

Rae_beauty · Fantasy
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28 Chs

*Why are you so daring?*

The next day

Yan yu went to the kitchen in the palace a maiden was preparing the demon lord tea.

"Shi yun take the tea to the demon lord"Yan yu said

"why can't another maiden do it?"she asked

"you want to leave right , you have to prove that you're worthy of leaving"Yan yu said

Shi yun collected the tea reluctantly as she looked at it.

"is this tea?"she asked

"Yes it's black tea mixed with blood "Yan yu said

"Whose blood?"she asked

"it will be yours if you don't give him the tea "Yan yu replied and Shi yun went to the study room.

Qian Tianqi stood up to leave .Shi yun got to the front of the entrance she wanted to go in but she turned back and but turned back to go she turned to leave ,and turned back and she bumped into him and the tea spilled on him.

Qian Tianqi looked at his hanfu .Shi yun started breathing heavily she was very scared and she fell on the floor .

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it please don't kill me"she Said

"what do you think your punishment should be"he said

Shi yun looked at him and swallowed her spit nervously.

"answer me"he said

"I don't think I deserve any punishment since I didn't do it purposely"she said and bowed back

Qian Tianqi looked at her and walked out .

"He didn't touch me"she said happily

"Xie xie Shifu"she said happily she took the tray and the packed the broken glass and left .

"What's wrong with you Tianqi why didn't you punish her ? why did you let her go ?"He asked himself as he came out of the tub and changed into a new hanfu .

Qian Tianqi went out of the room and saw Shi yun coming towards him

"Shifu I'll like to say I'm sorry again for spilling the tea on you , would you like me to make you another"she said

"No "he said

"okay master"she said

"can I have my book back now"She said

"No "he said

"why , what do you need the book for anyways"She said

"none of your business"he said

"weird a cold demon who likes to read "she said

"watch your mouth"he said and wanted to leave but Shi yun stood infront of him he moved to another side and she followed his direction.

"what are you doing?"he asked

"Where's Master Qi"she said

"I don't know"he said

"what type of demon doesn't know things"she said

"I miss master I haven't seen him since he helped me at the dungeon"she said

"He's the only one who understands me in this place"she said as she folds her hand.

"Leave "he said

"I prefer him than any of you he's handsome, sweet and very kind unlike you"she said

"you're the opposite of his characters"she said

"how dare you"he said

"where's he"she said

"you want to know where he is fine go meet him"he said angrily as he made her vanish

"The nerve"he said and walked out.

Shi yun appeared in a ice mountain she wasn't dressed for it,and it was snowing.

"it's fr...e...e...zzzzing"she said as she rubbed her hand together.

"Master Qi"she yelled

"master"she yelled walking on the snow to God knows where .

Qi Zhi yuan appeared in the palace after an hour .He went to the study room where Qian Tianqi was stamping some papers.

"Tianqi I found something"Qi Zhi yuan said

Qian Tianqi dropped the stamp and looked at him.

"where are you coming from ?"Qian Tianqi asked

"From the demon library"he said

"Qian Tianqi where's Shi yun?"Qi Zhi yuan said

"She's in the ice mountain"he said emotionless

"why would you leave her out there?"he asked

"she was being disrespectful"he said

"No she won't survive it out there"he said

"And she also spilled tea on me so that's her punishment"he said and picked up the stamp and continued what he was doing.

"Qian Tianqi this is too far"He said as he vanished and went to go look for her

"Shi yun!!!"Qi Zhi yuan yelled

"Shi yun"Qi Zhi yuan yelled again.

He kept on walking till he found her on the floor she was covered with snow.

"Shi yun "he said as he knelt down and carried her up.

"m..mas...ter "she said weakly.

He vanished away from the mountain with her and they appeared in the palace .

"Yi ran take care of her"Qi Zhi yuan said and layed her on the bed

"Yes sir Qi Zhi yuan"Yi ran a maid said as she took care of her.

Qi Zhi yuan went back to the study room to see that Qian Tianqi hadn't moved a muscle.

"She almost died out there"Qi Zhi yuan said

"she should have"he said

"Are you listening to yourself , Qian Tianqi you can't make a good leader if you keep making unreasonable decision"Qi Zhi yuan said and he gave him a cold look

In the room where Shi yun was ,she finally regained consciousness the girls who took care of her started to whisper

"She thought she could insult him and go free"Maiden one said

"She deserves it"maiden two said

"who does she think she is"she added.

Shi yun couldn't take this insult she stood up and walked out to the study room.

"are you here to apologize?"he asked

"No ""she said she went to him and took the cup filled with tea and poured it on him.