

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
Not enough ratings
139 Chs

Side Story: Nihonbare

Kido paced around the room, anxious. He's already dressed in full uniform and ready to leave for his duty anytime.

But leaving was the one thing he precisely did not want to do.

Don't be ridiculous, he quickly admonished himself. You have a job to be done. And besides, Helena can take care of herself.

As if to prove that to himself, he glanced at Helena not too far away, packing things into his suitcase—change of clothes for several days, toiletries, stationeries, medicines; all thoughtfully and carefully sorted.

Though Kido certainly appreciated her diligence and admired her fortitude, there was still a rather selfish part of him that wished Helena would at least look a little affected.

Oh, come on now, she's strong like I've said—no need for her to be burdened with me leaving. I'm only going for a few days, and it's not like I'm going to put my life in danger out there, he once again admonished himself.

And besides, Hiei and Atago had promised to keep her company while he was away and would probably bring along the others as well. He only hoped Atago wouldn't smother her self-proclaimed little sister too much with her affections.

While Kido was occupied with his thoughts, Helena went through the suitcase contents once more, ensuring she didn't miss anything before closing the lid and going over to him.

"All the things you'll need are already in your suitcase, Kido-san…You are good to go…" She spoke, then briefly looked away. From how her voice grew softer, it became clear to Kido that was not all she was trying to say.

It didn't take long before he realized that she was, in fact, worried, but she didn't want to show it.

"Hey… I'm just going to Yokosuka with the others for inspection… I'm not putting my life in danger out there, okay?" Kido said, reaching forward to touch the girl's cheek to comfort her—and himself.

"I know. Still, do be careful," Helena gently took the hand and held it tight.

"Of course," Kido replied just as a car pulled over in front of the house. Helena reluctantly let his hand go and went to the suitcase on the floor while Kido put his overcoat and cap on.

"Well, time to go. See you in a few days, and give Hiei and Atago my regards."

"I will. Have a safe trip."

"Of course, ma'am," he said with a small laugh as he received the suitcase Helena handed him. As soon as he stepped outside, Kido briefly looked up to the sky and noticed something that made him smile.

"Do you know the weather is great today? That means you'll be fine," he exclaimed before entering the car. Hearing that, Helena laughed softly.

"Same goes for you," she said as she waved him goodbye.


The sky was completely devoid of clouds, and Helena could see them clearly. The shining sun. The boundless, gentle blue expanse surrounding it. The free-flying flock of birds.

The clear sky was such a splendid, soothing sight, so much that the clothes she wanted to hang to dry were left forgotten beside her as her eyelids grew heavy.

Helena would have dozed off on the patio if Atago hadn't come barging in with Hiei following not far behind, Laffey clinging onto her as usual.

"He~le~na~chan! Big sis is here~ara?" The cruiser paused when she heard Helena's startled noise as she abruptly rose from her seat, momentarily wobbling before she managed to steady herself.

"Ah…? Ata—Um, welcome…sorry, I was, um, you see…."

"There, there. I understand. You are dozing off because of the fine weather, isn't it?" Atago said as she went to Helena and drew the girl into her embrace. Helena's face was red all over even as she returned the gesture; what Atago said was right, which did not help with her embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. I probably would do the same if I were in your position, Helena," the ever-kind Hiei chimed in.

"Laffey would've slept through it too…" Laffey added; she let out a yawn afterward as if to emphasize that. "Laffey is thirsty. Do you have anything to drink?"

"Ah, there are a few bottles of Ramune in the fridge, I think," a still slightly dazed Helena replied as Atago let her go. Laffey responded with a lazy nod and went to the kitchen.

"Aha…haha. Wait a bit inside while I hang these clothes, okay?" Helena turned to Hiei and Atago.

"Worry not, we'll help you," Atago said as she hoisted the clothes basket off the ground before Helena could, playfully keeping it away from her when she tried to take it. That act earned her a pout from the girl.

"It's okay, it's okay, we're still waiting for others, you know?" Atago said, giggling at Helena's reaction.


"You see, there will be Fusou and Yamashiro, probably Shoukaku and Zuikaku as well. And also my sisters. Even the whole port, maybe. They all heard you would be alone for a few days, so they wanted to keep you company. So, expect a crowd."

"Oh…I hope there will be enough food for everyone."

Even with her eyes getting moist with tears, Helena cannot help but laugh.

In the cloudless sky, another flock of birds flew past. She felt like one of them right now—without burden, without trouble.

Such a fortunate person she is.