

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
Not enough ratings
139 Chs

Front Page

"...What are you girls doing here?" The Commander addressed the chattering group of giggling ship girls surrounding the secretary's desk. They quickly moved aside to reveal Zuikaku, with the local town newspaper in hand and a sheepish smile on her face.

"Ah, so it's the little birdie," the Commander laughed at the reveal—Zuikaku brought the paper up her face to hide the blush that decided to rise at the most unwelcome time. It didn't last long; she had been getting better at managing them.

"But really, Commander, big sis never thought you could be so philosophical," Atago piped up, barely keeping her amusement in check. "I mean, nobody would expect that if not for your interview."

"And you girls are laughing over that? Sheesh, just because I'm from Osaka doesn't mean I cannot be serious, you hear?" The Commander shot Atago a glare, but everyone present could tell he was only pretending.

"Oh, but we are not laughing over your wisdom, Commander," Shoukaku chimed in. Her tone was gleeful, and the Commander was unsure if he could believe her claim. He soon decided to let that pass and try to find out for himself.

"Well, if that's today's paper, I would like to read it," the Commander turned to Zuikaku, a hand reaching out.

"Oh, okay, here."


As he gave the front page a look, the Commander discovered articles on the recent local Marine Day celebration, which the base took part in. He recalled they did interview him about the sea and things like that, and truthfully, he was quite proud of how it turned out.

But that alone didn't explain why his subordinates looked so amused, and only after he saw his photo on the page did he understand why.

"Of all the photos in the whole world, they had to use this?" he couldn't help but speak aloud, and there was an odd choking sound from all present—as if they were collectively holding back their laughter.

"Pardon me, sir, but I guess that's what they thought was the most interesting picture of you," Aoba said.

"This is not your idea, isn't it?"

"Uh, no, sir; not at all."

"Oh well, what happened, happened. Now I believe you guys have work to do, so get to it," the Commander gestured toward the door, and the group all bowed before marching out. The dismissal seemed to do little to dampen their amusement, and Zuikaku thought she heard Aoba bursting out a laugh outside.

"Typical people, thinking someone getting hit by mud is funny," the Commander chuckled as he took a seat.

"Um, I'm sorry I showed them that," Zuikaku stood up and bowed, but that only got the Commander to raise a brow at her.

"Hmm, apology accepted? I'm not angry, though. It's just that's not my type of comedy," the Commander leafed through the pages, giving each a cursory look. "...Do you think it's funny?"

"Wh-um, no, really."

"Not really?"

"No, I mean, not that I find you getting hit by stray mud balls funny, but it's just…"

"Go on; I'm not going to get mad."

"But...how you answered the interview with such a straight face after that, well, I guess it's...kinda funny? No, not funny, it's…."

"Charming? Disgusting? Annoying?"

Zuikaku groaned as she felt the blush creeping up her face again.

"No, not that...I don't know. Commander, please don't make fun of me," she whined, and the Commander decided they should just start working before she exploded.

"Alright, alright, let's just leave it at that, and let's get to work," the Commander set the paper aside.

"Yes…" Zuikaku nodded and took the untouched paperwork she had left yesterday.

Maybe one day, she could really tell the Commander her answer to his question—that she found it charming.