
Taming the godfather

Synopsis: "When Lyra's life is brutally turned upside down, she's left with nothing but the river that saves her from certain death. Washing up in the charming village of Oakland, she reinvents herself as Kyra, a talented artist and cook, hiding her painful past behind a mask of creativity and determination. But the shadows of her former life refuse to stay buried, as the ruthless Sophia, who will stop at nothing to keep her secrets safe, continues her deadly schemes. Meanwhile, Stephen, the man who once betrayed her trust, is consumed by guilt and a relentless search for the woman he wronged. As Kyra and Stephen's paths converge once more, they must confront the darkness that haunts them both and face the evil that threatens to destroy their lives. Will they find redemption, justice, and ultimately, love, or will Sophia's evil tear them apart forever? In the thrilling tale of "Taming the Godfather," two broken souls must confront their past, tame their inner demons, and learn to trust again, in order to unleash the power of love and forge a new future." This synopsis maintains the core plot points while emphasizing the personal growth and redemption of the characters, particularly Kyra (formerly Lyra) and Stephen. It hints at the romance that will blossom between them, highlighting their journey from pain and betrayal to trust, love, and a new beginning. The title "Taming the Godfather" suggests that their love will be strong enough to conquer even the most formidable obstacles, including Sophia's evil schemes.

Daoist6QbrvM · Urban
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101 Chs


Days after, Stephen had Brownie release John, "write his debt off," he ordered Brownie over the phone, "and send him to my office," he added.

John, who had been locked, beaten, fed poorly for a week was released from the tiny dusty room with tiny window, where he was locked up.

"Go to SM company and ask for Stephen Mackenzie, he wants to see you," Brownie said, with expressionless face.

John went home, tired, showered, ate and head out to meet with Mackenzie.

As John stumbled into the sleek, modern office building, his legs trembled beneath him. The contrast between this luxurious space and the dingy, cramped room where he was held captive was a harsh reminder of his ordeal. He was ushered into Stephen's office, where the man himself sat behind a massive desk, a cold, calculating gaze fixed on John.

"Ah John," Stephen said, his voice dripping with condescension. "I know you have been... inconvenienced. I apologize for any...discomfort you may have experienced."

John's eyes sunken, his voice barely above a whisper. "Y-you apologize for the...discomfort?" He repeated, his words laced with bitter sarcasm. "Discomfort? You call being beaten, starved, and locked up for a week...discomfort?"

John's body still ached from the torture, his mind reeling from the trauma. He couldn't meet Stephen's gaze, his eyes fixed on the floor instead.

Stephen's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of annoyance danced in his eyes. "Let's just say, John, that you've been...reeducated. You now understand the importance of paying your debts. And I'm willing to give you another chance."

John's mind raced, his thoughts clouded by the memories of his ordeal. He couldn't think straight, his body and mind still reeling from the abuse. He knew he had to be careful, that Stephen was still holding the reins, and he didn't want to suffer again.

"W-what do you want from me now?" John stuttered, his voice cracking with fear.

"Work for me until you have paid back every dime you owe me," Stephen offered.

"Work for him? As a thug?" John's mind was filled with questions before he managed to say anything, "but I can't work as a bloodhound."

"What does this company look like to you? Apply for the position of am intern," Stephen said with an expressionless face.

John's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice cracking as he spoke. "An intern? You want me to...to work for you?" He couldn't hide the desperation and fear that lingered in his voice.

Stephen's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. "Yes, John. I'm willing to give you a chance to prove yourself. You'll start at the bottom, work hard, and earn your way back to solvency. And, of course, you'll be paying off your debt with interest."

John's mind raced, his thoughts clouded by the memories of his ordeal. He could still feel the pain, the fear, and the helplessness. He knew Stephen's reach was long and unforgiving, and he had no doubt that he would suffer even more if he refused.

"W-what makes you think I'm qualified for this...internship?" John stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't meet Stephen's gaze, his eyes fixed on the floor instead.

Stephen's voice was dripping with condescension. "Oh, I think you'll find that, your...unique skillset will come in handy. And if you don't...well, let's just say I have ways of motivating people." The implied threat hung in the air, a constant reminder of the hell John had endured.

"And don't think I am doing it for you, I am doing it for myself, now leave," Stephen said, referring to Kyra. Losing Kyra over the matter left a hole in his heart, and for that reason, he had released John and offered him a job in his company.

As the days passed, Kyra couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Stephen's departure had left her with a void, and the kiss they shared lingered on her lips like a ghostly whisper. But it was what happened next that sent her world into a tailspin.

Severe headaches struck her like a thunderbolt, leaving her debilitated and bedridden. The pain was blinding, and she could feel her mind reeling under the pressure. But it was what came with the headaches that made her question her sanity.

Memories surfaced, like a dam breaking loose. Fragments of a night she couldn't recall, yet felt so real. A cliff, a push, a fall... and then, nothing. The memories tormented her, refusing to let go. She saw herself tumbling through the air, her screams echoing in her mind.

The headaches persisted, day after day, each time unlocking more memories. Kyra became trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain and recall, her mind racing to piece together the truth. Who was she, really? What had happened that night?

As the days blurred into a haze of agony, Kyra realized she was living two lives - one in the present, and another in the past, where the truth waited, shrouded in secrecy.

What would happen if Kyra remember her past? what would happen?

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