
Taming The Psycho

"I'm sure they have told you that I'm insane, that I'm a fucking psycho," He menacingly grins, head tilting wickedly his eyes filled with vicious playfulness. Eve sheepishly nods in fear. "Believe them," he whispered against Eve's lips. In the heart of the picturesque countryside lies Sunford Academy, an all-boys boarding school shrouded in mystery and surrounded by rumours.  Known as the institution where wealthy parents send their troubled and rebellious sons, it has gained a reputation as a place where the troublesome youths are contained and disciplined. However, Sunford Academy is far more than it appears on the surface. Enter Eve, a young boy with an innocent and naive demeanour, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he is sent to Sunford Academy.  Unaware of the dark secrets that lie within its walls, Eve finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, where the students are far more complex than society perceives them to be. As he tries to navigate this new and treacherous environment, Eve discovers that every student harbours a tumultuous past, and they have been sent to Sunford Academy not only to be contained but to create even more history through their rebelliousness. Within the confines of Sunford Academy, Eve encounters a series of challenges that push him to his limits. The students, each with their own troubled histories, create an atmosphere of hostility and malevolence. Evil seems to lurk around every corner, with sinister intentions and hidden agendas. As Eve attempts to survive in this harsh environment, he soon realises that appearances can be deceiving, and not everything is as it seems. Amidst the darkness and chaos, Eve finds unexpected allies among the students, individuals who, like him, are more than what they appear to be. Bonds are formed, and secrets are shared, as they unite in their struggle against the oppressive nature of Sunford Academy.  Together, they delve into their shared pasts, unravelling the mysteries that have brought them to this place, and forging a path towards redemption and survival. As Eve continues his journey, he uncovers the truth behind the school's hidden agenda.  Sunford Academy is not merely a containment facility for troubled youths; it is a breeding ground for power and manipulation. The students, with their dark pasts and tumultuous histories, are being moulded into pawns in a sinister game. Eve must confront the evil forces at play within the academy, fighting not only for his survival but for the freedom of his fellow students. In the battle between innocence and corruption, Eve discovers his own strength and resilience. He learns to trust his instincts, navigate treacherous waters, and confront the demons within himself and those around him. With the aid of unlikely allies, Eve rises to the challenge, defying the expectations that society has placed upon him. "Sunford Academy: A Hidden Legacy" is a gripping tale of survival, redemption, and the strength of the human spirit. As Eve faces one trial after another, he uncovers the true nature of the school and the people within it, ultimately finding his place in the complex web of darkness and history that surrounds Sunford Academy. So, Are you ready to make a trip to Sunford? 

Rain_Rain_1400 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 13 A fatal encounter

However, the pointy knife halted before it could dig out Eve's shocked and frozen eyes, his eyeballs fluttered and he instinctively threw his head back.

"You guys are so dramatic," Alpha snorted and shook his head. He crouched on his hands and knees to hover over an unresponsive Eve. Alpha had his hands on either side of Eve's legs, trapping him beneath his broad body.

"Relax, did you really think I was going to harm you?" Alpha's lips curved into a crazy smile as he innocently blinked his eyes at Eve. "Why would I want to hurt my beloved roommate?" He sarcastically exclaimed, not caring to be more generous with his words. "There's nothing you need to do. We just need a little help from you."

Eve, on the verge of losing all his senses, widened his eyes in bewilderment as he struggled to comprehend his words. Alpha, who was skilled at reading people's expressions, sensed Eve's terror and that the poor soul wanted nothing more than to vanish from the face of the earth to avoid this situation.

Alpha's eyes twitched for a split second as they landed on Eve's red earlobe, and seeing how delicate it appeared, he reached out his hand for it.

Its soft Alpha rubbed the red and smooth ear between his thumb and finger, While Eve flinched, terrified for his life. 

"Look at it," Alpha said bitterly, turning his face to the injured man while continuing to caress Eve's right ear. Eve averted his gaze to the man's horrifying condition. "It's neither fully alive nor fully dead; it's barely breathing, and I can't leave it like that. And we can't keep him alive because you don't want to help him."

Eve returned his gaze to the face a few inches away and his trembling tenfold.

"Come on," Alpha said, pressing the cold knife against Eve's chest and asking him to take the knife. Eve's entire life flashed before his eyes, and his inner broken conscience warned him that things were about to change for him from this point onward. 

Things are going to be much worse than he had imagined for himself.

"N-No! Let me a g-go!" Eve sobbed, but he had no idea that his tears would not help him in this wild school with tumultuous unleashed animals, that his innocent crying and pitiful face would only tempt them to torture him even more.

