
Taming my arrogant boss.

    Anita Elliot is an attractive young lady, a business student who has lived her life trying to fend for herself. Laid down by all the bills she has to pay, she decides to go for a job opening in William enterprise. Her life takes a new turn when she starts working for him.     Christian William is a rich, playboy with no sense of responsibility. After the death of his mother, his relationship with his father becomes sore.                                     _ Excerpt. _ Anita gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at his words. She closed her eyes and slowly inhaled. When she opened her eyes, Christian was right in front of her.     "Ahh." Anita screamed in shock and pulled away.     Christian frowned. Was he a ghost? Why did she had to scream like that? "What?" He questioned.     "What kind of question is that? Your face was so close to mine." Anita screamed.     "So?" Christian asked feigning ignorance.     "So since I am your personal assistant, our relationship should be professional. You should not get so close to me." Anita warned.     Christian chuckled at her words. His eyes looked at her with amusement. "Professional, huh? Says the person who just screamed at her boss. You know I can get you fired for this." He said.

brighteststar_17 · Urban
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10 Chs

Job interview.

    In front of a huge building stood a young girl. She stared nervously at the huge building in front of her. Boldly written at the top of the huge building was 'William Enterprises.'

    "I can do this." The young girl muttered to herself. As if summoning all the courage she could mustered, she walked in with her head held high trying to ignore the pain on her feet as a result of the shoe she wore.

    She stopped at the receptionist office. With a bright smile, she asked, "Hi, I'm here for the job interview. Do you know where it is being held?"

    The receptionist took a long look at her. "The first door to your left." She said when she was doing checking the young girl out.

    The girl nodded and left. She opened the door and was greeted with a hundred stares. The room which she walked into was big enough to fit in a thousand people. Her heart skipped a bit at the sight of the people she saw. The little hope that she had of getting the job was gone into thin air.

    She sat at a vacant seat and glanced at everyone inside the room. There were all dressed very well unlike herself. She was dressed in a black shirt and a grey skirt that was a few inches above her knees. The grey high heeled shoes which her best friend had lended to her matched her grey skirt. And although, they were so tight on her legs, she was not one to complain.

    Her long eye lashes fluttered as she tried to breathe. She had not expected to see so many people. It was saddening to believe that only one person in the room would be hired.

    "Anita Elliot."

    The young girl froze as she felt all the hairs in her body rise up when she heard her name. Slowly, she turned to see who it was, an impatient man who didn't look so happy stood by the door with a frown on his face.

    "Anita Elliot." He called again.

    Anita stood up quickly when she saw that the man was about to leave. "Here... Present." She said. Her voice betrayed her as it came out raspy.

    She walking to where the man was. On seeing the man's impatient expression, she quickened her gait. When she got to where the man stood, he turned to leave while Anita followed him. They got to an elevator and walked in. The man didn't utter a word.

    When they got out of the elevator, he pointed at an office with an aluminum door. "The president is waiting for you." He said and left leaving the nervous girl alone.

    Anita gulped down and walked over to the President's office. The president was the one who decided to conduct the interview all by himself, maybe this was the reason why she was so nervous.

    Anita raised her hand and knocked the door twice. Her hands were sweaty. She pulled the door handle and walked in.

    "Hello there." A man who appeared to be in his late forties said with a smile.

    Anita smiled back at him, "Good morning sir." She said. Her eyes darted to look at the young man who sat beside him with an uninterested expression on his face. He looked really handsome, Anita thought. Her eyes trailed back at the man who had welcomed her in.

    "Have a seat." The man said as he pointed at a chair in front of him. The young man beside him remained silent.

    Anita sat down and continued to stare at the man whom she assumed to be the President. The nervousness that she felt had left her as the man in front of her welcomed her in with a very comforting smile.

    "My name is John William and this is my son, Christian William. What is your name, dear?" He asked.

    Anita smiled at the man's politeness. "My name is Anita Elliot." She said.

    "Hmm." John hummed. "Tell me a bit about your self. " John said.

