
Taming the psycho

"I'm sure they have told you that I'm insane, that I'm a fucking psycho," He menacingly grins, head tilting wickedly his eyes filled with vicious playfulness. Eve sheepishly nods in fear. "Believe them," he whispered against Eve's lips. In the heart of the picturesque countryside lies Sunford Academy, an all-boys boarding school shrouded in mystery and surrounded by rumours.  Known as the institution where wealthy parents send their troubled and rebellious sons, it has gained a reputation as a place where the troublesome youths are contained and disciplined. However, Sunford Academy is far more than it appears on the surface. Enter Eve, a young boy with an innocent and naive demeanour, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he is sent to Sunford Academy.  Unaware of the dark secrets that lie within its walls, Eve finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, where the students are far more complex than society perceives them to be. As he tries to navigate this new and treacherous environment, Eve discovers that every student harbours a tumultuous past, and they have been sent to Sunford Academy not only to be contained but to create even more history through their rebelliousness. Within the confines of Sunford Academy, Eve encounters a series of challenges that push him to his limits. The students, each with their own troubled histories, create an atmosphere of hostility and malevolence. Evil seems to lurk around every corner, with sinister intentions and hidden agendas. As Eve attempts to survive in this harsh environment, he soon realises that appearances can be deceiving, and not everything is as it seems. Amidst the darkness and chaos, Eve finds unexpected allies among the students, individuals who, like him, are more than what they appear to be. Bonds are formed, and secrets are shared, as they unite in their struggle against the oppressive nature of Sunford Academy.  Together, they delve into their shared pasts, unravelling the mysteries that have brought them to this place, and forging a path towards redemption and survival. As Eve continues his journey, he uncovers the truth behind the school's hidden agenda.  Sunford Academy is not merely a containment facility for troubled youths; it is a breeding ground for power and manipulation. The students, with their dark pasts and tumultuous histories, are being moulded into pawns in a sinister game. Eve must confront the evil forces at play within the academy, fighting not only for his survival but for the freedom of his fellow students. In the battle between innocence and corruption, Eve discovers his own strength and resilience. He learns to trust his instincts, navigate treacherous waters, and confront the demons within himself and those around him. With the aid of unlikely allies, Eve rises to the challenge, defying the expectations that society has placed upon him. "Sunford Academy: A Hidden Legacy" is a gripping tale of survival, redemption, and the strength of the human spirit. As Eve faces one trial after another, he uncovers the true nature of the school and the people within it, ultimately finding his place in the complex web of darkness and history that surrounds Sunford Academy. So, Are you ready to make a trip to Sunford? 

Rain890 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

It hits Eve like a truck when he hears River saying that they aren't roommates. An overstimulated wave of shock hovered over his face, but his train of overwhelming emotions was halted by a sharp voice which sounded like it was only determined to cuss River nonstop.

"Oh shit!" River hurriedly left his chair and jogged towards the owner of the voice.

"How dare you have the audacity to eat when I'm searching for your whereabouts for who knows how long?!" The angry boy pointed an accusing finger at River, causing his face to twist into an anxious expression. From the other side on the table Eve watched them with a confused face as River panicked while trying to calm the boy. "How could you be fucking eating all the time?! one more minute and I would have started looking for your fossils instead of you."

"Hey, you are the one who threw me out of the room," River let out to the blond haired boy who was grumbling in rage. "So, you can't complain when I let out my anger on food."

Everyone's attention was drawn to their argument. Some enjoyed their usual drama with interest, while others hurled insults at them, and some looked at them with bitter expressions.

But all they shut up when River glared at them.

"What the hell are you all looking at?" River yelled and everyone hurriedly turned back to minding their own business. "Come, I have to introduce you to someone."

Quitting his glare and putting up a sheepish expression as soon as his eyes met with the boy, River dragged him to their table where Eve was sitting without any much expression.

"Meet Eve, this cute guy here. He's a newcomer," River beamed, one hand pointing at Eve, who shifted in his seat at the mention of his name, and the other hand around the boy's waist. River leaned in close and whispered into his ear. "You won't believe it, but soon he's about to take over as Luna, Ziggy."

"This is the third kid you have claimed as your Luna," the boy rolled his eyes and shoved River away. "Seriously, you need to get your head checked and stop finding your Luna in everyone. Alpha will not spare you this time."

