
Taming my arrogant boss.

    Anita Elliot is an attractive young lady, a business student who has lived her life trying to fend for herself. Laid down by all the bills she has to pay, she decides to go for a job opening in William enterprise. Her life takes a new turn when she starts working for him.     Christian William is a rich, playboy with no sense of responsibility. After the death of his mother, his relationship with his father becomes sore.                                     _ Excerpt. _ Anita gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at his words. She closed her eyes and slowly inhaled. When she opened her eyes, Christian was right in front of her.     "Ahh." Anita screamed in shock and pulled away.     Christian frowned. Was he a ghost? Why did she had to scream like that? "What?" He questioned.     "What kind of question is that? Your face was so close to mine." Anita screamed.     "So?" Christian asked feigning ignorance.     "So since I am your personal assistant, our relationship should be professional. You should not get so close to me." Anita warned.     Christian chuckled at her words. His eyes looked at her with amusement. "Professional, huh? Says the person who just screamed at her boss. You know I can get you fired for this." He said.

brighteststar_17 · Urban
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10 Chs


    Anita got to her room and threw her bag on the bed, her eyes were fuming with rage. She wanted to teach her boss how to behave but didn't know how to. She was furious at Christian for talking to her so impolitely.

    She pulled her clothes and changed into something more comfortable. After that, she brought out the documents that required Christian's signature. She wondered why his signature was even needed. According to the things she had heard about him from work just today, he rarely ever went to the company.

    Anita left her room and went to the living room. When she got to the living room, his friend was still sitting with him. "Boss, these are the documents that requires your signature." She said softly and handed over the documents to Christian.

    Micheal chuckled as he glanced at Anita then to his friend, "It feels weird hearing someone call you boss." He said.

    Christian smiled brightly at his friend. This was the first time Anita had seen him smile so brightly. She had never even seen him smile like this in front of his father. Whoever this man was, he must be someone special to Christian. Anita thought.

    "Why are you standing? Sit down or are you not allowed to sit?" Micheal asked as he glanced at Anita.

    Anita took a quick look at Christian before sitting down. "Thank you." She said with a slight smile. She didn't know how to behave in front of Micheal as her arrogant boss had literally insulted her in front of him.

    "I'm Micheal Achojah. It's nice to meet you. Sorry about what Christian said to you earlier. He has no manners at all." Micheal said with a smile.

    Anita smiled back at him, "It's alright. He's my boss after all." She said even though that wasn't what she truly wanted to say. She wanted to yell at Christian for his bad manners but then again he was her boss and she was just his personal assistant.

    "Yes, he is. So how is it like working for him? I know he can be a huge pain in the ass." Micheal said.

    Anita resisted the urge to burst into laughter. This was exactly how she would have described Christian. A huge pain in the ass! She liked Micheal already. She wondered how such a nice guy became friends with such an arrogant guy like Christian.

    "It's alright sir. I need the money so I don't really care how he behaves." Anita replied with a small smile.

    "Oh, please drop the formality. Just call me Micheal." He said and Anita nodded with a smile. "So are you telling me that if you didn't need the money so badly, then you won't work for him right?" Micheal asked.

    Anita's smile was quick to falter, she glanced nervously at Christian who was looking at the both of them with an interested expression on his face. Truthfully, if she didn't need the money so badly then she definitely would have quit the job but she couldn't possibly tell them that.

    "No... No." Anita laughed nervously. She only came here to give Christian the documents that he needed to sign but she ended up getting interrogated.

    "No what, Anita?" Micheal asked. He was not willing to drop this. He was clearly having fun at her expense. He glanced at Christian who looked intrigued by the ensuing conversation.

    "I would definitely still work for him. Besides, I don't think he is that bad." Anita said. That was a lie. Christian was way worse than how she was describing him now.

    Micheal chuckled, "Oh... Really? Then brace yourself because the worst is yet to come." He said and Anita gulped down in fear.

    Seeing Anita's frightened expression, Micheal laughed. "I was just kidding. Christian is actually a good guy who has been through so much. He merely tries to put on a fake facade because... "

    Christian threw him a pillow, "Hey, I'm right here. What's your deal?" He frowned while Micheal chuckled.

    Anita narrowed her eyes at the two men in front of her in confusion. The conversation had just went from weird to weirder. "I'll be going now if that is all." Anita said and stood up.

    "Leaving so soon? I'm sure you are not busy. Sit down with us." Micheal said with a smile.

    Anita sighed inaudibly and sat down back on the couch. She still had some work that she needed to take care of but she didn't want to argue.

    "So... Anita, are you single?" Micheal asked.

