
Haji Tea's Beasts

He was going straight to his bedroom then suddenly, he thought of something.

He looked towards his right and went there. Akash was standing in front of a door on which "Ancestor Training Grounds" was written.

"This is the only new feature I haven't checked yet. System, could you explain the usage of the Ancestor Training Grounds?"


[ Ancestor Training Grounds are different planets and stars which are under the control and jurisdiction of the creator. The creator has given access to these planets and stars to the members of the Ancestor Law Enforcement so that they can go there and practice. Those training grounds are extremely beneficial for beast training and self-cultivation. ]

"What!! Are you telling me this is a teleportation room?"

[ Yes, you could also call it that. ]

"How many planets or training grounds are available in this room?"

Akash asked in astonishment.

[ There are trillions of training grounds, available for the entire force. ]

"How much time will it take to teleport somewhere?"

[ just 1 second. ]

"1 second? How is this possible?"

[ The creator made this using the 20 laws. The creator used up an immeasurable amount of his cosmic powers for this.

1 day in Training Grounds is equal to half an hour of this world. That's the 1st power of the training grounds.

Whenever any trainer gets injured on Training Grounds, they will be automatically healed but it will not be free of charge. The Trainer must pay for this healing, either with treasures or coins.

The more they get injured, the more they have to pay. When they leave the training grounds, the System will calculate the healing costs for the trainer and the amount will be written on the Ancestor Training Grounds' debtor's list.

The trainer will be given a 1 year time period to clear the debt otherwise the trainer will be punished severely. ]

Akash was looking at the screen in awe.

"One day there will only be half an hour here!"

"What kind of trick is involved to make this possible?"

Akash asked with perplexed eyes.

[ The King can check himself by entering the training grounds. The powers of the creator are beyond the understanding of the King. ]

Akash shook his head.

"Ah man, I can't even imagine a wisp of the Ancestor Turtle's power. Well, I think I should check these training grounds tomorrow."

Akash went to his room, jumped on his bed, and fell asleep.

~The next morning~

Akash woke up early, he was still laying on the new luxurious bed, staring at the ceiling, praising the marvel of the system's engineering.

After a few minutes, he stood up and opened the bag Haji Tea gave him, there were new clothes and other common necessities, such as a toothbrush, shampoo etc.

Akash went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Soon, he came back, got dressed and called Haji Tea, who picked up the call immediately.

"Hello, My Liege."

"Hello, Earl Haji. How are you?"

"I'm fine and how are you, my liege?"

"I'm fine as well, come to the headquarters whenever you are free, I'm waiting here for you."

"I'm coming right away, My Liege!"


Akash hung up the phone and sat in the hall.

After a while, the gates opened, and Haji Tea came in. Earlier, Haji Tea couldn't open the door but now that he was an Earl, he also had access to everything in headquarters except the King's Chambers.

"My Liege, I've arrived!"

Haji Tea greeted Akash Tagar with a light bow

In return, Akash nodded and smiled.

"Very good, I told you yesterday that I would teach you about the basics of 7 Ways of the Death Spear and I will also look at your beasts. Can you call out your beasts?"

"Most certainly!"

Haji Tea closed his eyes, and 5 circles appeared in the air, inside those circles countless stars could be seen. Those circles were the portals of Haji Tea's star dwelling. Every tamed beast lives inside the dwelling of its master.

5 beasts came out of those 5 circles.

From the 1st circle came a huge snake that was 40 meters long. It had a 7 Star Nobility rank bloodline, which meant it would never break through to the 8 Star realm as it had already hit its bloodline's limit of the 7th Star.

That snake was green and had huge black fangs and its name was the "Black Green Python". The black-green pythons are very common beasts but they are famous for their deadly poison.

From the 2nd circle came a spider who also had a 7 Star Nobility rank bloodline. The arachnid was grey, but its body was covered with many colourless strings. Only its 9 bloodred eyes were not covered with them. That spider was a rare beast known as "The Mist Spider".

From the 3rd circle came a mole. It had large and sharp claws and countless small teeth. Those teeth and claws were the perfect weapons for tearing into flesh. It was 10 meters long.

That mole had an 8 Star Nobility rank bloodline and it was called the "Steel Clawed Mole".

From the 4th circle came an eagle. It was huge and had countless eyes while flapping in the wind. The bird was also rare and had an 8 Star Nobility rank bloodline. It was called the "Thousand Eyed Eagle".

From the 5th circle came a boar who was relatively small compared to the others at only 5 meters in length. However, it had 4 deadly long tusks. All 5 meters long just like its body, two of them were facing both the right and left side of the boar.

While the other two were pointed straight as spears. Each tusk was as sharp as a blade. It was also a rare beast, it had a 10 Stars Nobility rank bloodline. Its name was the "Thunder Sword Boar" and this boar was the strongest beast Haji Tea had.

"My Liege, these are my 5 contracted war beasts!"