
Tales of Theria

The continent of Theria is unkind to those different. Ulfric Englund, a weakling born without magic understands this fact better than anyone else. Born to a noble family and discriminated against daily, he is forced to work hard and fight the system to gain the recognition that is rightfully his. Even so, resolve only goes so far. What can a teenage boy truly hope to do against the upper echelon of a society that will stop at nothing to push him down? Meanwhile, a sinister force brews in the darkness, ready to take the world by storm. Compared to Ulfric’s small town problems, the issues of the continent at large are far greater. Will the all-competent and powerful law enforcement, Ulfric’s father included, be enough to push back the violent enemies ready to crush the dominion of humanity?

Laikin · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Mountain Path III

Somewhere on the Killers mountain range, Nespia, Therian Continent

"So I tend to be quite… Liberal about enemies and allies," Brick said. "Just because I want to kill you for money, doesn't necessarily mean you're my enemy, should the situation change. You get me?"

"Maybe from your point of view," Ingram said. "From mine, I want you dead."

"Why bring me with you?" Brick nervously chuckled. "And… Can that maybe wait until we manage to get through the warzone?"

"Sure. As for why, I'm not sure. I think it's funny to watch the tough guy become a little bitch the second he's in danger."


They were walking through another cave, this one filled with different bright blue crystals. They were spaced out strangely in a way that made it clear harvesters had been through. Here, they decided to take a breather, their voices echoing to exit at each end. Julie was crouched, examining a crystal, while the others had perched themselves on chair-shaped rocks. Outside, the sounds of war raged on; it seemed that neither side had gained significant ground just yet.

From Brick they'd managed to gain quite a few details about the war, in fact. It turned out that Rion was fighting for Nespia, while Larue fought for Alterion. Despite Rion's apparently harsh nature, it seemed she opted to side with the good guys in this instance. Of course, there was obviously the option that Nespia was the highest bidder, and Rion herself was impartial to the winner of the war. After all, regardless of who controls what, mercenary work is always needed.

Rion had briefed all of her troops that preparations were to be made for war only half a week prior. Participation was optional, but the price was high. Brick was operating away from the war because the university's price was higher. Additionally, Rion herself was to be fighting on the frontline, so it was unlikely that the war would last long at all unless Alterion pulled out something big as a counter. Judging by the fact that the front had spent a day in a deadlock, perhaps this had come true. 

Before he knew it, as Ingram and Brick idly chatted behind him, Ulfric had spaced out.

"These crystals can hold mana," Julie said. "Dunno what you'd use it for, but it might be worth it to carry them around."

"Is it really efficient to just carry around some random crystals?" Ulfric asked. Her words had shaken him out of a trance, and now he fished through his bag, chewing on a piece of jerky between words.

"Well, they don't seem to weigh much. Who knows? They could sell for a fortune when we get to Lancaster."

Brick's head perked up. "Money? In that case, I'll carry some."

"Real subtle," Ulfric murmured.

"Money? I'll take some too," Ingram said.

"For real…"

Just like that, at the prospect of money Ingram and Brick abandoned their posts and set to cutting gems. With a smile on his face, Ingram drew his sword and sliced to his heart's content. Ironically, though he hated mercenaries, he shared many qualities with them. Rashness, alcoholism, and a need for money. Perhaps it was seeing his own qualities in another that made him hate them so much. How deep, Ulfric thought. The pressure of being daddy's number one boy must have taken a toll on him psychologically, but Ulfric had never really given it a thought. After all, surely it couldn't compare to his own mental turmoil at that time.

He didn't mention anything, but they were right on the mark about the crystals. They seemed to be lesser mana crystals, used in the creation of lower tier magic items. Even though they were quite cheap, selling them in bulk would certainly net an impressive price in one of the bigger cities. In this abundance, a thousand union crowns would be his estimate for about a bag full of them. In which case, a thousand crowns to himself didn't sound like a bad deal. Whatever; he'd just let the lackeys do the work, seeing how his legs were still sore.

"Look at 'em," Julie spoke almost lovingly. "Moths to a flame."

