
Dragged into Darkness

Lyra's head spun as she was dragged away from the dimly lit alley and into a darkness so thick she could feel it suffocating her. She tried to struggle, but her wrists and ankles were bound with rope, and a gag muffled her screams.

Ms. Johnson and Sophia's faces were the last things she saw before the darkness consumed her. Their sinister grins and cold, calculating eyes haunted her as she was pulled deeper into the abyss.

When Lyra came to, she found herself in a damp, dingy cell with stone walls and a single flickering light bulb overhead. Her head throbbed, and her mouth was dry and sticky from the gag.

As she struggled to sit up, the door creaked open, and Ms. Johnson entered, a sly smile spreading across her face. "Welcome, Lyra," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "You're just in time for the main event."

Sophia followed, carrying a small box and a syringe. Lyra's heart raced as they approached her. "What do you want from me?" she demanded, trying to sound braver than she felt.

"Oh, Lyra," Ms. Johnson cooed. "We want everything. Your martial arts skills, your determination... and your life."

The syringe glinted in the dim light, and Lyra knew she was running out of time. She had to think fast, or she'd become their next victim...

Lyra's screams echoed off the cold stone walls as Ms. Johnson and Sophia dragged her back to the cell. She had thought she had escaped, but it was just a cruel trick. The darkness closed in around her like a suffocating shroud.

"You'll never leave this place alive," Ms. Johnson hissed, as Sophia bound Lyra's wrists and ankles with rope.

Lyra's mind raced, but she couldn't think of a way out. She was trapped, at the mercy of these sadistic women. The hours ticked by like days, and Lyra's hope began to fade.

Just when she thought things couldn't get worse, Ms. Johnson pulled out a small box from her pocket. "Time for your punishment, Lyra," she said, opening the box to reveal a sinister-looking syringe.

Lyra's eyes widened in terror as Ms. Johnson approached her, the needle glinting in the dim light. She knew she was running out of time...

Ms. Johnson injected the contents of the syringe into Lyra's arm, and she felt a searing pain coursing through her veins. She tried to struggle, but her bonds were too tight.

"This will teach you to try and escape," Ms. Johnson sneered, as Lyra's vision began to blur.

Lyra's mind raced, but her thoughts were cloudy and disjointed. She felt herself being dragged deeper into the darkness, further and further away from any hope of rescue.

When she came to, Lyra found herself in a nightmarish world. She was trapped in a tiny, soundproof room, with no windows and only a faint light to guide her.

Ms. Johnson and Sophia were nowhere to be seen, but Lyra knew they were watching her, waiting for her to break. And Lyra knew she had to hold on, no matter what...

The situation is getting even more dire for Lyra! Let me know if you want me to continue!Getting weaker, Lyra knew that it was the syringe that was draining life out of her, at that time so many thoughts came running through her mind, also remembering that letter that threatened that she would never be free, "would it have been different if I wasn't friends with Sophia? Why would Ms Johnson want me dead? Was Sophia the person that wrote that threatening words? What about Stephen? What about mom and Ken? Is this it? Is this it? Dear Heaven, I have never believed in you, I thought christians were bunch of losers but right now, I know that maybe I have become a greater loser, no one will know what would happen to me, please dear Heaven, look after my family ", hot tears streamed down Lyra's face, she knew that she would die, with the syringe sapping life out of her, Lyra felt hands dragging her out of the room.

Lyra was dragged by Sophia and Ms Johnson to the nearby river, from the cliff, Lyra was pushed into the river, collapsing, Lyra gave up.

Looking around, Sophia made sure that no one saw them, and Ms Johnson checked to see if there was CCTV camera around, she found only one and smashed it earlier before they pushed Lyra off the cliff, they had satisfied their greed, with sense of fulfilment they left, before the left, Ms Johnson recalled 2005, March 13, the day she was suspended from school, the voice of the principal still echoed in her ears.

"What is this, Ms Johnson?", Mr Matthews asked, "I don't understand sir, what is what", Ms Johnson asked confused, the question was answered by different papers which landed on Ms Johnson's face, "how do you explain that you took bribe from parents to give marks to their children", the principal asked furiously.

Ms. Johnson wanted to collect few bribes from the parents to pay off her debt, her brother had took out loan in her name and disappeared, hearing of it, Ms Johnson had felt her life crumbling, but determined not to give up, she planned to collect bribes from the parents, she had planned to do it only that term, but who gave the principal a tip off? No teacher know of it, Ms Johnson is a smart one, she wouldn't have left traces but someone saw her, and picking up the papers, she saw different names of students who participated in the petition written against her, Lyra's name was written among the students, she had suspected Lyra after Amy's death, and now Lyra was involved in her suspension.

"Don't come to school anymore, prepare to hear your punishment from the school disciplinary committee for your actions! Now leave my office!", Mr Matthews' voice thundered, Ms Johnson quickly left the office.

It was on March 18, 2005, by 2pm that the decision was made to suspend her from the school, leaving quietly, she held the indefinite suspension letter tightly, she knew that getting a job at a new school would be difficult since the school threatened to send details of her actions across to other schools, with her head bent, she left Bright girls internationals shamefully, but in her heart, she had vowed to get back on the one student she identified to be Lyra, whose name was among the students who petitioned against her.

It was after few months that she met Sophia, Sophia who already had a hidden agenda, used the opportunity of visiting Ms Johnson to get her involved and surprisingly, they both were up against one person.

Remembering how long she had waited to take er revenge and finally she did, Ms Johnson tored the suspension letter and threw it into the river, "goodbye", was all she could say before leaving the scene with Sophia.

The water brought Lyra out in a different village, she was found by an old woman who was the village head, she had lost her daughter Kyra many years ago after her her husband died, she would often go to the riverside to mourn her loss but that faithful day, she found something unusual from a distance, getting up from where she sat, she walked towards where Lyra was.