

Jack is a successful and charming multi-millionaire who seems to have it all. But his life is not what it seems. Jack is the son of a powerful mafia boss, the heir to the drug conglomerate but he wanted something different. He left his family business and moved to Kenas, Capitol city to open his own company. He has been pretending to date Lily, a beautiful young woman. Lily is unaware of Jack's true identity, but she is drawn to him despite their fake relationship. She sees a vulnerability in him that no one else does, and finds herself falling for him. One day, he got a phone call from Timothy, his father's right hand man. His father is in a coma, he needs to come back home and take his place as the mafia boss. As Jack and Lily's relationship deepens, the lines between pretense and reality begin to blur. Jack is torn between his loyalty to his family and his love for Lily, while Lily is struggling to understand her feelings for a man she barely knows. Meanwhile, danger is lurking around every corner as Jack's enemies in the mafia world close in. They see Lily as a weak link and will stop at nothing to get to her. Jack must make a choice between his family and the woman he loves, and Lily must decide if she can trust a man with a dangerous secret. In this heart-pumping romance novel, Jack and Lily's love is put to the ultimate test in a world where danger and deception are the norm. Will their love survive, or will the secrets that bind them together tear them apart?

SkyWings · Realistic
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253 Chs



Jack was cleaning tears that escaped from his eyes after having the dream about his sister bleeding from her mouth and he could do nothing to help her.

Lily came into the room, she narrowed her eyes at him, "Are you okay Jack?" She asked with concern as she moved closer to him.

He gave her a smile that didn't fool her one bit, "why shouldn't I be fine? Everything is fine."

Lily looked at him skeptical because he didn't look fine to her, his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, with the shadow of hair under his chin, he looked homeless, but she didn't comment about it to him.

She asked him, "Why didn't you tell me of your sister's memorial that is going to take place in two days?" She raised her two fingers to emphasize the two days. "Your mom was telling me about it and I was looking at her like an imbecile Jack, that was kind of embarrassing, you know."

Jack was unhappy that she brought up a sensitive matter, he frowned and turned to leave the hospital room without answering her question.

Lily held his hands and stood in front of him, if you want us to look like a real couple, you need to tell me the important details jack, I don't want to look like a fool to anyone.

Jack inhaled sharply and pinched his nose bridge in frustration, "I will only tell you what I want to tell you, I am only paying you to pretend to be my girlfriend not for you to be my wife."

Lily rolled her eyeballs, "Exactly my point, you are paying me to be your girlfriend, and as your girlfriend, you are supposed to tell me of your sister's memorial."

Jack looked at her squarely with anger in his eyes, "Leave me the hell alone Lily, I don't want to talk to you about my sister or my family, why can't you get the hint and leave me the fuck alone?" He moved her aside and left the room.

Lily was shocked and confused, he had never shouted at her like this, she had never seen him angry before, "why is he angry?"

Lily was hurt by Jack's words, but she knew that he was going through a tough time. She decided to give him some space and let him deal with his emotions in his way.

Jack stomped to the car angrily, ignoring the driver's greeting.

"Give me the keys to the car" he ordered.

The driver, a friendly-looking short man with a broad figure in his early forties, has a round pot belly and a dark mustache on his face, he scratched his head sheepishly, "I brought only one car, which car am I supposed to drive miss Lily back home sir?"

"Are you daft? Call the other driver and tell him to bring another car" he shouted at the driver.

The driver bowed meekly, "I am sorry sir." He gave Jack the keys.

Jack collected the keys, entered the car, and zoomed off.

He drove with no destination in mind, he was driving aimlessly, he drove for a while before coming to a stop at the beachside. This was the beach, his sister loved to visit.

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