
Chapter 152 Jump off of a building

Outside Pearl's ward.

Justin, who was standing behind Edmund, reported his findings in a soft tone.

"The culprit did it flawlessly. I haven't found any clues yet."

Edmund agreed and did not push it, "Take your time."

While they were talking, Yumi' voice came from the ward. "Miss, you finally woke up! Mr. Dawn, Miss is awake!"

Justin couldn't help but frown. "Miss Eder is really good at making trouble. I almost thought that she was the one who caused the accident!"

Upon hearing this, Edmund was stunned.

Justin also realized that he misspoke. He quickly added, "Sorry, Mr. Dawn. I shouldn't have said that!"

After thinking for a few seconds, Edmund answered him, "Go back to the company and postpone my upcoming schedule."

"Okay!" Justin took the order and turned to leave.

Edmund stood there for a long time. He then turned around and walked into the ward.

"Are you awake?"

"Why did you save me?" Pearl kept repeating these words.