
tales of the wizard god

Years after a great disaster Aincrad will again need the help of the legendary Mage God, but where he will be after all these centuries, follow the story of his descendants in search of our protagonist in the midst of a new magical war

DaoisthX · Fantasy
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32 Chs

First Contact

Westeros, known as the great capital of the human race, has grown to a level never imagined by those who survived the tragic battle.

In the center of this magnificent city is a gigantic structure that expresses luxury and above all the great power of those who inhabit it, several knights of the highest levels provide security, this is the home of the Crawford royal family.

In a beautiful garden a young woman in her 20s is reading a book with an ancient appearance with great interest, a young woman of extreme beauty and gentle features, after some reflections of what she read she frowns as if something does not fit .

This beautiful young woman is called Emmy, princess of the kingdom of Crawford and the youngest daughter of the King, a fourth-round magician at such a young age, she studies at the Crowler magic academy, where she seeks knowledge to increase her mana concert, being one of the strongest students in the academy and even being the king's daughter, she never stopped training hard and always aiming to reach her ancestor of which she always had the greatest admiration.

Watching her from an office a few floors up is her master Violette Crawford, one of the three great elders, a 7th-round magician, with a sweet look on her face for the young woman she saw growing up, who brings back old memories and fills her heart of pride.

Inside the office are the other two elders, Aldritc being the oldest and currently the most powerful in the entire human kingdom, and his younger brother Conrad who is Violette's husband, a meeting that happens rarely and at the request of King Dominic was requested in a rush.

Everyone is stern because the current news is not encouraging, ten days ago in the small village of windgold, on the border with the free lands of Alderlake, its entire population disappeared, something that in itself would be bad, more to aggravate the situation. situation, the scouts sent to investigate found traces of unknown magic.

After Aldritc's analysis, the worst result was found, this was demonic magic, something that the three elders would never forget.

"Dominic will send Dawson and a large squad to look for more traces across our border," said Aldritc.

"Rest assured, I will do this immediately and I will also impose total silence on this matter as it would only bring disorder if the possible return of the demons was spread" concluded the king.

Violette looks at the gifts and says calmly "Little Dom, we knew that day would come, after the death of Lady Charlotte and the disappearance of our lord, something like that would be inevitable, we need to speed up the training of children and all students in Institute, because depending on how this invasion occurs we may see another bloodbath "

The silent Conrad finally sighed and said wistfully, "Dominic it's time for us to try to join the Crowler alliance, if what I imagine is happening, this case here in our kingdom is not the only one, and they who have the true heirs of our sir, with their help we will be able to make more effective decisions, and also close ties to very severed ones "

Dominic looks out the window at the unperturbed girl "if what you say is really true, my little girl can help us a lot"

"Don't worry little Dom, Emmy is an incredible copy of Lady Charlotte, if our lord sees her, due to the great love he had for her, he will not refuse to have her as a disciple" said Violette.

"When you asked me to delete the images of our ancestor I was really worried, but after seeing the secret files I was really upset, how two people can look so much" sighed the king.

As soon as the King thought of something, a knock on the door caught his attention.

"Come in," said the king.

Upon opening the door a large man dressed in beautiful armor bows to those present, he is the captain of the royal army Dawson a holy knight, so he said:

"Elders, Your Majesty, is there anything I can serve?" said Dawson.

After thinking about some things the king decides so. "Dawson assemble a squad and do an investigation across our border, I want to know if something like what happened in wildgold hears it elsewhere, see if the magicians gather traces of the same magic, I need it to be done impeccably and as soon as have new information let me know "

"Rest assured, my king, I will do this in the best way possible," Dawson said.

"Very well, go ahead" concluded the king.

As soon as Dawson left, Aldritc defined the next step.

"Little Dom, send messengers to the two sons of our lord and ask them both to meet us at the old ruin of the Crowler alliance in a month from now," said Aldritc.

"Big brother is right, it is time for everyone who participated in the old war to get together" concluded Conrad.

So the next few days would bring a great storm of news reporting the human king's desire to meet with the ancient races and to know the real reason behind this invitation.