Ulfric turned to her, a puzzled look on his face. "Are you manipulating my brother to do your bidding?"

"Oh sweet Ulfric." Julie chuckled. "You know, you and I have a very similar personality, I think. I'm sure when you find a girl, you'll do the same. Throw her a bone or whatever."

"You're a wicked woman, you know that?"

"Me? No, surely not. I'm just the quiet one in the corner. That's where you've got me beat." She picked a piece of jerky out of her tooth with a frustrated look. "Anyway. I take it you're not the business type?"

Ulfric's eyes turned upward in thought. "I'm sure I could do it if I wished. Money means nothing to me. I just want control."

"Mhm." Julie appeared nervous suddenly.

"Ok. I know that sounded a little bit bad."

"It's not that. I know what you mean. It's only natural for someone of your background to seek power." She frowned. "I was just thinking. The student council is really going to hate you."

"Eh? Aren't you on the council, though?"

"Sure I am. Though, this coming year it's likely I'll be replaced. The president can be kind of erratic… And none of them are fond of the people who speak up."

Ulfric understood exactly what she was trying to say, but wanted to force it out of her. "What does that mean to me?"

Julie gulped. "It means that if you go in there like your usual self, all-confident, you'll find yourself expelled pretty quickly once they've pulled a few strings. You'd do well to keep your mouth shut."

Ulfric was stunned. "The quiet Julie… Are you threatening me?"

"Hardly. I'm just worried. I know how hard you've worked for this. Don't go making enemies out of the people who can cut your school time short. That's all."

"Right." This was probably good advice. However, there was something about being looked down on that didn't sit right with Ulfric; this exact feeling was what fueled all of his hard work. "I'm sorry. I can't take that advice," he said. "If there's someone strong, I intend to beat him down and take the school in a chokehold."

"Is that so…"

"Yup, I can't fit any more," Ingram said loudly. Behind him, brick continued to stuff even more crystals in his bag. They looked like two little piggies who'd just stuffed their faces at a trough, cheeks puffed up and inflated with ugly smiles. Ingram stood up and did a little jig before dancing over to interrupt Ulfric and Julie. From his perspective, they looked to defy the mood. Julie appeared mortified after hearing what Ulfric had to say, while Ulfric had the same stern look as always.

"Something happen? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ingram looked around frantically, eyes wide in mockery.

"Funny. But no, probably worse." She grabbed Ulfric's head roughly and ruffled his hair. "Ulfric has just declared that he wants to fight the student council."

"Ah. So you've got a death wish," Ingram spoke immediately without missing a beat.

"Come on, not you too." Ulfric shook his head in denial. "It can't be that bad."

Ingram set a hand on Ulfric's shoulder. "Dear brother. Do you even know about these people? President Boneshaw eats people like you for breakfast. He's a monster."


"Cedrick Boneshaw…? The president? You don't even know his name?!"

"Well, why didn't you include any of this in our talk at the hotspring? Sounds kind of important," Ulfric said.

"Funny. Alright, sure. We've got time. I'll tell you about it." Ingram looked over his shoulder. "Brick? What's the status on those crystals?"

"Still plenty to go, boss. My bag's too big for its own good," Brick replied.

"You heard the man," Ingram nodded in approval. "Alright Ulfric, sit your ass down."

Ingram's explanation was somewhat long-winded and perhaps a bit too detailed. He explained about Cedrick Boneshaw first. As a special student, he was welcomed to the school simply for the purpose of magical research. A prodigy from no notable family, but apparently with power equal to or greater than even a first grade mage. Putting him in his place would be tricky, and it seemed to be something a few different people had tried before, Ingram included.

From there, he had an assistant called Pyrra Titus, who would likely defend any move he made. The other important members of the council were Luce Yellowstone, Drake Riven, and Holt Quora. They held the position of peacekeepers, responsible for dealing with trouble around the school. This obviously meant that the three mentioned could potentially be even stronger than Cedrick in Ulfric's eyes. It was a troubling situation. There were so many people to beat up that his head started spinning.

