
Tame Her

Being the almighty business woman in the huge society wasn't an easy task for Veronica Morgan. Although she wanted her life to be normal and live happily but trouble always come run-in to her door.

Carla_Inlaid · Urban
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3 Chs

We will certainly meet.

"Yes, even if we have to send a dummy investor, make sure I get those shares. ... No, I won't force Ramouth, unless of course he's willing... Urgh, never mind, just do what I asked."

As she dropped the phone, Veronica sighed. Running other branches of her jewelry company in Asia was not an easy task. Especially with the rise of another company in Malaysia that was a constant competition.

"Ma'am," her maid peeked in.

With a single wave of her hand, she gave the maid permission to gather her used plates.

Now that her call was over, Veronica glanced at the television. The news was broadcasting her case with the Sterlings.

"Not important," she muttered and switched off the television.

It wasn't the first time she made such a big conquest yet each time, it struck the world with awe. In fact, her success stunned everyone.

Veronica Morgan, a woman who rose out of nowhere but took the business world by storm.

She started from a small jewelry company which was at a state of bankruptcy. She bought it with the money she saved, then worked hard on it until it got back on it's feet.

Steadily, she grew that company, making enough income from it to buy more companies. Her tactics were simple, she'd buy a company which was running bankrupt, then work on it until it bounced back.

It wasn't an easy process but with great efforts and buckets of patience, she was able to build her empire.

Qui Vive Group of Industries was one of the biggest firms in the world, running many companies that provided different services and products.

Her businesses were spread over the continents, meeting great demands of many consumers with her supply.

Slowly, she made her way to the window. All glass from floor to ceiling, the window allowed a perfect view of the city.

Night time was her favorite time. She'd stand by her window, observing the twinkling stars while savouring the beauty of the city.

The city's lights reflected off the buildings giving it a kaleidoscopic shimmer. Everything was more beautiful at night time.

For an odd reason, her eyes strayed to a building far off. She concentrated on it, not trying to look away even though her instincts kicked against her decision.

'You are worthless,'

She jolted as the dark voice resounded, speaking words that were all too familiar to her.

"No," she stepped back. "You're not real," she shook her head.

The voice rang again. This time, it seemed it was coming from the building she had been staring at. It was so far away but as she stared at it, thick darkness began to whirl out of it, spreading over the city, heading for her.

She took more steps back, denying what was happening. The voice reached her again,

'Don't run, stupid child. Face me!'

"No," she held her head. The darkness was swirling fast around her, filling her lungs, taking over her thoughts and blinding her sight.

"Please, don't..."

Her movements faltered as she struggled to keep balance. With her hands on her head, trying to shut out the darkness, she didn't make any attempts to grab unto something thus, falling down.

"Please don't. Don't hurt me," she cried.

The darkness was in her head, she knew. And if she fought it, it would go away. The problem was, she couldn't fight something that was a part of her.

On the floor, she moved backwards until her back was against the wall. The voice wouldn't stop ringing and she knew what would happen next.

"Don't run, Veronica. Get back here. Veronica!"

Her eyes snapped open.


She found herself transported back to the dark store house. Someone was banging on the door. It shook, threatening to break into pieces.


Each time he called, she buried herself even deeper into her thighs.

'Please go away,'

Her wish was useless. It never got granted. Not then, not now.

"Veronica!" His heavy baritone bawled. The boom made the store house shake.

The violent hits on the door stopped. She wondered if he was finally gone. But as the relief was building up, the door flew open.

"Got you!"

The light behind him cast a grim shadow on his features, giving him a malicious look that scared her to her bones. His loud laughter rang in the room. It was evil and full of malevolent intent. Instantly, she backed away.

"Please don't come near me."

Her father laughed. If it was for effect or just part of his evil intentions, he approached her in short predatory leaps.

"Come here, you little brat," he dragged her.

"Please, let go," she cried.

Her father cracked an evil laughter. He enjoyed torturing her.

"Cry some more, vermin. But you'll pay for what you did in there."

He jerked her towards the slaughter house where she would serve her punishment for disobeying him.

The slaughter house was a horrible place. It was a dark building that stank of blood and dung. That was were he kept his torture tools.

The horrors awaiting her in the slaughter house were unimaginable. If she let him take her there, she was done for.

In an attempt to escape, she pushed him. "Let me go!"

"Veronica, you're dead," he yelled as he chased after her. It wasn't long before she lost her footing and tripped.

His dark figure loomed over her, raising the dagger in his hand.



Everything was back to normal. The window was across her when she opened her eyes. Her father was nowhere to be found.

"He's not real," she told herself. "He's not rea!"


"Sir," the butler called for the second time. However, the young master still ignored him. His gaze was fixed strongly on the TV screen, glued on the extremely beautiful woman exiting the courthouse with a host of personalities surrounding her.

The news of the court's verdict on the feud involving Qui Vive Group and Sterling Industries had gone viral.

Qui Vive's reputable CEO was very capable and the media praised her abilities. Ethan was very intrigued by her.

"Sir, you have yet to deliver a response to Rhian Stanton," his butler reminded. The heiress could not be kept waiting on their proposed date.

Yet, the second attempt was just as futile as the first.

Really, why was his young master so engrossed in the news reports tonight? His eyeballs might fall out with the way he was staring at the television.

"Quiet, Erwin. I wanna watch this," he hastily hushed the old man. "Do not disturb me."

Pretty soon, it was obvious to Erwin that the young master was not interested in the news but rather the lady on the headlines.

After so long, the Reynolds' heir was finally showing interest in a woman. His father would be pleased.

Erwin cleared his throat and bowed. "Certainly, young master. I'll handle it."

Ethan who did not care what his old butler did, waved him off impatiently.

A large group of reporters surrounded Veronica, all wanting to get an interview with her. She was reserved and elegant, while she spoke to them. No one considered the air of haughtiness around her to be rude.

"Veronica Morgan…" he called her name silently, enjoying how it rolled off his tongue with velvety perfection.

"We will certainly meet."