    "I'm really great at decision making. I love working in groups and I posses the qualities of a leader. I am very attentive. " Anita said with a smile while still trying to remain professional. The president still had a smile on his face while his son stared bluntly at her.

    "In your resume, it says you have no prior work experience and you're also a final year student at the University. Do you think you can handle both work and school?" John asked.

    "Absolutely sir. I am willing to give it my all."

    "What makes you think we are going to pick you out of all the experienced people who came here today?" It was Christian who asked the question. His voice coming out crispy. He looked arrogant.

    Anita slowly turned to look at him, "I believe we all have our various reasons for coming here today, sir. I may have no experience but I'm sure I'll grow into it. You won't know, if you don't give me a try?" She said politely.

    "Why don't you just focus on school, dear? Doing both might really exhaust you." John said.

    "I have no choice, sir. I really need the money to cover up all my expenses. My parents aren't really in support of me."

    "Don't think we will give you this job just because you say all these things." Christian scoffed.

    Anita coughed nervously as she realized she had deviated from being professional. The last thing she wanted was them hiring her out of pity. She needed them to recognize how good she was.

    "I'm sorry sir." She apologized with a slight smile but the irritated look on Christian's face didn't change.

    "It's alright, dear. From your school results, it seems you are really a bright student. You have an excellent performance." John praised her which earned him a bright smile from Anita.

    "Thank you sir."

    "That's all for. You may leave." Christian said.

    The smile on Anita's face was quick to falter when she heard what he said. Was that it? "Sir?" Anita blurted with her mouth agape.

    "I said you may leave now." Christian replied, his tone coming out hostile.

    Anita glanced at John who offered her a slight smile. Slowly, she stood up from her seat and walked out. She placed her hand on her forehead to wipe out the sweat that had formed on her head.

    Anita's mind began to process what had happened there. Had she said or done something wrong? They didn't ask her enough questions. Anita thought.

    When she left the company, she quickly brought out her phone and called her best friend.

    "Hey baby girl." The person on the other line said.

    "Sharon, I think I did something wrong." Anita cried out. Passers-by turned to look her which made Anita cringe in embarrassment.

    "What.. what's wrong?" Sharon asked sounding worried.

    "I don't think they like me." Anita said softly.

    "Are you done with the interview? Come home so we can talk about it."

    "Okay." Anita said and hunged up

    Back in William enterprise, John and his son sat down together in his office. "I don't like her." Christian said with a grim expression on his face.

    His father chuckled as he stared at his son, "I noticed. But I like her, she looks so innocent and nice." He said.

    Christian scoffed, "The innocent ones are always the ones with hidden agenda. Besides, she is not experienced."

    "But she does really well in school. I'm sure she will be able to handle it."

    "Don't tell me you are going to hire her. What was the point of bringing me here if you are not going to listen to me?" Christian said. He stood up from his seat and left his father's office. He had not been interested in partaking in the interviews, his father had forced him into it.

    John sighed as he stared at the door through which his son had left. "Always so cranky." He said to himself.

    When Anita got to her apartment, she saw her friend sitting on the couch. "Geez.... I was so worried. What happened?" Sharon asked.

    Anita sighed and went to sit down beside her friend. She stared at the girl who had always stood by her in good times and bad. They had both decided to rent an apartment together.

    Anita had met Sharon back when she was still in Primary school and they had remained friends, their bond had grown stronger through the years. Sharon graduated earlier than Anita, she was a fashion designer.

    "Everything was going so well. I don't know what went wrong." Anita said.

    "Shh." Sharon said as she tried to comfort her friend. Although, Anita seemed like she had everything under control, she was still so fragile. "I'm sure they are other places for you maybe even better than William enterprise. You need not stress about it, okay?" Sharon said while Anita nodded her head slightly.

    She wondered what she would do without her best friend in her life. Although, Sharon's words were comforting, Anita could not help but worry. She needed a job as soon as possible, the pills that she had to pay were already piling up. She had not even settled the payment for her school fees.

This is my second novel here, I hope y'all like it. Kindly leave a review if you enjoyed the first chapter.

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