
Tales of Threanas: True Romance

A princess and a peasant. A peasant and a prince. With the help of a potion from a kind old lady, Lyrus and Auria discovers the true meaning of love and standing up for yourself. Witness the beginnings of a queen and a hero. Witness one of the grandest tales from the kingdom of Threanas.

DCapybara · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Knighted, discovered

Elyse woke up with a smile. Today was the big day. As always, it was still dark when he left his quarters. However, unknown to him, a robed figure awaited outside his room, and upon seeing him leave, proceeded to follow him. Elyse for his part was too elated to notice the mysterious man, as he walked with a spring in his step towards the castle gates.

"Hey! Over here!" It was Freid, carrying what seemed to be a parcel under his arm. Elyse's bestfriend immediately hugged him and patted his back.

"Oh, right. Here, a present from me." Opening the wrapped package, Elyse was surprised to see a set of silk tunic and breeches. Judging by the gold trimmings on the clothing, it must have cost a fortune.

"Consider that as my congratulatory gift to you for being knighted. In all honesty, I won't be surprised if one day you end up being of higher rank than me." The two laughed heartily at the idea. Realizing that they were starting to make a lot of noise, Elyse uttered his thanks to Freid and with a handshake, went on his way.

A knight. Elyse is finally becoming a knight. The prince can't help but tear up a little. If his father was still alive, the latter would have attended the ceremony. While the title of Dragonslayer would have been better, the conflicting account of how the beast was slain and who slew it made it impossible for its conferment to Lyrus. Further, he didn't want to attract Asche's attention by attaining a title achieved through killing the latter's kin.

Elyse walked a little further on the streets of Noir and when he was sure that he was alone, took off the hood of his robe, just as his transformation came undone. However, just a few meters away, hidden within the shadows, the robed figure watched in shock at the discovery.

Lyrus took a big deep breath and started walking towards Edrana's shop. Edrana had been away for months, the last time he saw the old woman was after the second trial, when he went to her for a refill of the potion. It was a shame that he was asleep and heavily injured when the apothecary visited his hut a few weeks back. He had a lot to tell her. Arriving at the shop, he knocked three times, then listened intently for any sound which might indicate that the old woman was back. There was none.

Lyrus entered the shop to find the shelves and Edrana's room deserted. Did the apothecary left Noir? Why didn't she bother telling him or Alea? An empty feeling welled inside him. Next to Alea, the kind old woman, was one of the persons he considered as his family. She had always been there to guide and support him. Edrana was like the grandmother he never had. He would be very happy to see her face among the crowd as he is being knighted later. Still, deciding to take his chance, he pulled out a scrap of paper from his rucksack and wrote a note to the woman, informing her of the details of the ceremony.

The peasant can't help but sigh as he went out of the shop, the winter sun starting to make its climb towards the sky amidst the large clumps of clouds. His day wasn't in a good start. He hoped that such bad luck was not an ominous sign to something terrible. Where to next? Meiro? Karos? Alea? Once more, his heart started beating faster at the thought of Alea. After he woke up from his sleep, Alea visited him everyday, and he was very sure that it was her that tended to him for the next few weeks while asleep. There's still much he doesn't know about her but one thing's for sure, he loves her.

He examined the vial in his hand as he ate his breakfast inside his hut, the cool blue liquid in it shimmered whenever sunlight hits it. He should stop. He should stop being Elyse while there is still time. He should stop living another life, a life that is not really his own. Besides, a seed of doubt had started to sprout within his heart ever since he woke up.

Does he really love Auria? Auria and Alea. The two were like the sun and moon, different yet beautiful and lovely in their own way. He already has Alea. Alea loves him deeply, and he can see that whenever he would look at her eyes.

Greed is the fall of man. Lyrus' father would always say that to him whenever he as a child would envy others. Somehow, now that he is older, he understood what it meant. The pretensions should end. He cannot let his selfish desires consume him at the danger of losing both Auria and Alea. He had chosen his path. He packed his things and went outside of his hut. He needed to return to the castle.

It was almost noon when Lyrus, transformed as Elyse and returned to the castle. He immediately went to the palace gardens, hoping to see Auria. He must speak to her. Arriving at the garden, he was relieved to know that his hunch was correct. Right before his eyes, sitting on a wooden bench was Auria, as beautiful as ever, a smile clearly evident in her face.