"Did you get all of that?" Ingram asked.

Ulfric was daydreaming. In his head, there was some stereotypically handsome man, and Ulfric was whaling on his face with bloodied fists. Around him the women screamed. Everyone loved him. He was famous. He was recognized. Yes, he swore to himself that he'd definitely beat the snot out of Cedrick Boneshaw no matter the cost. "Hmmmm?" He mumbled. "Oh, yeah. Yeah I got it."

"You don't… Feel the threat at all?"

"Am I supposed to?"

"You're hopeless." Ingram grumbled to himself.

"We just think differently, brother." Ulfric shrugged. "No matter how powerful he is, a knock to the head will still take him down, right?"

"But… You know what? Sure. Let's go with that."

It was a dense way of thinking, and Ulfric knew it. He knew just as well that there lay a little truth in his statement. With any opponent, all you needed was to find the vitals. That millisecond of weakness you could exploit. One could strike, and if you took it, you'd win. In this way, Cedrick Boneshaw was the same as any other opponent. He'd find that weakness, and he'd use that millisecond to the fullest; in this area, he had absolutely no doubt.

Julie had been listening silently. A smile crept across her face though, and she leaned forward to chime in. "I see your determination to this end remains unwavered, Ulfric."

"It does."

"Very well. If the time comes for you to fight Cedrick, I will aid."

"Julie, don't be stupid!" Ingram barked. She shot him a look, and he shut up. "Ulfric… I… I can't."

"Tell him, Ingram. He's not gonna bite you." 

Ulfric looked around curiously. Having just gained a confidant in the battle ahead, he wondered why it was that his own brother was hesitant to fight. Ingram nervously rubbed his face, twitching all over.

"This scar." He ran his hand along the scar from his neck to his cheek. "Cedrick gave it to me."

"All the more reason," Ulfric said without missing a beat. "You don't want to pay him back? Aren't you stronger now?"

"I can't compete with that guy. He's a monster." Ingram looked defeated.

"Wrong," Ulfric said casually. "Well, rather, if you keep telling yourself you can't compete, then you probably won't."

"Gee, thanks dad."

"Yeah, any time kiddo." Ulfric patted Ingram on the shoulder.

"No, seriously. I can't compete with that guy. You can't, she can't," he doubled down. "But… If I'm needed, I'll try my best."

"Thank you, Ingram. You too, Julie." Ulfric nodded to them both. "Gonna go help the slowpoke now." At that point, he moved on to check on Brick and speed up the process.

Cutting crystals, Ulfric daydreamed once more. Of course, Cedrick was not so powerful that he couldn't be overwhelmed with numbers like any man. He'd have to make friends willing to help him; surely at the school there would be plenty in supply. As for people willing to fight the student council, though, it would be hard. Ulfric would have to keep his head down until enough people could be gathered. He'd first start with the one called Maya Windermere Alterion.

Once Brick and Ulfric had finished packing the crystals, they reconvened in the center of the cave. Ingram explained some other odds and ends to Ulfric, but with that they were ready to go. The safety of the cave was enjoyed, as well as some idle conversation for the next few minutes while they regained their nerves. They knew that, likely, outside was a warzone beyond comparison. None wanted to proceed, and so they loitered for longer than planned, cowardly.

Ulfric, for one, was especially discouraged from proceeding. After a ten minute conversational beat down, wherein he'd had many questions about his own identity inside of his head. Would he truly be able to beat the upper echelon at Lancaster Academy? Hearing Ingram's explanation of Cedrick's feats, it seemed nigh unlikely. Nevertheless, hearing that a challenge was on the way, he couldn't help but be quite excited at the prospect of someone strong enough to scare even Ingram.

With this, it was Ulfric that pushed through and moved for the exit to the cave. From the darkness filled with mildly glowing crystals, the light appeared blinding from where he stood. It was only in stepping across the threshold that the world readjusted, and suddenly he was on another narrow path leading down the mountain. He stomped his feet and got a good foothold, then waved the group forward, boosting their own courage.

