
Egg of Disaster

Fatima's face was as pale as sheet ice after seeing the egg. The fear in her eyes was so obvious that it was hard to deny that she was scared of it.

"Fatima, what's this Egg of Disaster you're saying?"

Looking at everyone else's confused expressions, it was normal to think that Fatima alone knew what it was. She pursed her lips and gulped hard before finding the courage to speak.

"Will, you remember why I was sealed, right?"

"Hmm? Yes, of course... You were sealed along with the Void Beast to make sure that it stays sealed, right?"

Back during their time, even when all their god-tamers fought against it, they ended up unable to defeat the Void Beast. In the end, they could only take the indirect measure of sealing it away, hoping that it would be destroyed by future generations who could enter the seal.

But what is the relation of this egg to that old story...?

"Could it be?!"