"Princess Auria, may I speak with you?" Elyse didn't stutter. He cannot afford to stutter at this crucial moment lest be taken as someone who merely jests. Auria's questioning eyes looked at him. Somehow, her eyes seem…softer, like she had just gone through a terrible ordeal and was on the process of recuperating.

"I would like you to know…" He took a deep breath. It's now or never. "…that I'm backing out of the competition. I would be returning to my homeland by tomorrow morning. It had been --"but Elyse wasn't able to finish his sentence since Auria suddenly stood up and hugged him.

"Thank you…. Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me," Auria said between sobs of happiness. As if driven by some unknown force, Elyse hugged the princess in return, and at that very moment, somehow, it felt like he was hugging Alea.

Letting go, the two looked at each other momentarily before bursting out laughing at the awkwardness of what just transpired between them. "You-you're welcome princess. It had been my pleasure to have competed for your hand. I-I wish you luck in your future endeavors and may you find the right person for your affection." Elyse stuttered, still in shock at what just happened. Not knowing what to say or do anymore, he simply placed his hand on the princess' head and rubbed it. Somehow, the gesture put Auria in a brighter mood, giggling like a small girl, just like Alea when he does the same to her.

Excusing himself, Elyse went back to his quarters and prepared for the ceremony later that day. His dream had finally come true. He was about to become a knight. However, he was unaware that the robed figure had been following him all morning and with the latter's task finish, the figure decided to report his discovery to Lophen.

"What did you say?!" King Deanor shouted, the rage in his voice amplified by the cold cobbled walls of the secret room. It was just a few hours after noon but he's already sitting at the stone chair and across him sat Lophen, the prince of Quirun.

"It is as what you have heard your majesty. The prince of Crusdea, Elyse, is a mere peasant named Lyrus Arghant, the very same man that your daughter loves." Lophen was wearing a grim expression this time, not a hint of amusement in his face. The prince felt humiliated to know that a lowly peasant bested him twice.

"Does Auria know of this?" Deanor inquired, his fists clenched and trembling with anger. How dare a commoner to try and take Threanas from him? Elyse, no, Lyrus must be punished.

"No. It seems that both of them are unaware of each other's true identities." Lophen pulled out a piece of parchment from under his robe and gave it to the king. Written on the paper was a note about the knighting ceremony addressed to someone named Edrana.

"Edrana? Who is this Edrana?" A plan started to form inside Deanor's mind, like moss slowly creeping on an old and broken wall.

"She is an apothecary in Noir, the finest there is, as I was told. She was the one supplying the appearance changing potion to the two," replied Lophen.

"Apothecary? There's no apothecary in Noir, there had been none for over a century." Just who is Edrana? The name sounded familiar to him yet at the same time the truth evaded his memory. Moreover, the potion got Deanor's attention. A potion that changes one's appearance. The kingdom can use that potion for espionage. That, coupled with the obedience potion possessed by Quirun would give Threanas the leverage it needs over the other kingdoms.

"Are the other princes ready?" inquired Deanor.

"Yes, your majesty. They all have drank the potion of obedience and had been under my control ever since the banquet. What I don't understand is how this…Lyrus managed to resist the concoction." Lophen bit his lip. Everything had been going smoothly, should have gone smoothly. He had taken prisoner the minds of the other princes already. All that's left was to marry Auria and the throne will be his. He could easily murder Deanor and become king. He would have been king easily if it weren't for the bumbling moron named Lyrus.

"Listen. Gather your men. I am to knight Auria and the peasant Lyrus later this afternoon. After the ceremony, I want you to take away the man to the dungeon…discreetly," Deanor ordered, his teeth clenched. His patience had been tested once more, and this time it had finally ran out. He cannot let his daughter's insolence pass. He must teach her to obey.

Lyrus sweated despite the cold. He was kneeling before King Deanor, the ruler of Threanas while the inhabitants of the capital surrounded the wooden platform where he was. He bowed his head and closed his eyes. He tried to hold back his tears.

"By my power as the ruler of Threanas, and in recognition of your courage during the battle for Fehl, I, Deanor Glacia, confers to you, Lyrus Arghant, the title of knight. From this day forward, you shall be known as Sir Lyrus Arghant." Lyrus looked up at the king as the latter touched his shoulders using the royal blade. He was expecting to see a smile from the ruler of Threanas but was only met with a cold stare. He can't help but feel that the king was mad at him.