Here, with a slant downward, it was clear that one slip on a patch of black ice could be fatal if the protect spell wasn't prepared. The trail only grew more and more dangerous. It was clear now more than ever that they'd passed the final safe haven on the trail. Beyond, the flames and woes of war grew closer in the vibrant daylight. Ulfric breathed in and breathed out a cloud, then stepped forward once more, starting down the trail.

A sharp pain shot through his neck in that instant. Just like that he was down. The bottom half of Ulfric's body lost all feeling, and he dropped to the ground like a rock. A crossbow bolt stuck out of his neck, blood pooling beneath him quickly as he lost consciousness. At this rate, he'd be dead within the next ten seconds, with the bolt instantaneously severing his spinal cord. Someone had been waiting outside of the cave to ambush them. In an instant, Ulfric's bad premonition came true.

His vision went blurry. Before him, boots stepped forward, muddy and covered in blood. His head tilted upward, and there stood his father, smiling. Was this a smile of proudness? Or perhaps a smile at finally seeing a foul creation destroyed? In what would be his final moments, Ulfric Englund felt malice creeping through his veins. He wanted to scream, scream louder than he ever had, but his consciousness faded. Even so, green healing energy pooled all over his body.

"Ulfric!" Ingram turned around and deflected a bolt targeted at himself. Above them, three Nespian soldiers were poised to strike. Their black uniforms had different badges typical of higher ranking soldiers. Likely, they'd been ordered to kill anyone who didn't look like them, and were taking the back route to ambush the front. With Ulfric injured, even if there was a way to talk it out, Ingram wouldn't have it. He raised his hand and prepared an incantation.

Julie was quicker, raising her staff and ruthlessly firing one of the most powerful spells in her arsenal. A beam of light blinked through the air, clashing with a fireball shot by the opposition; the fireball was effortlessly overcome, and just like that, the enemies were obliterated by the beam of heaven which erased everything in its path. The mountain behind had a hole burned into it, a perfectly cylindrical hole with light at the other end, all the way through the mountain. Rocks tumbled down and blocked the entrance to the cave. The ground shook, and the mountain shook.

Ingram rushed to grab Ulfric's still body, tears in his eyes. They were all forced to look up in terror, though. Julie's choice of spell had shaken the mountain so heavily that it looked like there was an avalanche coming on. Ingram gritted his teeth, trying to lift Ulfric's muscly body to no avail. Panic raised through his legs and his body threatened to lock. Soon enough, Brick was at his side lifting. Together they picked up the body, draped lifelessly between them.

"Ulfric! Wake up!" Ingram cried.

"Shit," Brick said.

"Ingram! You've got to leave him! He'll be healed!" Julie yelled, teary eyed.

"I won't! Not like this!" His voice got caught in his throat. "Brother! Please don't leave me!" He heaved Ulfric's body and threw it upright against the side of the mountain, pinning him down. It was then that he frantically started to plead to Ulfric's closed eyes. "You can't just die here, you pathetic bastard!" Ingram's eyes grew blurrier as he spoke. "Get up, Ulfric! Come on!"

Brick grabbed Ingram's collar and jerked it back. "He's dead, kid. We've gotta go!"

"No! He's not! Ulfric would never!" Ingram tried to lurch forward again, and then it was both Brick and Julie holding him back. "No!" He cried. "Ulfric!"

"Ingram!" Julie raised her hand and slapped him across the face with all of her might, shaking him back to reality. "There's nothing we can do! He'll be healed by the spell!" She was crying too, but the avalanche grew ever closer, cascading down the mountain. "Let's go!" She yelled over the sound of tumbling snow.

Ingram frowned, saying nothing. He followed Julie as she ran, ran as fast as they all could. Slipping and sliding down the mountain, they knew there was no way to escape the snow. Down or up, they too were doomed. Eventually, Ingram and Julie gave up running and simply embraced each other. Brick looked back at his companions, but kept on, disappearing from sight. 

"I love you," Ingram said.

Julie blushed. "Come on. Don't give me that. We'll make it." She casted a shield spell around them both, a confident look on her face.

In an instant, the snow washed everything away.