowled darkly and followed behind him while the remaining workers looked on in silence.

"What just happened?",Brian asked. "Did the ice princess just get mowed down?"

"No time to ask", Stacy said. "Everyone to the conference room. Now!"

There was a mad rush as everyone hurried out, heading towards the conference room and whispering within themselves. The moment the workers arrived at the large conference room, they knew things were going to get really interesting in the company because Drake and Raven were two hotheaded individuals that would be working together.

Quickly they filed into the room and surrounded the large square table at the center. Drake was already seated at the head with Perry on his left while Raven sat beside him on his right.

The room became totally quiet. Everyone awaited the first drama that would unfold with the new director and the ice princess.

Drake cleared his throat and focused on the workers, completely ignoring Raven.

"I'm sure it has come to your notice",his smooth deep voice rang out. "Of my appointment as the new director of this company".

There were murmurs of agreement all around and silence reigned again.

"You all weren't informed fully",Drake continued. He leaned back on the executive chair and crossed his legs, placing his ankle on his other knee. One hand went under his chin and he observed the entire workers.

"This Loan Firm now belongs to me",he said.

And hell broke loose.

Workers shouted questions, wondering why they weren't told. Others demanded a raise in their salaries since the company was no longer owned by the Presidential government. Only Raven remained quiet, her face expressionless and cold. She seethed with anger at the way Drake treated her a moment ago and didn't really care if he was made the owner of the company.

Drake sat back watching them. Silent. Observant. And when the cacophony finally died down, he spoke arrogantly.

"I believe I don't owe anyone an explanation",he said. "If there are any changes to the running of this company, my assistant here will let you all know. Henceforth, this company shall be called JD Loan Firm. Dismissed".

Drake uncrossed his legs and pushed back his seat. He stood and his eyes fell on Raven who had been silent ever since. The hint of a smile appeared on his lips and disappeared again.

"Miss, please proceed to my office. I believe we have a lot to discuss". He didn't wait for her to answer him and he walked out, with Perry behind him.

Raven clenched her fist and stood up. She looked over to Stacy who gave her a wide smile and a thumbs up. She shook her head and rolled her eyes annoyingly.

Drake Jordan was one pompous bastard. And she knew she would have a hard time working with him.