Lyrus rose and waved at the crowd. Thenan, Freid, Meiro, Karos, and even Erne were there, a look of happiness evident in their faces. Lyrus also saw Barthos with a smug expression, which made the former smile even wider. Turning to his left, he saw Alea also waving at the throng of people gathered before them. The feeling of elation overwhelming him, Lyrus grabbed Alea's hand as they continued to say their thank yous to the people congratulating them, not realizing that they looked like newlyweds.

The two went down the wooden platform to find their friends. Erne, surprisingly, was holding a feast to celebrate the event and the group planned to go to the merchant's house together. However, as Lyrus approached Erne and the others, a familiar face wrapped his arm around his neck.

"Great job, lad. Mind having a word with me for a minute?" It was the heavily scarred knight from Fehl that helped Lyrus. Feeling a debt owed to the man, Lyrus excused himself from Alea and asked her to go ahead of him.

Lyrus watched as his friends started to walk away from him, chatting, and laughing. A warm feeling filled his chest as he viewed their backs.

"What is it? I forgot to ask you— "but he wasn't able to continue speaking as the man placed a rag on his mouth. Lyrus tasted something bitter from the wet rag around on his mouth. He felt himself slowly losing consciousness.

"Do as I say. Follow me back to the castle," the scarred man commanded, the knight's voice ringing over and over inside Lyrus' head. Lyrus started to walk. He wasn't in control of his body though. He can only scream for help inside his head as he made his way back to the castle.


"Princess wake up…wake up princess." Silvia continued to rock Auria's shoulder back and forth. Auria woke up and gave the maid a slightly annoyed look.

"Princess, it's been a few hours since the sun has risen. You need to eat breakfast already. You are to be knighted later this afternoon, remember?" Knighted. The word made Auria stand up and bolt out of her room, to the shock of Silvia. Today was the day she and Lyrus were to be knighted. Auria can't help but grin impishly as she ran across the hall before running back to her room to change clothes.

"We're proud of you Auria. In all honesty, we never thought you would take knighthood seriously." Thenan smiled, his arms around Silvia as they talk at the castle garden. Today was a fine day. Snow isn't falling, the sun is shining just enough to warm Noir without putting everyone into a sweat, and Auria is about to be knighted later that day.

"We? You sound like a married couple. No, no, no, you sound like you're my parents." Auria teased Thenan and Silvia, making the two turn red and lose their composure. Parents. Come to think of it, Thenan and Silvia were indeed like parents to her for the past few months, helping her, guiding her, and just plain listening to her adventures with Lyrus.

"Princess? Is there something wrong?" Silvia asked as Auria suddenly became silent. Lyrus, oh how she wants to be with him. She loves him yet she knows that her father would never approve of him.

"Silvia, Thenan…do you remember when I told you that I want to run away and live the rest of my life as Alea? I was thinking maybe – "but Thenan immediately cut her off with a raised hand. Kneeling before her, the leader of Threanas' knights held both of her hands.

"We won't stop you. Your life is yours and yours alone. It would be wrong for us to hold you back for if we do, we won't be of any different with the king. Do what makes you happy. Threanas will continue, you need not devote your life to it." With Thenan's words, Auria cried. She cried in their arms like there's no tomorrow.

The three continued to talk for a few more minutes before Thenan and Silvia excused themselves. Alone in the company of the snow-covered roses and daisies, Auria's mind wandered to the events of the past few months. She had come a long way from being a helpless princess to a strong knight. She looked around her. She will definitely miss living in the castle but the thought of spending the rest of her days with Lyrus and everyone made her heart lighten up a bit.

"Princess Auria, may I speak with you?" It was Elyse, the prince of Crusdea. She looked at the blue eyes of the prince, and saw what appeared to be sadness…yet at the same time, happiness also seemed to manifest in his face.

"I would like you to know…that I'm backing out of the competition. I would be returning to my homeland by tomorrow morning. It had been – "Auria hugged Elyse. She herself can't understand why she did it. But the idea that the prince sensed her sentiment comforted her and made her grateful.

"Thank you…Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." Auria said in between sobs of happiness. Elyse hugged her in return and somehow right at that very moment, she felt like she was hugging Lyrus.

Letting go, the two looked at each other momentarily before bursting out laughing at the awkwardness of what just transpired between them. "You-you're welcome princess. It had been my pleasure to have competed for your hand. I-I wish you luck in your future endeavors and may you find the right person for your affection." Elyse stuttered, making Auria chuckle some more, suddenly remembering Lyrus' bad habit when nervous.

