
The Lives and Times

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, pretty much everything I wrote between 2018 and 2024. Categories and ratings vary.

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
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160 Chs

A Rainy Day Happening

If Zuikaku had to admit the stupidest thing she had done that day, that would be allowing herself to be trapped in that desolate bus stop as the early summer rain continued to pour mercilessly over the little town.

How she had actually forgotten to bring an umbrella or that the rainy season had begun was beyond her. Perhaps she was too impatient and wanted to get the errand done quickly. She recalled that Shoukaku seemed to have told her something as she left, but she didn't bother to wait and clarify just what it was. Now, she realized it was likely a reminder.

Nobody else was taking shelter, and looking at people walking under their umbrellas served to frustrate her even more. She ended up kicking about to vent, splashing water everywhere. She didn't care if she was causing a scene—nobody else was there.

She had thought of just dashing through the rain. Shoukaku would undoubtedly make a fuss, and everyone would raise an eye, but she didn't want to stay there either, getting cold and unreasonably mopey. And besides, it would be lunchtime soon, and there was no way she would like to miss that.

In the end, she decided to just run for it. Shoukaku would worry and make a fuss anyway if she stayed—so she stood up and pulled her coat's hood over her head.

Just as she was ready, she ended up standing in place as someone seemed to approach the bus stop. The silhouette gradually became apparent as the figure got closer, eventually revealing Lieutenant Ohtori Kensaku, wearing a thick raincoat and boots and, most enviably, under the protection of an umbrella.

While she was admittedly relieved, Zuikaku groaned anyway, confident he would not waste the opportunity to rib her about her predicament.

Ohtori got under the bus stop, closed the dripping umbrella, and turned to Zuikaku. He seemed pretty jovial as he took stock of her situation.

"You're about to run, huh? Don't you remember the last time you got caught up in the rain and got a cold?"

"Do-don't remind me," Zuikaku retorted, only to let out a sneeze after that. She braced for mocking laughter at her expense, but there were none. She found him offering a plastic bag she didn't notice he was carrying instead.

"Food's there. We're definitely going to miss lunch."

Zuikaku absently took the bag and peered inside. There was some convenience store bread inside and cans of coffee. Her stomach rumbled slightly at the sight, and she was thankful he didn't seem to notice. Then it hit her.

"Wait a minute…we?"

"I haven't had lunch either, looking for a lost bird," Ohtori shrugged, then laughed a little at his own joke.

"...You don't have to...That's stupid…" Zuikaku mumbled.

"...Who's stupid? You're the one who forgot to bring an umbrella."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm stupid," Zuikaku rolled her eyes and waved him off, deciding instead to just eat what was on the bag and ignore his ridicule. She was tired and hungry, pride be damned.

Despite that, she ended up eating that yakisoba bread slowly instead of wolfing it down.

Seeing that Zuikaku was eating, Ohtori took one as well, staring at the streets as he ate.

"I guess I'm stupid, too," he remarked, and Zuikaku nearly choked at the admission.

"Wh-why did you say that?" She sputtered. He responded with a dry laugh.

"Well, I'm afraid I only brought one umbrella with me. It seems I rushed out without paying attention."

That roused a laugh out of Zuikaku, and she choked for real, sending her into a bout of coughing.

"That a problem? You can always go back without me, you know. Tell Shoukaku-nee I'm okay and will be back as soon as possible," she said after it stopped.

"No way. I told her I'll bring you back, so I'm going to wait with you," he replied.

Zuikaku glanced outside. There's no telling when the rain will cease. Her eyes then settled on the umbrella leaning on the wall. It seemed big enough now that she thought of it.

"Why don't we just walk under that umbrella, then?" she suggested, and Ohtori spat his coffee all over the floor.

"Come again?"

"That umbrella of yours seems to be big enough for two."

Ohtori looked at the umbrella, and he immediately doubted it. Still, seeing the hopeful look on Zuikaku—no doubt wanting to get out of that place—he figured it was worth a try. After all, he didn't want to stay there either.

"Alright, let's give it a try."

As he had predicted, the umbrella barely fit both of them, and the rain seemed to be getting heavier.

"Now what?" asked Zuikaku, feeling a heat creeping up her cheeks, something she found unwelcome despite the cold.

"Uh, I guess…let's try walking?"

"Oh, right. Um, you go first?"

"Right…Oy, don't step on my foot!"

"Don't suddenly stop, then!"

Their pace was awkward and uncoordinated. Parts of their clothing got drenched as they struggled to stay under the umbrella. They knew they would resort to those complicated steps throughout the trip.

Yet neither wanted to go back.

They ended up wet anyway when they reached the base. Zuikaku spent quite some time chasing after Aoba after she snapped pictures, and Ohtori avoided Shoukaku for the remainder of the day—she seemed to be a little too amused for his liking.

Needless to say, both were down with a cold the next day.