
Don't Judge A Book By It Cover

well, I'm Kellen the lady standing at his front stretched her hand for a shake. I'm... Daniel he replied shaking her hand.

At last, she got his name. Sandra had refused to tell her his name nor have access to his file. now she is standing at the front of the young man that made her friend day stressful. his looks alone shows he is the gentle type, but the story isn't clear yet. Sandra told her that he really stressed her out but here he is looking stressed out himself.

It must be the other way round. This guy can't stress the "great" Sandra, it's either he get stressed out by the lady boss herself.

"I'm so sorry about your workaholic day, she replied as they both walked into the supermarket. how do you know my day was workaholic?, he asked wondering she may be.

Do I need to tell you who I am? she smiled enjoying their conversation.

well, maybe you have to, imagine someone I don't know coming to me and telling me all these... he said as he picked a detergent.

I'm Sandra friend... I know that look she said noticing the look on his face.

she has a friend?, he asked putting a milk in the basket.

yeah, you know the so called most "wicked" persons still have those they confined in.

So loners now have people they confined in, he couldn't help but wonder the type of person she is or why she turned out that way but all he knows is she is a devil who shouldn't be allowed to live with humans.

How have you been coping, he wondered if she always allow his "boss," like she said order her around. "she is not bad," she commented. just understand matters, and make sure you don't step on her toes.... she said pointing at the chocolate on the tray, that is her best chocolate when she was young but for some reasons, she stopped eating it.

mmm, I see, do you work for her? he pressed on walking towards the egg tray. well, I work in my dad company she said surprising him by her words.

so it's a dad's company thing... he blurted out wondering when the poor will one day catch up to that "class," they were once part of the so called "rich" class, not until his parents passed away leaving them with nothing.

What's wrong, she asked noticing the sudden change on his face. did she say something wrong?, she wasn't so sure if she said anything that hurt him.

is anything wrong?, she asked not getting a reply from him.

no, yeah, everything is alright... just remembered something that's all, he said smiling.

sorry to ask, what do you think I can get for a lady?, the look on his face portrayed one of someone in need.

well, why not get a teddy bear, she winked looking at the young man who was dumbstruck by her answer. He expected her reply to be that of a rich girl taste but rather she gave him a reply a common person would like to hear.

To him, all rich kids are spoilt because of the great taste which they have for things like fashion, shopping and even when it comes to basic needs and other little things but right now, someone just proved that he was wrong and shouldn't judge a book by the cover.

What's wrong she asked the young man who seems to be lost in thoughts, he had been this way when she gave him her reply, she wasn't sure what she did wrong or if she said something bad.

Oh, nothing he said coming back to his real state of mind. it's just that your answer really surprised me, I wasn't expecting such a reply from a ..... he was about to complete the sentence when she chipped in "rich kid," she said looking at him.

yeah, you know something like that he replied feeling a bit uncomfortable. maybe he shouldn't have said those words, he should have kept quite and let it out.

well, you don't judge a book by the cover her words brought him back to reality.

yeah, I am sorry about that, wasn't so sure if he did the right thing by apologizing all he knew was she was right, "he shouldn't judge a book by it's cover like she said.

well, you are actually right she chipped in. just that you got it wrong by generalizing the whole thing she said giving him a smile thereby making him comfortable.

Thanks for that little lecture he teased, he hasn't smiled today but here is someone making him do so.

indeed he shouldn't criticize wrongly. He knew he still has a lot of work to do on himself but maybe it wasn't his fault, situation made it so. Growing up, they were either oppressed or cheated by the rich class who didn't even care about them or even have the love of humanity at heart.

Getting to the counter, he displayed the commodities he picked on the table. A Young lady added up the price together. the total sum is thirty dollars, she replied smiling, her work requires her to put a smile on the customers face and she seems to be very good at that.

Here, you can have it now the lady by the counter said giving him what he bought. walking out with the young lady who he may call his new friend, he was happy someone helped to lit up his day.