

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
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139 Chs

Ninja Matsuri

"What's the matter, Commander? You've been really antsy for some time now?" Hibiki cocked her head aside as the Commander's gaze again wandered the festival grounds. But like before, it wasn't to enjoy the festivities. Not when she was sweating like that.

"...Someone's been watching me; I can feel it..."

"Aren't you just bein' paranoid?" How can you tell anyway, with all these crowds around?" Hibiki laughed; despite her intentions, it only served to make Commander grow even more nervous.

"...Well...because, you see, it happened too fast, but when I was walking, you see, and happened to look back—that was when I noticed someone disappearing in a blur. At that time, I thought it was just my imagination, so I didn't think too much about it. But then I saw the same thing again and again—three times means enemy action, you know?"

"Eh, if even you could spot 'em, then that means they are pretty inept at hiding, no?" Hibiki replied, unfazed by the Commander glowering at her.

"In that case, please allow this Akatsuki to hunt down the culprit," a voice declared, with its owner appearing out of nowhere, right in front of the pair—although only the Commander jumped in surprise.

"A-Akatsuki...? Do-don't appear so suddenly just like that!"

"Forgive my insolence, Commander, and also for overhearing your conversation! But I, Akatsuki, will surely catch this person, that I will!" Akatsuki declared.

"So cool, Akatsuki—but don't get yourself lost," Hibiki clapped and broke into yet another laughter when Akatsuki became flustered—though this time, she was being considerate and managed to hold back a little at least.

"No...no, I won't. I will only follow you two, just in case this person appears again."

"...Won't that make you another stalker, though?" Hibiki teased; seeing how the realization hit Akatsuki like a brick flying through the window, she couldn't care less anymore and broke into a peal of laughter.

"Well, at least we know it's you. Good luck, Akatsuki," the Commander said as she put a hand on Hibiki's mouth so she wouldn't need to yell.

"Th-thank you, Commander. I shall be off!" Akatsuki saluted and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"...Do you think she'll catch the stalker?" the Commander whispered when Hibiki's laughter had ceased.

"Eh, if she's thinking what I'm thinking, then we both know who your stalker is. She'll catch her," Hibiki shrugged.


She had been too careless, Kuroshio bemoaned. She was supposed to tail her superior discreetly, but the Commander had nearly spotted her—thrice, even. No more, she vowed. She'll be more careful, as her grace's unseen protector. Even at festivals like this, danger could lurk in every corner, and she will go as far as disregarding the Commander's wish—for all of them to have fun and forget their duties.

Peeking from the corner where she was hiding, Kuroshio noticed the Commander had resumed walking, but now she had Hibiki with her. She wanted to tail them, but seeing them together had her feeling strange.

"So it's really you, Kuroshio."

Despite recognizing the voice, Kuroshio whipped around in dread anyway and saw Akatsuki, now wearing her usual uniform instead of the yukata.


"There's no need for you to tail the Commander like that. She'll be alright."

"...I..." Kuroshio bit her lip, leaped into the air, and landed on a roof. Before she could catch her breath, Akatsuki was already looming above her.

"Don't run!" she cried—for a split second, Kuroshio thought that sounded more like pleading than an order.

But that was an even more reason for her to ignore it.

Akatsuki proved stubborn, and she gave chase, leaping from one roof to another. The others were thankfully too distracted by merrymaking to notice the roundabout chase.

"Kuroshio, come on, just stay still for a while and listen," Kuroshio heard Akatsuki's voice again.

"I...I can't," she replied, although her strength had begun to flag and her legs to give out, allowing Akatsuki to tackle and pin her down.

"Let me go..." she croaked, only for Akatsuki to hold her in a hug.

"Sshhh...listen...can you hear it? The happy voices?"

Kuroshio blinked. There was only silence at first—but she eventually heard them—The cheers, the laughter from afar.

"Can you hear it? The people chanting wasshoi?"

Kuroshio closed her eyes. She could hear people chanting that—it somehow grew louder and louder as if they were closing in, as clear as the starless night.

"Kuroshio, you know, there's no need to hide when you're surrounded by friends. You can be there too, with them, " Akatsuki let go of Kuroshio and rose. She helped the quivering girl to her feet, and she looked away almost immediately.

"I'm sorry...I just..."

"Hey, you heard the wasshoi chants, yes? Everyone's cheering for one another. I'll cheer for you—wi-will you cheer for me?"

Kuroshio turned to Akatsuki. Her cheeks were as red as the lanterns—but she couldn't see that smile as anything but genuine.


"Then...WASSHOI!" Akatsuki threw her arms up in the air. "Come on; you do it too! Lend me your strength as I did for you!"

Kuroshio's first attempt came out relatively weak, but Akatsuki just smiled wider.

"WASSHOI!" she cheered again. Kuroshio drew breath—Akatsuki had promised to lend her strength, and she wouldn't let her down.


"WASSHOI!" Akatsuki joined her hands with Kuroshio's own, her body shaking with laughter.

"Wasshoi!" Kuroshio, too, laughed—although more reservedly.

"Hm-mm," Akatsuki hummed as she separated from Kuroshio. "Now, you would join us in the festivities, wouldn't you? The fireworks could begin anytime soon."

"Well...I don't really have anything to wear," Kuroshio replied, and Akatsuki tossed a scroll her way.

"I've been looking to give that to you for some time now," she said. "It's a yukata."

Kuroshio held it close to her as the pleasant feeling within her chest swelled like a balloon—but this time, she would welcome it.

"Thank you...Akatsuki."

"Ahaha, it's nothing," Akatsuki took out a scroll of her own. "Come, let us change for the occasion."