
Taming my arrogant boss.

    Anita Elliot is an attractive young lady, a business student who has lived her life trying to fend for herself. Laid down by all the bills she has to pay, she decides to go for a job opening in William enterprise. Her life takes a new turn when she starts working for him.     Christian William is a rich, playboy with no sense of responsibility. After the death of his mother, his relationship with his father becomes sore.                                     _ Excerpt. _ Anita gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at his words. She closed her eyes and slowly inhaled. When she opened her eyes, Christian was right in front of her.     "Ahh." Anita screamed in shock and pulled away.     Christian frowned. Was he a ghost? Why did she had to scream like that? "What?" He questioned.     "What kind of question is that? Your face was so close to mine." Anita screamed.     "So?" Christian asked feigning ignorance.     "So since I am your personal assistant, our relationship should be professional. You should not get so close to me." Anita warned.     Christian chuckled at her words. His eyes looked at her with amusement. "Professional, huh? Says the person who just screamed at her boss. You know I can get you fired for this." He said.

brighteststar_17 · Urban
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10 Chs

Packing up.

    When Anita got home, she slouched on the couch with an exasperated expression on her face. Sharon, on noticing her friend quickly rushed to her. "What's wrong? How was your day? Hope you didn't get reprimanded too hard?" She asked.

    Anita sighed as she stared at Sharon. What could she possibly say? Her boss was an insane fellow with no sense of humanity. "My first day there was terrible." She said.

    Sharon frowned slightly, "Why? Don't tell me they made you do all the work because you came late." She said, her eyes looked worried for her friend.

    "I wish." Anita said.

    Sharon's frown deepened as she didn't understand what Anita meant. "What are you saying?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

    "I work for Mr Christian now...." Anita explained everything that transpired in the company and at Christian's home. Sharon sat on the couch beside her as she listened on.

    "So what you are saying now is that you work for Christian and he wants you to work at his house." Sharon said and Anita nodded her head

    "Wow... I'm so happy for you, babe." Sharon said with a broad smile on her face as she clapped her hands in excitement.

    Anita looked at Sharon in bewilderment, "Why are you so chirpy?" She asked.

    "Isn't it obvious? He clearly likes you and I'm sure soon you'll become more than just a personal assistant. Imagine dating your boss, you don't need to pay any bills." Sharon said with a dreamy expression on her face as she stared into space.

    Anita rolled her eyes at her friend. She would rather die than date an arrogant guy like Christian. Like? Christian doesn't like her. "We just met yesterday so how can he suddenly grow a liking towards me? Did you hit your head on the wall or something because you are clearly not thinking straight." She said with a slight frown on her face.

    Sharon sighed as she stared at her friend, "You are a bookworm so I'm sure you must have read novels that begins with the hero falling in love at first sight."

    Anita stared at her friend with her mouth agape. Was Sharon being serious right now? "I'm sure you are wise enough to know that those novels are only fictional and doesn't happen in real life. Besides, Christian is so arrogant and full of himself."

    "What? His face is everywhere. He has a lot of girls swooning over him but he chose you."

    "What do you mean by he chose me? You know if you were not my best friend, I'd probably have smacked you. Christian is nothing but a player, he uses and dumps girl."

    "Come on, in novels, the players eventually fall in love with the good girls like you."

    Anita sighed and placed her hands on her growling stomach. "I don't know why you keep relating my life to a fictional novel. Didn't you prepare something to eat? I'm so hungry." She said.

    "I did, spaghetti." Sharon said.

    "Spaghetti?" Anita asked with a glimmer of light in her eyes. That was what she had prepared for her grumpy boss and had been craving it ever since then.

    She stood up swiftly from the couch and made her way to the kitchen while Sharon followed behind. Without hesitating, she brought out a plate from the kitchen cabinet and dished food for herself.

    "But don't you think he is really handsome?" Sharon asked as she watched her friend eat.

    Anita rolled her eyes at her, "Aren't you going to let me eat in peace?" She asked exasperatedly.

    "Just  answer my question."

    Anita sighed and drank a little water before saying, "He is but he is not my type."