Maybe Elyse wasn't as terrible as she thought he is. To her surprise, the prince put his hand over head and rubbed it, reminding her of Lyrus who also does the same to her on a regular basis. Auria can't help but giggle at the gesture, like she always had done.

Elyse excused himself and went away. Looking up, Auria saw the sun slowly reaching its zenith. Realizing she better prepare for the ceremony, Auria walked back to her room to choose what to wear. Today is indeed a good day.

"By my power as the ruler of Threanas, and in recognition of your courage during the battle for Fehl, I, Deanor Glacia, confers to you, Alea Aibe, the title of knight. From this day forward, you shall be known as Lady Alea Aibe." Alea rose after feeling the royal blade touch both her shoulders. From Princess Auria to Lady Alea. It doesn't sound that bad. In fact, Alea liked the title given to her as the very first female knight in the whole of Threanas.

Alea tried to contain her fear as she locked eyes with her father. Her father was mad, there was no mistaking it. She had seen that expression a hundred times. Her father was mad, but with who or what? She can't help but tremble a little as she turned her back to the latter.

Alea faced the crowd cheering before her. She saw Thenan, Silvia, Freid, Meiro, Karos, and even the merchant Erne looking happy at the two of them. She then felt Lyrus hand held hers. Lyrus' hands weren't like the hands of nobles, his' were rough and hard, like the bark of an old tree but Alea liked it. She preferred the hardworking hands of Lyrus more than that of the princes'. Happiness welled inside her chest as they waved and smiled before inhabitants of Noir. Everything was perfect. Alea couldn't ask for anything else.

"Lyrus! Lyrus! Where are you?!" Alea shouted. It was almost dusk. Erne's banquet ended a few hours ago but the knight didn't follow them back to the merchant's cottage. Sensing that something was wrong, Alea asked Thenan, Silvia, and Freid to help her look. Where could have Lyrus gone? Remembering the heavily scarred man that walked up to her lover and pulled him away, a sense of dread draped itself over her. She didn't like the aura of the said man ever since she saw the latter earlier.

A gnawing thought continued to whirl inside Alea's mind. It felt like she missed something, something that could point to where her lover is. As if pulled by an unknown force, Alea decided to go back to the castle upon returning to her original appearance. She dashed towards the throne room. Everything inside the castle seemed normal, too normal. Her father. Somehow Auria knew that her father was tied to Lyrus' disappearance.

"So... you've returned. Tell me, how does it feel to be knighted by your very own father before the people of Noir?" King Deanor asked as Auria walked towards the throne.

'I don't understand what you mean father. I was with Silvia the whole day tending to the--"but Auria wasn't able to finish what she was saying as her father suddenly stood up, rage burning in his eyes.

"Silence! I had enough of your lies! I know everything. I know you are Alea Aibe. I know you are using a potion to change your appearance…and I know…I know all about the bastard named Lyrus!" King Deanor roared. But how? How did he find out? Looking around, Auria saw Lophen standing by the side her father's throne, like a snake waiting for its prey.

"Fa-father ple-please…le-let me explain. It's all my fault. Just please don't drag Lyrus into this. He-he doesn't know. I-I promise to obey you from now on…ju-just release him, please," Auria pleaded. She kneeled before her father and bowed her head. Right now, her dignity didn't matter, what matters was Lyrus. She won't be able to take it if something happened to him because of her.

"Enough! Don't think that I have no knowledge of your affection for that peasant!" Deanor shouted, his fists trembling with anger.

"You want to see him again? Then marry. Marry one of the princes. Obey me," Auria's father commanded. Auria can only cry and nod her head in agreement as she continued to kneel and bow her head.

"Take her to her room. Make sure she's guarded day and night. Don't let anyone near her even Thenan and Silvia." Looking up, Auria saw the mocking face of Barthos, as the golden-haired knight proceeded to drag her away.

"I hate you! I hate you!" Auria continued to scream as she was forcibly pulled out of the throne room. That night, she once more cried herself to sleep, ashamed of herself for dragging Lyrus into her own troubles. She cried and cried until crying itself became painful, and until she passed out from exhaustion, her dreams filled with the events of the past few months, her mind trying to take refuge in the memories of the times she spent with Lyrus.

This is it folks. We're nearing the endgame now. Will try to release the last few chapters this week. Then we'll see what happens from there.


The Midnight Council finally makes a proper appearance in the next chapter.

DCapybaracreators' thoughts