
A Little Argument

"Daniel!!!. I think you need to get something doing and not you sitting at home all day doing nothing." Gift said to her brother while she kept on arranging the dinning table.

"what's your problem?" Daniel

asked looking at her.

Do you think I'm happy that am sitting at home doing nothing?

Oh, I don't know what am doing?

or you think I wish to be jobless? He asked getting pissed off.

I don't have a job and you think am happy about it?

you think I wished to be in this useless position? sitting at home doing nothing from morning to night, is that what you think of me?

A low life brother that's all you think I am? well it's not your fault I said looking at Gift who seem to be in a bad state. He thought about her words and they really hurt him. He had tried looking for a job but couldn't get one. she had once adviced him to get a menial job which he can be doing, but he was positive that he wouldn't waste his certificate on menial jobs.

I'm am so sorry, I shouldn't have said that. He said looking bad.

It's my okay bro, Gift said smiling. I shouldn't have said what I said first. Daniel knew that she was only looking out for him. He knew that she want the best for him and that's what made her alter those words to him.

I know quite alright how you worked hard to do everything possible to get a job, I was just frustrated because everything just seems to be stagnant. She knew quite well that the words she altered hurt him deeply. It wasn't his fault that he doesn't have a job, she knew he was doing his best.

"You know nothing is working and it's so annoying that despite the effort we put to make things work out, we just end up with fruitless results." she said with a teary face.

"Maybe if mom and dad were alive these things won't be happening to us, she said sobbing."

"Hey.. don't cry sis because I'm here for you." He said patting her on her back. She is a type of person that always behave strong, but deep down, he knew how frustrated she was and she was expressing her feelings by crying.

"Don't worry sis, just know that everything will be fine." He said patting her and at the same time cleaning her tears on her face. "You look ugly whenever you shed tears."

"Thanks bro." I guess I'm feeling better now it's all thanks to you. Gift said smiling.

So when are you watching your TV program? He asked trying to decide very the topic.

"When did you start asking me about my favorite TV program?" Gift said with her hands on her hips giving me a question look.

Well, I just want to watch it. He said smiling. He isn't even the type that watch TV programs.

You, watch watch my own TV program?

I thought you said it's for ladies? she asked him giving a question look.

"Emm....." was what he could only say.