    Sharon stared at her friend with amusement, was she being serious. Not able to hold back her laughter any longer, she bursted into laughter while Anita glared at her. Her eyes held confusion and she looked slightly angry.

    "He is not your type?" Sharon asked in between laughs. "So who is your type? A lecturer in the University with glasses and no sense of humor?" Sharon mocked.

    "Well, if he is well behaved and thoughtful. Then, why not?" Anita said.

    "Are you even hearing yourself right now. You need a bit of excitement in that boring life of yours."

    "What?" Anita asked as she looked at Sharon with a feigned hurt expression on her face. "You know you should be the one advising me to stay away from Christian because of what you've been through at the hands of guys like Christian." Anita said.

    Sharon chuckled at her friend's words. "I know Christian is not like the other guys in my past."

    "Why do you say that? It's not like you've met him before."

    "Not yet." Sharon said with a grin.

    "Whatever. I need you to assist in me packing." Anita said. When she was done eating, she washed the plate and kept it back in the kitchen cabinet. After that, she went to her room along with Sharon.

    With an heavy sigh, Anita opened up her wardrobe and brought out a huge suitcase and Sharon assisted her in arranging her clothes into the suitcase. She picked a few other necessities that she thought she might need and placed it in the suitcase.

    "I'm so proud of you." Sharon said with a bright smile.

    "You are?" Anita asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

    "Of course. You've come so far and you did that all by yourself without any help. You're an inspiration and you deserve all the happiness in the world, I do hope you get that." Sharon said.

    "Thank you." Anita smiled as she wiped tears off her face. She hugged her best friend tightly and they remained like that for a few seconds. Sharon was someone who had always stood by her even when her entire family left her, she was always there.

    "Don't overwork yourself in there." Sharon said as she pulled away.

    "You should probably tell that to my arrogant boss." Anita chuckled.

    "Alright, I'll leave you to get some rest. You have a big day ahead of you." Sharon said while Anita nodded.

    When Sharon left, Anita stood up from her bed and looked around her room, her eyes were watery as she went down memory lane.

    Anita and Sharon had rented this apartment six years ago. Although, Anita had been skeptical about it since she was only eighteen then. Back then, her life had been clouded. She had done different jobs and worked for different people.

    "Are you sure you want to live here with me?" Anita asked Sharon for the umpteenth time when they got into their new apartment.

    "Of course. My mum and dad are totally cool with it, so you need not worry about me."  Sharon reassured her friend with a bright smile. Back then, Anita had not understood why Sharon would move out of her house just to live here with her. She had been utterly confused.

    Although, Sharon's mum and dad had offered to help her out but Anita had refused. It was her decision so she needed to bear the consequences alone and Sharon had stood by her all through that.

    Together, they both renovated the house to their liking. Staying away from her parents and siblings had been an hassle especially with her controlling father always disturbing her but she had pulled through.

    Anita slumped on her bed as she tried to clear the thoughts from her past away from her mind. Tomorrow was going to be a start of a new day for her; a new beginning and she was going to welcome it openly.

    She closed her eyes to sleep before she suddenly remembered that her younger brother had called her yesterday. She picked up her phone and decided to try his number again.

    After two rings, he picked up. "What's up sis? How was your interview?" Ebube asked when he picked up his sister's call. He had a small smile on his face as it had been so long since he heard from his sister.

    "It was okay. I work for them now." Anita said nonchalantly, if she had not been told that she would be working for Christian then maybe she would have been happy. No, she would have been over the moon.

    "Wow...that's great. I'm so happy for you. You finally get to pay all your bills."

    "Yeah." Anita said.

    "What's wrong? You don't sound happy. Is something wrong?"

    "No, no. I'm just tired. I had a really long day at work today." Anita said quickly. Out of all her family members, her younger brother Ebube had been the only one who stood by her and helped her quite a few times.

    "Oh...then you should probably get some rest. Talk to you later." Ebube said and hung up.

    Anita placed her phone on the bedside table and laid her head on the pillow as she tried not to think about what waits her tomorrow.