
Talk About Life in a Parallel World

Hi, Ken Togashi here. You're going to be reading this and wonder [What type of story is this?] Well, if I had to say...I don't really know too, sorry. I mean, I didn't asked to be sent to a parallel world you know? I only got forced into it by a shitty goddess who doesn't really care if I live or die (atleast that's what I presume) Anyways, if I had to guess... Its a story of me leaving my life behind to start a new one in this parallel world, a story of me being in ridiculous situations, of me learning this world and the colorful people that live in it, of me experiencing love for the first time, and of me...learning how to let go, to let go of the past and accept that time moves without regards to anyone. Shit, didn't mean to get emotional there. Welp, I hope you understand a bit more now, I'll talk again after everything is over.

crinobi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

We'll Meet Each Other Again!

"Do you like the stars?"

A little girl asked the boy beside him as they both watch the night sky above them.

The boy brought his hand to his chin and closed his eyes. He pondered the question wondering if it had a deeper meaning but ultimately came up with this conclusion.

"I don't really ca—"

Before he finished his answer he got punched in the arm by the girl, cheeks puffing up as she stared at boy who was caught off guard by her sudden attack.

"What was that for!?"

Ken didn't rubbed his arm, wondering if he had done something to her.

[Hmph, if you don't answer honestly I'll just leave]

She said to Ken as she crossed her arms. She knew that he was insensitive, but somehow his words found a way to irritate her.

She jumped off the grass and bended over to his level, their face just a breath away from each other.

[Listen, when you're having a serious discussion with someone you must reply seriously too!]

She tried to act like an adult although from another point of view, the way she scolded him couldn't be more far from what she wanted to achieve.

On the other hand.

"Wait we were having a serious discussion?"

He scratched and tilted his head, wondering which part of this conversation was important.

As he looked up, a light flick connected with his forehead. It didn't hurt him but it did manage to make him look at her.

[Ken you dummy.]

She completely acted like a kid and not a mature adult by puffing out her cheeks and turning away. Though this gesture got Ken embarrassed instead, he didn't expect her to act that cute.

[So, do you like the stars?]

She asked the same question again. This time bringing her face right in front of Ken who got caught off guard by the sudden question of the girl.

Ken stared at the girl in front of her. For some reason, her face was obscured as if it was being covered by a black void. Nevertheless, he didn't want to upset her again so he just answered honestly.

"Well it's not like I like them that much or hate it either…." He said while scratching his cheek.

Satisfied with his answer, the girl smiled and took something out of her pocket.


She gave him a silver necklace which had a star in the middle of it. Ken scratched his cheeks. [Why would she give me a necklace? I don't even like girly stuff!] He thought to himself.

-I told you that Dad makes cute necklaces right? So I asked him to make one for you!

"Uhhhhhh, thanks?"

He really didn't knew what to say but he didn't want to reject her either so Ken just accepted it.

[When I saw Ken for the first time. I thought he was weird for sleeping on the grass in the middle of the night]


Ken's heart raced as he remembers the moment. He didn't wanted to be remembered as the weird boy who sleeps in the middle of nowhere.

[This necklace is how I would remember you forever! So you better do the same!]

"I promise!"

Ken put the necklace on his neck. The silver was cool to the touch and it hung a bit big on his neck but he didn't care about that.

This was the last time they would see each other now that summer break is finally over.

[Really? You won't forget me even if you die?]

"I don't know but I'll try!"

He said while putting his fist on his chest. He wasn't confident enough to promise that he will remember her so this was the only thing he could manage.

Putting his pinky finger out he took a deep breath and made a promise.

"Let's see each other again!"

He still can't see her whole face but tears streaked down her cheeks.

Promptly wiping off the tears on her face, she finally wrapped her pinky finger around his.

-we'll definitely see each other again!-