He cast a glance at River, whose expression he couldn't read because there was no emotion on his face; he resembled a robot devoid of emotions; he didn't appear bored, but he also didn't appear amused as he had minutes before. However, before he could beg River for help, his entire body was picked up from the floor by rough hands and got dragged toward the guy.

Eve struggled and screamed at the top of his lungs as Alpha threw him in the direction of the other person. Then, he bent down and forced the knife into Eve's hands. Eve's stomach turned in disgust at the scene of the bloody mess on the floor and the skin-crawling, repulsive sight, but he managed to hold back vomit.

River remained expressionless as he observed the drama from across the room.

"No! Please let me go! P-Please!! I didn't do anything!" Eve cried and tried to free himself from Alpha. 

Alpha held him in place from behind, using his broad and strong body to trap Eve's comparable small body. He forced Eve to hold onto the strange and dangerous weapon in his hand.

Alpha tightly clutched Eve's hand after making him hold the knife, before hurling it at the chest of the man who made no noise and was most likely dead. The nasty sound of a knife piercing through the bones and flesh vigorously was disturbing enough to be able to shake the soul of any sane human. 

And then silence. 

Red painted across the room. 

Blood sputtered down Eve's face as it stroked his neck and his clothes. Frustrating tears rolled down from his trembling eyes nonstop. 

"Stop struggling!" Alpha yelled furiously as he mercilessly and like a crazed monster tightened his fingers around Eve's hand. He incessantly strikes back to back at the neck, face, chest, and stomach as the glistening flesh and guts ripped apart and fresh vicious crimson oozed beneath their feet. 

"And remember never to trespass in an area where you are not permitted," Alpha let out to a frozen Eve, whose body had become heavy in his grip as he had already stopped crying and yelling. He didn't have any energy left to do anything but lie there and stare at the blood and guts pooling darkly on the ground. "This is your first lesson in this school so always remember it." 

The entire room soon filled with the revolting smell of blood and dreadful silence, but it wasn't just the silence, it was much more sinister, it was cold and evil, everything about the room and what happened there was just inhuman and pure injustice, but the irony was that there wasn't supposed to be any justice because the place itself was built on the roots of injustice.

"Shhhh!" Alpha took a long deep inhale, squeezing Eve's shoulders he closed his bloodlust eyes making Eve whimper in agony. "You did a great job, good boy." he opened his eyes, tilting his head as he beamed, a cold smile broke on his lips as Eve's laboured body finally went limp in Alpha's embrace. 

Alpha inhaled the smell of blood like a madman. He pulled up his hand which was entangled with Eve's bloody hand in the air to admire his work. He snorted but held back his wicked laugh. Looking down at an unconscious Eve, his eyes filled with a proud infatuation at the scared innocence that was still present on his blood-stained face. 

Alpha groaned and shoved his face in Eve's neck and inhaled deeply, he was stunned by how alluring Eve smelled with his natural scent mixed with the intoxicating smell of blood. A very dangerous combination, Alpha thought. 

He feels comforted by the heat radiating from Eve's body. A warmth his cold body never had experienced. Tightening his grip around Eve, he finally feels the heat his cold body has never felt before. And he finds himself getting addicted to it. 

"Hey, you forgot to cut his tongue, that's the main part," River grumbled as he cringed looking at them sitting in the pool of blood. 

"Shut up!" Alpha growled with his face still in Eve's neck. "And hand me the new medicine." 

River looked at the medicine in confusion but still reached Alpha and Eve with it. 

"What exactly are you gonna do with it?" River asked, and opened the lid when Alpha instructed him. He took out a few dark blue pills in his hands. "And what about the kid? Is he gonna be alright?" 

"I'm not in the mood for your nagging, so shut the fuck up," Alpha scowled, picking up a pill from River's hand who looked worriedly at Eve. He squeezed Eve's mouth to open it with his other hand. "And about the pill, you'll know soon." 

Alpha pushed the pill down Eve's hot tongue and his throat as he gagged in his sleep. Once he was satisfied that Eve swallowed the pill, he scooped his unconscious and light body and roses from the floor while Eve was in his arms. 

"I want to see if this pill really works or how it's gonna affect this little lamb," Alpha looked down at the small body, whose head resting on his shoulder. Alpha tightened his grip around Eve as he suddenly shivered at the warmth and looked up at River. "Clean this mess while I'm out." 

River nodded and watched as Alpha exited the room with his Luna.