
Taming my Husbands in Another world

After the betrayal by her family and being killed by her blood-related mother, Jiho closed her eyes, seeking an end to her suffering while already ensured to mess their life after she peacefully slept. However, when she opened them again, she found herself in a white room facing her dead master. "You have broken your promise, so as your punishment, you must live in another world until I am satisfied," he declared. Upon reopening her eyes, Jiho found herself in an ancient-looking room, and what was even more shocking was that it was an ABO-type world. In this world, aside from men and women, there were individuals who appeared more delicate than men but could give birth refered as mer. Jiho who hates relationship. What a peculiar fate awaited her?

K1ERA · Fantasy
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211 Chs

Volume 1] Chapter 128- Unknown danger.

As they continued walking, a sense of unease settled over Jiho like a heavy shroud.

Her instincts, honed by years of survival in the wild, pricked at her senses, warning her of unseen danger lurking in the shadows.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and a chill ran down her spine as a familiar feeling washed over her—an ominous sensation that someone, or something, was watching them with malicious intent.

Jiho's steps faltered, her face draining of color as she turned to face the Su brothers. The worry etched on their faces mirrored her own growing apprehension.

They took a few tentative steps forward, intending to inquire about Jiho's sudden change in demeanor.

But before they could utter a word, Jiho's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, her tone serious and commanding.

"Do you guys know how to climb trees?"The Su brothers exchanged puzzled glances, momentarily taken aback by the abrupt shift in conversation.