    Anita's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know exactly what took her by surprise. Maybe it was the unexpected question or the audacity at which Micheal spoke.

    "Come on, Micheal. Stop flirting with my assistant. At least, not in front of me." Christian said while rolling his eyes.

    "Why?" Micheal smirked. "Do you like her so much?" He asked.

    Anita's face flushed red in mortification. These two! What were they trying to do? She shook her head slightly.

    Christian scoffed, "She wishes."

    Anita cursed under her breath. She didn't like that they were talking about her as if she wasn't in the room. "I won't date a guy like you either." Anita muttered but Christian and Micheal heard it.

    Christian scowled, "What? What did you just say?"

    Anita glared at him. She wasn't going to back down this time around. She had put up with his insults but not this time. Her arrogant boss needed to know that not every girl would drool over him. She would never drool over a guy as arrogant as Christian.

    "I said I would never date a guy like you." Anita said through gritted.

    "Can you believe this, Micheal? Did you hear what she just said? Do you know how many girls want me?" Christian asked.

     Micheal stared at his friend and his assistant without blinking, his eyes were opened widely. He had a huge grin on his face as he stared at them as if he was watching a movie that required all his attention.

    "I'm sure that those girls have no brain because seriously who would want to date a guy as arrogant as you." Anita said, her expression fiercer than ever.

    Christian gasped in shock like a little child that just found out something shocking. "Micheal, this is the girl you called innocent a while ago. I told you all of that was just an act." He said with his fingers pointed accusingly at Anita.

    "I don't pretend to be anyone. It's you who always try to get on my nerves." Anita said with a scoff. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to do something urgent." She said and walked out of the living room without glancing back.

    "Hey, hey. Come back here." Christian called after her while Micheal roared in laughter. This was the first time someone had spoken to Christian so harshly.

    "Did you see what just happened?" Christian gasped, he looked shocked. His personal assistant had just insulted him in his own home without stuttering.

    "I did. She showed you your place." Micheal said, still roaring in laughter.

    Christian raced his hand over his hair in frustration. His eyes were slightly widened in disbelief. "I'll teach her a lesson she would never forget." He muttered.

    Micheal chuckled, "Try not to do anything stupid." He said.

    Christian glared at his friend, "Get out. I'm expecting someone. I don't want you here when she comes." He said.

    Micheal frowned, "Whatever. I need to prepare for work tomorrow, anyway." He said and stood up. "Take care of your personal assistant." Micheal said with a wink. Christian gasped and threw another pillow at him which Micheal swiftly dodged and roared in laughter, again.

    In Anita's room, she sat on her bed with a sullen expression on her face as she thought of what she had said to her boss.

    She picked up her phone and dialed Sharon's number. Right now, she needed someone to talk to, someone who would advise her. And the only person that she thought of was her friend.

    "Babe, I was just about to call you. What's up with you?" Sharon said. She sat down on the couch in her living room with a bowl of popcorn in between her thighs. She was watching a movie.

    "Sharon, my life is over." Anita cried to her friend.

    Sharon quickly switched off the television with the remote control when she heard what Anita said. She adjusted her sitting position on the couch. "What do you mean by that?" She asked with a serious expression on her face.

    "I just did the unspeakable." Anita said.

    "Anita, you are making me nervous. Tell me what happened exactly."

    "A friend of my boss came over and he asked me to join them, then we started talking and.. and.. I.. "

    "You what? Did Christian's friend did something bad? Did he hurt you? Tell me, please." Sharon said, her voice sounding edgy.


    "Then tell me what happened."

    "My boss was talking and....." Anita explained all that transpired in the living room to her friend.

    Sharon sighed tiredly, "Gosh, Anita. You can be so dramatic. So was that the reason why you said your life is over? You just got me all worked up for nothing." She said.

    Anita frowned slightly, "What do you think I should do?"

    "Just apologize. I don't think your boss is going to dismiss because of something so petty besides he asked for it." Sharon said.

    "Are you sure?"

    "Of course. Have I ever lied to you?"

    "Alright. There is something else though." Anita said.

    "What is it?" Sharon asked and Anita narrated all that happened yesterday between Christian and his father

    "Wow. I feel like your life only revolves around Christian." Sharon said after hearing all that Anita said.

    "What do you mean by that?"

    "Ever since, you started working for him, all you ever talk about is Christian. So you work at the company now, does this mean you have to come back home?"

    "Honestly, I don't know. We've not talked about that yet."

    "Hmm. So do you think he was adopted?"


    "Christian, who else?"

    "Oh. I was also thinking the same thing but then again, we might both be wrong about it and it's not really any of our business." Anita said.