"Oh, you don't know anything," River scoffed and turned to a befuddled Eve. "Luna, meet my bestest friend S-"

"I can introduce myself," He took a seat and River shrugged, but also seated beside him. "Hello, I'm Sage," He extended his hand for Eve to shake. "But this idiot calls me Ziggy, though you are not allowed to call me that," Sage let out firmly with a bitter expression. "No one is allowed to call me that besides him.

Eve felt an uneasy feeling in his chest under his not so friendly gaze. He could see that this boy is nothing like River.

Sage doesn't have bulky body portions like River rather he's small and slim around 5 '7. He has pale skin with numerous birthmarks on his face down to his neck. Thick black curls with a jade deep set of eyes with dark circles under them, a small button nose with thin rosy lips and a double chin which does not match his skinny body. However, what drew Eve's attention was how gorgeously he carries himself. Despite the mean scowl on his face, or how he doesn't smile like River all the time, he looked like a cold beauty.

Eve shakes the offered hand quickly, not wanting to come off as rude.

"I'm Eve, nice to meet you," Eve let out a polite smile. "I hope we get along well."

"Yeah, River already told me your name," Sage deadpanned, causing Eve's smile to fade, he uncomfortable-ly lowered his head to his food, shuffling it with his spoon. The environment suddenly turned awkward. Sage turned to River, "I'm hungry."

"Wait, I'll go and bring your food," River didn't say anything about his behaviour but gave Sage the eye that said 'don't mess with the kid', Sage rolled his eyes and shrugged.

After River left, Sage observed the kid in front of him silently, who was too afraid to make any sound.

"Did you get your batch?"

Eve flinched at the sudden question, he didn't expect the mean boy to even speak to him. He meekly shakes his head.

"Do you know how things work here?" He asked and Eve shook his head again.

"Since you're new, let me give you some advice," Sage locked his gaze with him. "There are not so many rules that you need to follow but just one. No matter what it takes you must survive. Simple, right?"

Eve didn't understand how to answer. Sage rests his hands on the table and places his chin on them. Eve silently watched the action, the fingers in front of him appeared to be long and slim, more beautiful than most of the girls and his nails were long and painted with white glitter.

"You must survive and you should survive on your own. And the only thing that will help you in doing so, is to always stay away from the big dogs of this school," Sage explained seriously, making Eve gulp in discomfort. "Take it as a game. You never fight, rather you always defend yourself. See, one simple and sweet rule, follow this one and you will probably be able to get out of here."

Eve listened intently to him; for a brief moment, he felt grateful for Sage's cautious words, but his next words threw him into a pit of rage.

"However, if you want to try your luck by sticking yourself to a big dog like River to get in his pants, I suggest you rather don't. Everyone comes here alone, and they're meant to survive alone, so you're not special or unique. River can't see through your naive tactics, but your fake innocence won't fool me because there are so many other kids out there like you."

"I'm not gay!" Eve exclaimed in irritation because he had no business getting in anyone's pants.

"Every second kid here claimed that they are not gay, but if you ask them to fuck, they will gladly do it," Sage rolled his eyes, and Eve frowned in disbelief.

"Listen, I don't have anything against you, I don't even know you. But take my advice and stay away from River. He surely looks dangerous but he's a big softy so, if you are thinking of taking advantage of him. I suggest you quit that thought and don't leech onto him."

"I n-never leech onto him," Eve shuttered slightly but told him firmly. He felt humiliated, he doesn't like the way he was falsely accused. "It was him who dragged me here with him."


"Here you go," River came with a tray full of food. He carefully settled down the tray in front of Sage. "Do you want anything else? I can go and get it for you."

River smiles broadly at Sage, as if he has forgotten everything else for a moment.

"No, that's enough, thank you." Sage let out with a change in his tone. River smiles and nods, his eyes darted to Eve who was looking down at his fidgeting fingers lost in his own thoughts. His expressions seemed to change with his every thought, sometimes confused, sometimes as if he'd been fed a really bitter medicine.

"How about you, Luna?" River extends his hand and shakes Eve's shoulder, causing him to flinch and respond with a 'huh'. River chuckled at his perplexity. "Would you like me to get you something?"

"I'm sure he's full by now, right?" Eve opened his mouth to say no, but Sage beats him on that. Eve nodded awkwardly, not liking the way Sage was staring at him. River rolled his eyes as he noticed the awkwardness between them.

'This idiot threatened this poor kid too,' River sighs but did not confront Sage on this.